Examples of the the word, voltage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( voltage ), is the 5158 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Requires a very high voltage (typically 10-30 KV) for correct operation. This, voltage ,is not directly produced by the main power supply circuitry; instead the
  2. In the current produced by a coil in an electromagnetic microphone, or the, voltage ,produced by a condenser microphone. The voltage or the current is said to be an
  3. More diodes conduct. When compensated for temperature, the forward, voltage ,drop of a transistor's base-emitter junction can provide an usably-accurate
  4. Bias and gain of the final RF amplifier can be controlled by varying the, voltage ,of the control grid. This method requires little audio power, but special care
  5. Valve (tube) or semiconductor diode. This avoided the cost of a large high, voltage ,mains supply (50 or 60 Hz) transformer. This type of circuit was used for
  6. In practice, current was rarely used in electronic analog computers, because, voltage , is much easier to work with. Analog computers are especially well-suited to
  7. Of resistors and diodes to provide the nonlinearity. Typically, as the input, voltage ,increases, progressively more diodes conduct. When compensated for temperature
  8. Pointer-type meter for modest-accuracy voltage measurement. Stable, accurate, voltage , sources provide known magnitudes. Typical electronic analog computers contain
  9. Dictated by the power (watts) consumed by the system and the operating, voltage , For this reason the examples given below are grouped by voltage level.
  10. Sync pulse and the back porch. A sync separator circuit detects the sync, voltage ,levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical sync. (see section
  11. Migration speed and enables separation of smaller DNA molecules. The higher the, voltage , the faster the DNA moves. But voltage is limited by the fact that it heats the
  12. Class-D and class-E power amplifier stages modulated by varying the supply, voltage , Older designs for broadcast and amateur AM radio also generated AM by
  13. Of the secondary windings on the fly back transformer then feeds this brief high, voltage ,pulse to a Cock croft design voltage multiplier. This produces the required EAT
  14. Of smaller DNA molecules. The higher the voltage , the faster the DNA moves. But, voltage ,is limited by the fact that it heats the gel and ultimately causes it to melt.
  15. The operating voltage . For this reason the examples given below are grouped by, voltage ,level. Portable gadgets *Hearing aid (typically 1 mW at 1.4 V): 0.7 MA Motor
  16. Capacity but provides the best resolution for larger DNA. This means a lower, voltage ,and more time, but a better product. LB is relatively new and is ineffective in
  17. A usably-accurate logarithmic or exponential function. Op amps scale the output, voltage ,so that it is usable with the rest of the computer. Any physical process which
  18. Convey pressure information. Electrically, the property most commonly used is, voltage ,followed closely by frequency, current,and charge. Any information may be
  19. Power. * Having (Constant-Current) Modulation. The RF amplifier plate, voltage ,is fed through a“ choke” ( high value inductor). The AM modulation tube
  20. Ions). This creates a base negative charge on the anode. When a positive, voltage ,is applied to anode of the diode from the circuit, more holes are able to be
  21. Means close to nothing. It may mean that the ratio of the output, voltage ,of an electric circuit to the input voltage should be doubled. It may
  22. And the leading edge of the next line sync pulse. Its purpose was to allow, voltage ,levels to stabilize in older televisions, preventing interference between
  23. CPC664's integrated floppy disk drive requires an additional 12V voltage . This, voltage ,had to be separately supplied by an updated version of the bundled green
  24. Difficult to solve by traditional means. An electronic digital system uses two, voltage ,levels to represent binary numbers. In many cases, the binary numbers are
  25. The CPC464's cassette tape drive that could be powered off the main unit's 5V, voltage , the CPC664's integrated floppy disk drive requires an additional 12V voltage .
  26. Is likely to be a zero-center analog pointer-type meter for modest-accuracy, voltage ,measurement. Stable, accurate voltage sources provide known magnitudes. Typical
  27. Through). In the TV receiver, a sync separator circuit detects the sync, voltage ,levels and sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical sync. Loss of
  28. V key. Inserting a card into a slot that does not support the correct signaling, voltage ,may cause damage. There are some proprietary exceptions to this rule. For
  29. Designs used a separate line output transformer and a well insulated high, voltage ,multiplier unit. The high frequency (15 kHz or so) of the horizontal scanning
  30. An analog representation is usually a continuous, non-discrete,electrical; a, voltage ,level represents the air pressure waveform of the sound. Digital signals A
  31. However, the anode connection for a cathode-ray tube requires a very high, voltage ,(typically 10-30 KV) for correct operation. This voltage is not directly
  32. In either direction, depending on the polarity of the applied potential (i.e., voltage ,). Sacrificial anode In cathodic protection, a metal anode that is more
  33. Fragments larger than 5 KB; However, with its low conductivity, a much higher, voltage ,could be used (up to 35 V/cm),which means a shorter analysis time for
  34. Transformer then feeds this brief high voltage pulse to a Cock croft design, voltage ,multiplier. This produces the required EAT supply. A fly back converter is a
  35. Microphone, or the voltage produced by a condenser microphone. The, voltage ,or the current is said to be an" analog" of the sound. An analog signal has a
  36. a million digitally controlled external audio, lighting,automation, relay and, voltage ,control channels spread around a large theme park, for example. See Amiga
  37. Voltage, the CPC664's integrated floppy disk drive requires an additional 12V, voltage , This voltage had to be separately supplied by an updated version of the
  38. Metal cathode containing the element of interest and an anode. A high, voltage ,is applied across the anode and cathode, resulting in an ionization of the fill
  39. A Universal AGP card, or a Universal AGP Pro card. It is important to check, voltage ,compatibility as some cards incorrectly have dual notches and some motherboards
  40. The tank subcontractor, did not upgrade the thermostat to handle the higher, voltage , The temperature sensor could not read above the highest operational
  41. As the sound wave strikes the microphone's diaphragm, it moves and induces a, voltage ,change. The ultrasonic systems used in medical ultrasonography employ
  42. Mean that the ratio of the output voltage of an electric circuit to the input, voltage ,should be doubled. It may mean that the ratio of the output power of an
  43. The screen grid bias may be controlled through a“ clamp tube” that reduces, voltage ,according to the modulation signal. It is difficult to approach 100 %
  44. Pushed out through the negative contact and thus through the circuit by the, voltage ,potential as would be expected. Note: in a galvanic cell, contrary to what
  45. Derived directly from the mains supply. A simple circuit consisted of a series, voltage ,dropper resistance and a rectifier valve (tube) or semiconductor diode. This
  46. Glass container in which two electrodes are separated by a vacuum. When a, voltage ,is applied across the electrodes, cathode rays are generated, creating a
  47. Circuits can also easily perform a wide variety of simulations. For example, voltage ,can simulate water pressure and electric current can simulate rate of flow in
  48. Available with transistors. * Plate Modulation. In plate modulation, the plate, voltage ,of the RF amplifier is modulated with the audio signal. The audio power
  49. Modulated: amplitude modulation involves altering the amplitude of a sinusoidal, voltage ,waveform by the source information, frequency modulation changes the frequency.
  50. outside the U. S. The power supply was modified to accept the local, voltage , and in the European and Australian model the video output signal was changed

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