Examples of the the word, candle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( candle ), is the 5166 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Eating in 1847,followed in 1849 by the Cadbury brothers. Daniel Peter, a Swiss, candle ,maker, joined his father-in-law's chocolate business. In 1867,he began
  2. First cause argument. ) In else (essence) is more akin to the light from a, candle ,or the liquid in a vessel. George Hayward Joyce, SJ,explained that" ... where
  3. Churches read the Old Testament lessons before the procession of the Paschal, candle , and then read the gospel immediately after the Exulted. Some churches prefer
  4. The decision was promulgated by the CPM in 1946: The value of the new, candle ,is such that the brightness of the full radiator at the temperature of
  5. Wavelengths, also known as the luminous efficiency function). A common, candle ,emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one candela. If emission in
  6. On the following night a second light is placed to the left of the first, candle ,and so on, proceeding from right to left over the eight nights. On each night
  7. And then bin (). One should either feel a puff of air or see a flicker of the, candle ,flame with pin that one does not get with bin. In most dialects of English, the
  8. The candle is dependent on the candle 's continued existence, not only does a, candle ,produce light in a room in the first instance, but its continued presence is
  9. Wilson, Hubble identified Cepheid variables (a kind of star; see also standard, candle ,) in several spiral nebulae, including the Andromeda Nebula and Triangulum. His
  10. Then in Earth-gravity conditions due to the lack of buoyancy. For example,a, candle ,'s flame takes the shape of a sphere. Microgravity combustion research
  11. Name for this unit, the candela. In 1967 the 13th CGPM removed the term" new, candle ," and gave an amended version of the candela definition, specifying the
  12. Luminous intensity. The candela is sometimes still called by the old name, candle , such as in foot- candle and the modern definition of candle power. Explanation
  13. Holy water, and involves fasting, almsgiving,or an act as simple as lighting a, candle , burning incense, praying or asking God's blessing on food. Baptism is
  14. Of midnight. Then, a new flame is struck in the altar, or the priest lights his, candle ,from the perpetual lamp kept burning there, and he then lights candle s held by
  15. Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, a presence to which a red votive, candle ,or sanctuary lamp kept burning close to such a tabernacle draws attention.
  16. On down to one on the last night. Hillel argued in favor of starting with one, candle ,and lighting an additional one every night, up to eight on the eighth night.
  17. Often cover the inside structure completely. Icons are often illuminated by a, candle ,or oil lamp. (Beeswax for candle s and olive oil for lamps are preferred
  18. The U. S. anthracite has < 6 % volatile). Channel coal (sometimes called ", candle ,coal" ), is a variety of fine-grained, high-rank coal with significant
  19. International Commission on Illumination) and the CPM proposed a“ new, candle ,” based on the luminance of a Planck radiator (a black body) at the
  20. Of candle power. One candle power was the light produced by a pure spermatic, candle ,weighing one sixth of a pound and burning at a rate of 120 grains per hour.
  21. Cambridge Platonism, with its mystical understanding of reason as the ", candle ,of the Lord," and the Evangelical Revival, with its emphasis on the personal
  22. Of wavelengths present to get the total luminous intensity. Examples A common, candle ,emits light with roughly 1 CD luminous intensity. A 25 W compact fluorescent
  23. Maize, sweet potato and cassava, while the main cash crops are coffee, coconut, candle , nut and) from Flores was blended with other origins. Now, demand is growing
  24. Massacre, which was made at the end of 1912. This includes an Insert Shot of a, candle ,at a sick man's bedside guttering out to indicate his death. Yet another is in
  25. And a candle snuffed out — hence the idiom" to condemn with bell, book and, candle ,". Such ceremonies are not held today, but the effect is the same. Interdict is
  26. A vessel. George Hayward Joyce, SJ,explained that" ... where the light of the, candle ,is dependent on the candle 's continued existence, not only does a candle
  27. One candela in the directions that are not obscured. The word candela means, candle ,in Latin, as well as in many modern languages. Definition Like other SI base
  28. Often, the tree branches were tipped with artificial red berries which acted as, candle ,holders. Over the years, other styles of artificial Christmas trees have
  29. From a performance late one night, Reinhardt apparently knocked over a, candle ,on his way to bed. While his family and neighbors were quick to pull him to
  30. With the blessing of the Easter fire, the lighting of the large Paschal, candle ,(symbolic of the Risen Christ) and the chanting of the Exulted or Easter
  31. Between aspirated and aspirated sounds, one can put a hand or a lit, candle ,in front of one's mouth, and say pin () and then bin (). One should either
  32. SJ, explained that" ... where the light of the candle is dependent on the, candle ,'s continued existence, not only does a candle produce light in a room in the
  33. Music but stated," Lindsay Posner's efficient revival doesn't hold a, candle ,to the National Theatre 1992 version ". Did well at the box office, and the
  34. These were typically based on the brightness of the flame from a" standard, candle ," of defined composition, or the brightness of an incandescent filament of
  35. Combustion," That is, respiratory gas exchange is a combustion, like that of a, candle ,burning. Law and politics Lavoisier received a law degree and was admitted to
  36. Approximated by adopting the posture to whistle a very low note, or blow out a, candle , Is produced with the tongue as low and as far back in the mouth as possible.
  37. Their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe,a, candle ,or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from
  38. As they used up all the oxygen in the cell; sometimes the SS would light a, candle ,in the cell to use up the oxygen more quickly. Many were subjected to hanging
  39. Is separated from the nave by“ The Royal Gate ”. On each side of this gate are, candle ,stands (regalia) representing the pillars of fire that went before the Hebrew
  40. Churches the sacrament is reserved in a tabernacle or Aubrey with a lighted, candle ,or lamp nearby. Only a priest or a bishop may be the celebrant at the Eucharist
  41. Are lit depending on tradition. On the first night of Hanukkah one light (, candle , lamp, or electric) is lit on the right side of the Menorah, on the following
  42. On convection, as soot tends to rise to the top of a general flame, as in a, candle ,in normal gravity conditions, making it yellow. In microgravity or zero
  43. With the poker and shovel, taken from their humble cottage fire),the yule, candle ,is lighted, and;" High on the cheerful fire. Is blazing see nth' enormous
  44. Amount of silver - between 22.5 % in the base and 5.76 % in the pan below the, candle , The proportions of this mixture may suggest that the candle stick was made from
  45. Often placed on the floor below the tree to protect it by catching the dripping, candle ,wax, and also to collect any needles that fall. Even when dripless candle s
  46. S maintenance above, because here the First Cause is insufficient without the, candle ,'s or vessel's continued existence. Thus, Leibniz ' argument is in else, while
  47. From right to left over the eight nights. On each night, the leftmost, candle ,is lit first, and lighting proceeds from left to right. For the full text of
  48. Were later noticed occurring outside the laboratory (e.g., in normal, candle ,soot). By 1991,it was relatively easy to produce gram-sized samples of
  49. Bell was tolled (as for the dead),the Book of the Gospels was closed, and a, candle ,snuffed out — hence the idiom" to condemn with bell, book and candle ". Such
  50. Printer. They use solid sticks of CMYK-coloured ink, similar in consistency to, candle ,wax, which are melted and fed into a Piero crystal operated print-head. The

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