Examples of the the word, theology , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Shaping of their worship. Anglican worship, however,is as diverse as Anglican, theology , A contemporary" low church" or Evangelical service may differ little from
  2. The mix. Churchman ship" Churchman ship" can be defined as the manifestation of, theology ,in the realms of liturgy, piety and, to some extent, spirituality. Anglican
  3. With" We believe ... ", which attempt to more or less define the fundamental, theology ,of a given religion, and especially in the Christian Church. Articles of the
  4. Conveyed by Scripture and the Book of Common Prayer, thus regarding prayer and, theology ,in a manner akin to that of the Apostolic Fathers. On the whole, Anglican
  5. Quran and Hadith thrived in such a scholarly atmosphere. Philosophy, Fiqh and, theology ,(Adam) were further developed, most noticeably by Avicenna and his opponents
  6. Organisation, seeking to make pacifism a clearly defined part of Anglican, theology , The group rapidly gained popularity amongst Anglican intellectuals, including
  7. That theology involves prayer and is concerned with ultimate issues, and that, theology ,is relevant to the social mission of the church. The 18th century saw the rise
  8. Not. '" This, and related statements, reflect the deep thread of international, theology ,running through Anglican social thought – a theology which sees God, nature
  9. Of the secular and the sacred in the make-up of the cosmos. Such, theology ,is informed by a traditional English spiritual ethos, rooted in Celtic
  10. And a Christian hope is granted to all. Paneloux's argument is based on the, theology ,of St. Augustine, on which he is an expert, and it is accepted as irrefutable
  11. Is solely God's to give through his unmerited grace. This belief follows the, theology ,of St. Paul: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not
  12. Reason and logic. Avicenna wrote a number of treatises dealing with Islamic, theology , These included treatises on the Islamic prophets, whom he viewed as" inspired
  13. Reform UK and the Diocese of Sydney. Eucharistic theology Anglican Eucharistic, theology ,is divergent in practice, reflecting the essential comprehensiveness of the
  14. Elements from the early Church Fathers, Catholicism,Protestantism, liberal, theology , and latitudinarian thought. Arguably, the most influential of the original
  15. Saint-Nicolas of Strasbourg. In 1900,with the completion of his licentiate in, theology , he was ordained as curate, and that year he witnessed the Oberammergau Passion
  16. Thread of international theology running through Anglican social thought – a, theology ,which sees God, nature,and humanity in dynamic interaction, and the
  17. As a via media or" middle path" of Western Christianity, Anglican sacramental, theology ,expresses elements in keeping with its status as being both a church in the
  18. Since reason could not run in opposition to God, reason must be compatible with, theology , This ran contrary to the commonly held Platonic belief that universals were
  19. He also studied piano at that time with Marie Jell. He completed his, theology ,degree in 1899 and published his PhD at the University of Tübingen in 1899.
  20. Services to even more theologically significant territory, such as sacramental, theology ,(see Anglican sacraments). While Anglo-Catholic practices, particularly
  21. Early Islamic philosophy and Islamic metaphysics, imbued as it is with Islamic, theology , distinguishes more clearly than Aristotelianism the difference between essence
  22. Reformed Arminian tradition, the Reformed Arminian faith, or Reformed Arminian, theology ,) is a school of soteriological thought within Protestant Christianity based on
  23. See the advocacy for these proposals as representing a breakdown of Christian, theology ,and commitment. The lack of social consensus among and within provinces of
  24. Church began to develop distinct religious traditions; assimilating some, theology ,of Reformed churches with the services in the Book of Common Prayer, under the
  25. Evangelicals associated with Reform UK and the Diocese of Sydney. Eucharistic, theology ,Anglican Eucharistic theology is divergent in practice, reflecting the
  26. Doctrine is neither established by a magisterium, nor derived from the, theology ,of an eponymous founder (such as Calvinism),nor summed up in a confession of
  27. Christian doctrines. Agnosticism should not, however,be confused with natural, theology , deism, pantheism,or other forms of theism. By way of clarification, Huxley
  28. Was a devout Muslim and sought to reconcile rational philosophy with Islamic, theology , His aim was to prove the existence of God and His creation of the world
  29. Jewish traditions in the Middle Ages, and it continues to influence Christian, theology , especially the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. His ethics, though
  30. Helped firmly define the centrality of the Trinity in Nicene Christian, theology , As the first major anti-Christian conflict after Christianity's legalization
  31. Use the term only with reservations. Definition Anglicanism, in its structures, theology ,and forms of worship, is commonly understood as a distinct Christian tradition
  32. Into angels. However, this is not in accordance with the orthodox Christian, theology , Christianity depicts a sharp distinction between angels, divine beings created
  33. Deny these claims. Within the broad scope of the history of Christian, theology , Arminianism is closely related to Calvinism (or Reformed theology ),and the
  34. And the saints governing a new earth. Schweitzer concludes that the 1st century, theology , originating in the lifetimes of those who first followed Jesus, is both
  35. Time was sanctioned by the church as a good method of exploring and developing, theology , Alchemy was interesting to the wide variety of churchmen because it offered a
  36. Treatises of In Sing influenced later Muslim thinkers in many areas including, theology , philology, mathematics,astronomy, physics,and music. In Sīnā's works
  37. Church. Many evangelical creeds will restate traditional Calvinist or Arminian, theology , such as belief in biblical inerrant and creation. Latter Day Saint movement
  38. And extended liturgical and pastoral practices similar to Roman Catholic, theology , This extends beyond the ceremony of High Church services to even more
  39. Greatly compromised by secular cultural standards and liberal approaches to, theology , Many Continuing Anglicans believe that the faith of some churches in communion
  40. A great and influential friendship was begun. From 1893 he studied Protestant, theology ,at the Kaiser Wilhelm University of Strasbourg. There he also received
  41. And the Southern Cone of America. Simultaneous with debates about social, theology ,and ethics, the Communion has debated prayer book revision and the acceptable
  42. Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic, theology , Most of the still extant works of Aristotle, as well as a great number of the
  43. Appealed to the Book of Common Prayer and its offshoots as a guide to Anglican, theology ,and practice. This had the effect of inculcating the principle of led Randi
  44. Ethics, and sanctification. Throughout the work, Hooker makes clear that, theology ,involves prayer and is concerned with ultimate issues, and that theology is
  45. Ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural, theology , ) would remain central to biological thought essentially until the 18th and
  46. Though books now considered deuterocanonical have been used in liturgy and, theology ,from the first century to the present. Christianity New Testament
  47. Missionary Society was not ready to accept his offer, considering his Lutheran, theology ,to be" incorrect ". He could easily have obtained a place in a German
  48. Higher education in many areas, from engineering and dentistry to language and, theology , Aarhus University has approximately 30,000 students at the university with
  49. Catholic tradition as well as a Reformed church. With respect to sacramental, theology ,the Catholic heritage is perhaps most strongly asserted in the importance
  50. Motorbike translated a number of them into Latin. When Thomas Aquinas wrote his, theology , working from Moerbeke's translations, the demand for Aristotle's writings

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