Examples of the the word, horrible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( horrible ), is the 5169 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Thinking it was another earthquake. Ever the naturalist, he described how its ", horrible ,noise resembled the roar of Niagara. " He noted that as the tornado retreated
  2. He punishes his guards for failure in their duties and the guards meet their, horrible ,ends at the hands of the sadistic Solo (Solo Young),Han's chief bodyguard.
  3. The general excitement of the public, writing that," Besides much that is, horrible , there is also much that is unexpectedly great and beautiful: the smooth
  4. Massacre of masses of the Jewish people in Europe ...: The facts are simple and, horrible ,as one. Over the last four years of the war we have lost millions of the best
  5. One of the most fertile times in German literature. Many writers reflected the, horrible ,experiences of the Thirty Years' War, in poetry and prose. Grimmelshausen's
  6. I have never seen anything like it. These are people who were disabled and in, horrible ,pain. Most were completely incapacitated. They go back to work, back to school
  7. Of Sparta after he was overthrown) and being a terrible enemy who would wreak, horrible ,vengeance on those who crossed him, as Augers, Neleus and London all found
  8. These cases have specifically stated that while these incidents were indeed, horrible , and had tremendous impacts on the communities affected by them, neither
  9. All that he encounters in his everyday life is suffused with a pervasive, even, horrible , taste—specifically, his freedom. The book takes the term from Friedrich
  10. Somebody comes in from the Orient with a new religion which hasn't got any of, horrible ,associations in our minds, all the words are new, all the rites are new, and
  11. Fans. Plot A Japanese fishing vessel is trying to find its way to shore in a, horrible ,storm while near an uninhabited island, when a giant monster appears and
  12. The glamorous circus performer Miss Whack away, now wife to Colonel Wretch and ", horrible ,welfare worker ". *Roland Milk: insipid poet (possible ancestor of Private Eye
  13. Very small quantity of this material much light can be created accompanied by a, horrible ,fracas. It is possible with it to destroy a town or an army ... In order to
  14. Visit the living during the night. Such visits are supposed to be universally, horrible ,events that often end in death for one or more of the living, which would then
  15. Used my resentment against Paul ... to create a song ... not a terrible vicious, horrible ,vendetta ... I used my resentment and withdrawing from Paul and The Beatles
  16. A tragic and truthful statement. And it made me feel, as you can imagine, just, horrible , Then they challenged me to quit smoking – because if I can quit smoking
  17. The king Cynics. Cynics' wife killed herself. The Argonauts realized their, horrible ,mistake when dawn came and held a funeral for him. Phineas and the Harpies Soon
  18. And duties that kept him from the work he loved; and like Niggle, Tolkien was a, horrible ,procrastinator. Tolkien himself might have disagreed with an allegorical
  19. The global market. West Germany gained legitimacy and respect, as it shed the, horrible ,reputation Germany had gained under the Nazis. West Germany played a central
  20. No one who was in Barcelona then, or for months later, will forget the, horrible ,atmosphere produced by fear, suspicion,hatred, censored newspapers, crammed
  21. Sickness.:" It is this villainous sea that troubles me! The MAL de MER – it is, horrible ,suffering! " It was during this time he met the Countess Vera Ossoff, a
  22. To animals refer to rewards it entails before or after death and to, horrible ,karmic consequences of violence. In particular, it is pointed out that he who
  23. Demons having a" most ugly shape, with long horns, staring eyes … with such, horrible ,deformity and deformity, that I wonder the poor women are not frightened
  24. Use of one part of speech for another" with gems... rich em blazed,"" grinned, horrible ," ( adjective used as adverb) " Heaven's azure" or" the vast of
  25. Is Jacques Othón, and Panel, along with Room and Narrow, witnesses his, horrible ,death. Panel is moved with compassion for the child, and he takes up the
  26. It is the French National Day.; fuel!:" What a pity! "; quell!: What a, horrible ,thing! (can be used sarcastically).; quell surprise!:" What a surprise! ";?
  27. Addiction. Sustained later said," The production (of So Far, So Good ...) was, horrible , mostly due to substances and the priorities we had or didn't have at the time
  28. He has often said" War is tragic ", echoing Blair's memorable quote," War is, horrible ,". Nonetheless, in November 2007 Brown was accused by some senior military
  29. About it, the more he feels like a Cos mist, because he feels that despite the, horrible ,possibility that humanity might ultimately be destroyed, perhaps inadvertently
  30. The legal phrase Decatur horrible , inter Christians non nominalism," the, horrible ,sin, not to be named amongst Christians" ). Housman in other art forms Music
  31. From the band. " I hated the song, there were some patterns that were just ..., horrible ," Ward said. " I nailed it in the end, but the reaction I got was the cold
  32. Often criticized by them. " Directorial, I think his pictures were the most, horrible ,things I've ever seen in my life," said director William Hellman. " But he
  33. G. Cent, meanwhile,the novel which Pirandello had been writing while in this, horrible ,situation (watching over his mentally ill wife at night after an entire day
  34. James Mac Gill of Nether Rankeillour. The 4th Duke of Norfolk described them as, horrible ,letters and diverse fond ballads, and sent copies to Elizabeth, saying that if
  35. From his mother's name, Laufey). The gods declare that Loki deserves a, horrible ,death if he cannot find a scheme that will cause the builder to forfeit his
  36. With the wooden cow and Pacific was impregnated by the bull, giving birth to a, horrible ,monster, again named Arteries, the Minotaur, half man half bull. Daedalus then
  37. Hope I was professional, I might not have been, actually. When I'm drunk I am, horrible , I am horrid," Ward said. " Alcohol was definitely one of the most damaging
  38. Or Decatur illus horrible , inter Christians non nominalism (that, horrible ,sin that among Christians is not to be named). Islam Light, or the sin of Lot
  39. Propaganda to believe that U. S. soldiers were barbarians who committed, horrible ,atrocities, killed their families and themselves to avoid capture. Some of them
  40. In 20th-century USSR. Of the famine in Povolzhie (1921–1922) he wrote:" That, horrible ,famine was up to cannibalism, up to consuming children by their own parents —
  41. Then set off a series of systematic suppression of them. It is reported that, horrible ,methods of torture were employed under Mao's direction. And given names such
  42. Religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy" is responsible for all the, horrible ,wars of the 20th century," that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were
  43. For My Lie. I got there after My Lie happened. So, in war, these sorts of, horrible ,things happen every now and again, but they are still to be deplored. " Powell
  44. Have carried an immense" tragic force ", but dismissed the full text as a ", horrible ,chaos. " The judgement of other early 20th century Oncologists was even less
  45. A Hopi snake dance in Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John, but also deplores the, horrible ,situation of Indian Reservations. Political imagery in The Wizard of Oz
  46. Magazine Archaeology, believing that Jones, as one editor said, was " a, horrible ,archaeologist but a great diplomat for archaeology," That same year Ford
  47. Must choose between the law and prosperity on the one hand, or,on the other, horrible ,punishments, the worst of which will be expulsion from the land. Chapter 27 is
  48. Succession to the throne in favor of the baby grand-duke Peter Petrovich. A, horrible ,reign of terror ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudora was
  49. In his second sermon. He argues that because a child's suffering is so, horrible ,and cannot easily be explained, it forces people into a crucial test of faith:
  50. The opportunity to answer Fox and condemn the new French Constitution and" the, horrible ,consequences flowing from the French idea of the rights of man ". Burke

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