Examples of the the word, qualify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( qualify ), is the 2144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Teachings of Jesus, one important and influential strand of Christianity would, qualify ,this. St Thomas Aquinas in the Summat Theological, I: II Question 26,Article 4
  2. The Final Destination of Cheerleading and Dance. Every team that attends must, qualify ,and receive a bid at a partner company's competition. In May 2008,the NLCC
  3. France and throughout the world, Max Liner was a major comic feature and might, qualify ,as the first true film star. A popular trend during the 1920s and afterward was
  4. Examples to the class, along with other group activities about principles. To, qualify ,as a teacher of Alexander Technique, completion is required of at least 1600
  5. True cities can form. According to Var Gordon Child, for a settlement to, qualify ,as a city, it must have enough surplus of raw materials to support trade.
  6. AFL West Division. The Raiders beat the Chiefs 41-6 in a division playoff to, qualify ,for the AFL Championship Game. In 1969,the final year of the independent AFL
  7. Title is 2400. * FIDE Master (shortened as FM). The usual way for a player to, qualify ,for the FIDE Master title is by achieving a FIDE rating of 2300 or more. *
  8. Explain immortality, though such arguments are not falsifiable and thus do not, qualify , in Karl Popper's views, as science. Tart conducted research into out-of-body
  9. Politician who gave up his patrician status through adoption in order to, qualify ,for the office of tribune of the plebs. Claudius positioned himself as a
  10. And the remaining 5 percent is distributed to all qualify ing Alaskans. To, qualify ,for the Permanent Fund Dividend, one must have lived in the state for a minimum
  11. Winner, The Hurt Locker, was actually first released in 2008,but did not, qualify ,for the 2009 awards as it did not play its Oscar- qualify ing run in Los Angeles
  12. The symbol" •" is a general placeholder for a concretely given operation. To, qualify ,as an Abelian group, the set and operation, must satisfy five requirements
  13. Been defeated in a grand final, and between 1991 and 2009,never failed to, qualify ,for the finals. In 2010,Brisbane finished 10th in the NRL premiership, failing
  14. Experience of some sort to the player. Some serious games may even fail to, qualify ,as a video game in the traditional sense of the term. Also, educational
  15. Chinese people who arrived in the country after the end of apartheid do not, qualify , Other than by appearance,'Coloreds' can usually be distinguished from
  16. Phenomenology of the Mind, without feeling as if he were in a madhouse, would, qualify , as an inmate for Bedlam, I should be no less right. At first Fichte and
  17. Spaces. The set of open subsets needs to satisfy a few requirements in order to, qualify ,for a topological space. If they are satisfied, this set of subsets is called a
  18. Represents the greater deprivation. Cornwall is one of four UK areas that, qualify ,for poverty-related grants from the EU: it was granted Objective 1 status by
  19. Split within the movement was not initially intended to be permanent. Enough to, qualify ,for a televised party political broadcast. This featured chairman Tyndall
  20. Are meant to be used as a sort of operator that you go through in order to, qualify ,for these cheap calls. However, if the phone you are dialing these numbers from
  21. Then the individual qualifies for Chapter 7 relief. If a debtor does not, qualify ,for relief under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, either because of the Means
  22. For Philadelphia Phillies Neither Garciaparra, Schilling nor Martinez would, qualify ,to have their uniform number retired based on the above" 10 year" policy.
  23. One whose travels are unusual and often exotic, though not so unique as to, qualify ,as exploration. *One who takes part in a risky or speculative course of action
  24. Albanian has taken the old relative job and innovative used it exclusively to, qualify ,adjectives, much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to provide the
  25. 1 to midnight at the end of December 31,in Los Angeles County, California,to, qualify ,(except for the Best Foreign Language Film). For example, the 2010 Best
  26. Played well but struggled against smaller teams, although they did manage to, qualify ,for the UEFA Cup. Males left Florentina after only a season and was
  27. Off of Detroit Tigers pitcher Gary Glover in an 8–2 White Sox victory to, qualify ,the White Sox for a one-game playoff against the Minnesota Twins for the AL
  28. In an adverse way, denying employment opportunities to people who truly, qualify , or not making reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental
  29. Alpha Centauri AB or α CEN AB) whose combined visual magnitude of -0.27 would, qualify ,it as the third single the brightest star in the night sky after -0.72 magnitude
  30. Distressed individual debtors whose debts are primarily consumer debts to, qualify ,for relief under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. The" means test" is
  31. The College Cheerleading National Championship at Walt Disney World Resort. To, qualify ,for these events all teams must submit a video. All of these events air on ESPN
  32. In the subsequent cycle, the format was changed, with the champion having to, qualify , Karol refused to defend his title, and ceased to be FIDE World Champion after
  33. Slavic Prague in the third qualify ing round, but the club did not manage to, qualify ,to the knockout rounds and was successively eliminated from the 2008–09 UEFA
  34. For their first Eurovision, ABBA entered with" Ring Ring" but failed to, qualify ,as the 1973 Swedish entry; it came third in the preliminary round. Sting
  35. Batting average; currently, a player must have 3.1 PAs per game scheduled to, qualify ,for the batting title (for the 162-game schedule, that means 502 PAs). Also
  36. Related awards A separate prize for which any living author in the world may, qualify , the Man Booker International Prize, was inaugurated in 2005 and is awarded
  37. It never relinquished (a starting pitcher must pitch at least five innings to, qualify ,for a win) * Losses: charged to pitcher on losing team who was pitching when
  38. For WGA health benefits because he had failed to accumulate enough credits to, qualify , He was short by one, the one he failed to get for The Snake Pit. Upon hearing
  39. To advance, but they fell to Puerto Rico in their final match and failed to, qualify , Folklore In their folklore, we find the legends of Lang Bob Sufi, La Llorona
  40. Number of Chinese restaurants, appears to have only one whose cuisine would, qualify ,as Halal. Many Halal Chinese restaurants exist in New York City, owned by Hui
  41. The family. The ten years of service were intended to be mandatory in order to, qualify ,for political office, but in practice, the rule was not always rigidly applied.
  42. Charlton of the 1966 World Cup for which England, as hosts, had not needed to, qualify , A successful (though trophyless) season with Manchester United had seen him
  43. In a 1979 ruling, the Federal Trade Commission found that Amway does not, qualify ,as a pyramid scheme because distributors were not paid to recruit people and
  44. This was followed by an identical scoreline against France, allowing England to, qualify ,for the quarter-finals. England defeated Argentina 1–0 – the game was the only
  45. Side, it was a win or go home play-off against Paraguay, the winner would, qualify ,to the 1986 World Cup, the loser would be eliminated. In the first leg
  46. Companies are aware of coal deposits that have not been sufficiently drilled to, qualify ,as" proven ". However, some nations haven't updated their information and
  47. Polymer is PLA film under 20μm thick: films which are thicker than that do not, qualify ,as compostable, even though they are biodegradable. In Europe there is a home
  48. And Eugene Hernán. Under the U. S. definition, as of June 20, 2011,529 people, qualify ,as having reached space, above altitude. Of eight X-15 pilots who exceeded in
  49. And solicitor at the same time. It is not necessary to leave the bar to, qualify ,as a solicitor. Barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board, a division
  50. Interval for the games was 110 years, not 100,but his date actually did not, qualify ,under either reasoning. While others claim he was in Sinuses. Some implicate

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