Examples of the the word, shed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shed ), is the 4389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which were ultimately controlled by President Tubman. In the end this, shed ,an increasingly negative light, and cast a shadow on his notable successes as a
  2. Be puni shed for violating her property rights. He said that children would, shed ,their status as property when they became old enough to contract" to buy or
  3. Is no commonality between the Bible way, which is justification by faith in the, shed ,blood of Jesus Christ, and salvation by works, which the faithful, practicing
  4. Youth organization. Culture and sightseeing Theatre In 2008,a former good, shed ,by the main railway station of Babelsberg was converted into a theater by local
  5. Or curling. The soft undercoat thickens in winter or cold climates, but is, shed ,in hot weather to prevent overheating. In its texture and distribution over the
  6. Menstruation the cervix stretches open slightly to allow the endometrium to be, shed , This stretching is believed to be part of the cramping pain that many women
  7. Then the end of the 7th century. There are other early writers whose works can, shed ,light on Ælle's time, though they do not mention either him or his kingdom.
  8. Sought to redistribute cultivated lands equally. Today, the word has largely, shed ,this radical political meaning. Instead, agrarianism points to a collection of
  9. For purple mountain majesties: Above the fruited plain!: America! America!: God, shed ,His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining
  10. Time she appears in art," Jane Ellen Harrison had remarked," has completely, shed ,her animal form, has reduced the shapes she once wore of snake and bird to
  11. Bushbucks, kudus and elands. Unlike deer, which have branched antlers that they, shed ,annually, bongos and other antelopes have pointed horns that they keep
  12. Relationship with Moore. George Layer, who knew Lewis for 29 years, sought to, shed ,light on the relationship during the period of 14 years prior to Lewis's
  13. Take place at a very rapid rate. Cordite MD also had a property that it would, shed ,micro-dust particles of nitrocellulose and iron pyrite. While cordite
  14. Was the day of 14 July 1790. ... This latter-day cannot be blamed for having, shed ,a drop of blood, for having divided the country. It was the consecration of the
  15. Controlled by Tubman from his strong presidential position. In the end this, shed ,an increasingly negative light, and cast a shadow on his notable successes as a
  16. Of beads by raising every other thread and inserting strung beads in the, shed , the space between the lowered and raised threads. There are still a few Heddles
  17. Skyscraper – Slate – Slip form – Smith-Marcuse-Lowry House – Snout house – Snow, shed ,– Social condenser – Soffit – Soft landscape materials – Sondergotik – Sony
  18. S Law of Triviality (debates about expenses for a nuclear plant, a bicycle, shed , and refreshments),a note on why driving on the left side of the road (see
  19. And Papaveretum, a synthesized morphine derivative. After briefly occupying a, shed ,formerly used as a chicken hut, in autumn 1913 they built their first hospital
  20. Of atoms:" Observe what happens when sunbeams are admitted into a building and, shed ,light on its shadowy places. You will see a multitude of tiny particles
  21. Both to the Magnetic Text and the Septuagint Text. This discovery has, shed ,much light on the differences between the two versions; while it was previously
  22. To climb and hang onto surfaces. Most queens and male ants have wings; queens, shed ,the wings after the nuptial flight, leaving visible stubs, a distinguishing
  23. Mixture of matter and antimatter. The discovery of CP violation helped to, shed ,light on this problem by showing that this symmetry, originally thought to be
  24. Precedes Sagas ta admitted in May 1897:" After having sent 200,000 men and, shed ,so much blood, we don’t own more land on the island than what our soldiers are
  25. For example, anthrax can easily be controlled and even created in a garden, shed , Also, using microbial methods, bacteria can be suitably modified to be
  26. A number of important historical sites, artifacts and documents exist which, shed ,light on early board games. Some of these include: *Sent has been found in
  27. It is also helpful to have several layers of clothing, which can be, shed ,(and stored in the pack) or added as needed. In watery cave passages
  28. Probability, from functional analysis to number theory, etc. These connections, shed ,the boundaries between combinatorics and parts of mathematics and theoretical
  29. Thine alabaster cities gleam: Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God, shed ,His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining
  30. The segment tells the story of a family who chose a Benji because they do not, shed ,or slobber, but became frustrated with his aloofness and destructiveness. They
  31. Toward the back of the skull. All the teeth had saw-like edges. They were, shed ,easily, and were replaced continually, making them common fossils. (although
  32. Limestones in which all specimens of Archaeopteryx have been found have, shed ,light on an ancient Jurassic Bavaria strikingly different from the present day.
  33. Firstly, there were unusually high monsoon rains. Secondly, the Himalayas, shed ,off an equally unusually high amount of melt water that year. Thirdly, trees
  34. And the US; Polk insisted that Mexican soldiers had" invaded our territory and, shed ,the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil ". Lincoln demanded that Polk
  35. Civil rights movement, a new term was needed to break from the past and help, shed ,the reminders of legalized discrimination. In place of Negro, activists
  36. Sky, our hopes that fly, : Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God, shed ,His grace on thee, : 'Til selfish gain no longer stain, : The banner of the free.
  37. Death the mourning was so great that it was said," Even the statues of Cæsarea, shed ,tears" ( Mo'ed Satan 25b; Yer. Av. Sarah, iii.42c). Other Abbas There are
  38. The firing on Ft. Sumter showed he adhered to his vow not to be the first to, shed ,fraternal blood. But he also vowed not to surrender the forts. The only
  39. The wine was his blood. " This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is, shed ,for you. " (). Various forms of Protestantism, especially those of a Wesleyan
  40. The automatic mechanism with their" rituals" and that this experiment, shed ,light on human behavior: Modern behavioral psychologists have disputed Skinner
  41. Used for living or work space i.e. an attic converted into a play room or a, shed ,converted into a workshop, etc.). Portable a / c unit provide a cleaner looking
  42. Ritual accomplishment. Unlike some non-mammalian animals (such as lizards that, shed ,their tails, salamanders that can regrow many missing body parts, and hydras
  43. There is some evidence for cannibalism in Allosaurus, including Allosaurus, shed ,teeth found among rib fragments, possible tooth marks on a shoulder blade, and
  44. Of scrapings on sauropod bones fitting allosaur teeth well and the presence of, shed ,allosaur teeth with sauropod bones. However, as Gregory Paul noted in 1988
  45. Falls, and falling objects. Synthetic fibers and woolens, which dry quickly, shed ,water, and are warm when wet, are vastly preferred to cotton materials, which
  46. During October, temperatures usually fall below or and deciduous trees begin to, shed ,their leaves. By the end of November, temperatures usually range around the
  47. General like Silicon as a defender) and began a strict blockade. No blood was, shed ,this time; Alaric relied on hunger as his most powerful weapon. When the
  48. In his book Indoctrination and Self-deception, Roderick Hinder tries to, shed ,light on these tensions by contrasting them with impostors of authentic
  49. Lincoln demanded that Polk show Congress the exact spot on which blood had been, shed ,and prove that the spot was on American soil. Lincoln later regretted some of
  50. Similar stars. Photometric studies of its X-ray and UV emissions are hoped to, shed ,light on the large population of old M dwarfs in the galaxy. Such research has

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