Examples of the the word, swear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swear ), is the 5164 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Her intentions to her Council and other peers who had come to Hatfield to, swear ,allegiance. The speech contains the first record of her adoption of the
  2. The Army, a process known as attestation. Those who believe in God, and wish to, swear ,by Him, use the following words: Others replace the words" swear by Almighty
  3. Did not take the step to in several words, such as great, break,steak, swear , and bear. The vowels mentioned in words like break or steak underwent the
  4. Castilian nobility led by El Cid and a dozen" oath-helpers" forced Alfonso to, swear ,publicly in front of Santa Gaea (Saint Agatha) Church in Burgos on holy
  5. Was sworn by Peter Labor to the affirmation of his fellow demonstrators:" We, swear ,by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our
  6. Person walked free if he could get a sufficient number of male relatives to, swear ,him guilty. (Compare the United Nations Security Council, in which the veto
  7. Sons. Once he traveled to Joshing together with his sons, and there had them, swear ,to cooperate and not to make war on each other. This turned out to be
  8. Or to take up arms for any reason),his sentence was doubled. The refusal to, swear ,oaths or take up arms came to be a much more important part of his public
  9. Brunhilde and the magic fire which only a fearless person can cross. They, swear ,blood-brotherhood (Hagen holds the drinking horn in which they mix their blood
  10. Short time at Fribourg in Switzerland, where he had to decide whether he would, swear ,a required oath of allegiance to the new regime. He refused to do this, and
  11. Or ideas. To alter the pronunciation or spelling of a taboo word (such as a, swear ,word) to form a euphemism is known as taboo deformation. There is an
  12. To the crown for the majority of colonists and it forced those who did not, swear ,allegiance, such as Puritans and independents, into exile in the Bahamas. In
  13. The goddess would be treacherous. She would take his manhood unless he had her, swear ,by the names of the gods that she would not. Odysseus followed Hermes's advice
  14. there's got to be a reason ... why I was chosen to be Elvis Presley. ... I, swear ,to God, no one knows how lonely I get. And how empty I really feel. "
  15. Be born who would rule all those around him. Hera, after requesting Zeus to, swear ,an oath to that effect, descended from Olympus to Argos and made the wife of
  16. You know, prayed all the time, took us to Mass. And my father would sometimes, swear ,in Gaelic. It doesn't get more religious than that. But, no,after a while
  17. To bother asking it to make the vow (alternatively, it seemed too young to, swear ,). When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a magical spear from
  18. Of Castile, it became customary for the king of Castile to visit Guernica and, swear ,an oath under the Tree promising to uphold the fuels or local laws of Biscay.
  19. Such as rebellion, census evasion to avoid paying taxes, and refusal to, swear ,lawful oaths. Offenders seen as obnoxious to the state (no xii) received the
  20. A new coronation oath, whereby the monarchs were to" solemnly promise and, swear ,to govern the people of this kingdom of England, and the dominions thereunto
  21. Due to the multiplicity of the Trinity),it is permissible for them to, swear ,in God's name, since they are referring to the one God. This theology is
  22. Labor's win was secure, Whitlam had the Governor-General, Sir Paul Has luck, swear ,him in as Prime Minister and Labor's deputy leader, Lance Barnard, as Deputy
  23. Shall unconditionally carry into effect all its orders and commands. I further, swear ,by my God, by my honor and by my life, that I shall keep within myself all the
  24. Oath from Peter Lalor's famous speech in 1854 under the flag he proclaimed: We, swear ,by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our
  25. In the Bomb Queen series. Events * 842 – Charles the Bald and Louis the German, swear ,the Oaths of Strasbourg in the French and German languages. *1014 – Pope
  26. Euphemism for profanity. In Ernest Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, swear ,words are replaced by the words" unprintable" and" obscenity ", even though
  27. Illness. Eventually the French authorities demanded that all former officials, swear ,allegiance or leave the country. As they refused to grant him a passport to
  28. Suffolk by Sir William Spring against Oxford in 1583. The Earl was forced to, swear ,before the Queen to pay the money. Meanwhile, the frays continued. Another of
  29. Were to come to the throne. They also point to the fact that the monarch must, swear ,to defend the faith and be a member of the Anglican Communion, but that a Roman
  30. The form that has been in use since that time –" I do sincerely promise and, swear ,that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty ..." In Islam
  31. Ever since Catholic Emancipation, members of parliament were required to, swear ,the oath" on the true faith of a Christian. " Rothschild, an unconverted Jew
  32. Manuela to suppress other claims and imprison those relatives who would not, swear ,loyalty to him. Within a few months, the new Amir had gained the allegiance of
  33. 1838. He could not regain his teaching positions, because he still refused to, swear ,an oath of allegiance. However, he desperately wanted to regain a formal
  34. S choice. In Wes Anderson's film Fantastic Mr. Fox, the replacement of, swear ,words by the word" cuss" became a humorous motif throughout the film. Death
  35. Deliberations to a nearby indoor real tennis court, where they proceeded to, swear ,the Tennis Court Oath (20 June 1789),under which they agreed not to separate
  36. Of free men (their number depending on the severity of the crime) prepared to, swear ,an oath on his innocence. Failing this, he could prove his innocence in a trial
  37. Cyprus, Germany,Afghanistan and many other places. All members of the Army, swear ,(or affirm) allegiance to the monarch as commander-in-chief. However, the Bill
  38. Then. New members swore" I (...),by entering into the society, do hereby, swear ,by the Sun which shine upon me, by the Earth which feeder me, by God, by the
  39. Unpopular. Mutiny On 1 January 69,two legions in Germania Superior refused to, swear ,loyalty to Gala. They toppled his statues, demanding that a new emperor be
  40. And wish to swear by Him, use the following words: Others replace the words ", swear ,by Almighty God" with" solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm ".
  41. Jewish; Bill Hayden is an avowed atheist, and he made an affirmation rather than, swear ,an oath at the beginning of his commission; the remaining Governors-General
  42. Opposition, he favored a compromise; at any rate he advised Hangar is 1054 to, swear ,to the formula presented to him. Nevertheless, Hangar considered him his
  43. Hierarchy as in later feudalism. Free men without landed property could, swear ,fealty to a man of property who as their lord would then be responsible for
  44. Real" takes. Kubrick used these takes in the final film, causing Scott to, swear ,never to work with Kubrick again. During the filming, Kubrick and Scott had
  45. That," fifty years ago there were many experts who would be lined up and, swear ,there was no link between smoking and bad health. " The UN has estimated that
  46. Which left Louis XVI as little more than a figurehead: he was forced to, swear ,an oath to the constitution, and a decree declared that retracting the oath
  47. Sentence was commuted to house arrest, on condition that he go to Florence to, swear ,that he would never enter the town again. Dante refused to go. His death
  48. The new Act of Supremacy became law on 8 May 1559. All public officials were to, swear ,an oath of loyalty to the monarch as the supreme governor or risk
  49. Instituted a hierarchical system of levels among his followers, and had them, swear ,an oath on his core tenets. Teachings Prefiguring science and ethics Epicurus
  50. That I shall at all times be prepared to bear for it any sacrifice. I further, swear ,by God, by my honor and by my life, that I shall unconditionally carry into

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