Examples of the the word, prevail , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prevail ), is the 4183 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Law Brazilian law is based on Roman-Germanic traditions and civil law concepts, prevail ,over common law practice. Most of Brazilian law is codified, although
  2. Pay and receive wages. Some anarcho-capitalists prefer to see self-employment, prevail ,over wage labor. For example, David Friedman has expressed preference for a
  3. Should be possible for liquid water to exist and for Earth-like conditions to, prevail , Most of those planets are giant planets more similar to Jupiter than to Earth;
  4. Predominantly by Chinese people, such as Singapore. Although Confucian ideas, prevail ,in these areas, few people outside of academia identify themselves as Confucian
  5. Tolerance, justice,solidarity and equality between women and men, prevail , " In 2009 the Lisbon Treaty gave legal effect to the Charter of Fundamental
  6. And skills of the veteran United States Air Force pilots allowed them to, prevail , The world's navies also transitioned to jets during this period, despite the
  7. Other, even though it was established by the 17th century that equity should, prevail , A famous example is the fictional case of Jaundice and Jaundice in Bleak House
  8. Other hills of the city, sands (Goldshöfer Sand),gravel and residual rubble, prevail , The historic center of Allen and the other areas in the Kosher valley are
  9. In his original tract: He contended, however,that stationary conditions never, prevail ,in the real world. Changes in economic conditions are inevitable; and even if
  10. Came into conflict. When they did, he believed that ethics and agenda should, prevail , This view, together with Conservative Judaism's diversity of opinion
  11. The responsibility to protect Iraqis and to help them in time of crisis should, prevail ,and guide the Egyptian action in Iraq, despite the fact that the Iraqis do not
  12. Or parties when representing themselves) of the legal reasons why they should, prevail ,*Closing argument, in law, the concluding statement of each party's counsel
  13. Social theories such as Egalitarianism claim that social equality should, prevail , In some societies, including most developed countries, each individual's
  14. He fled the field as soon as he realized he did not have the time or the men to, prevail , retreating to the mountains of the Eifel to gather men, and train them. The
  15. On the end of the Santa Elena Peninsula west of Guayaquil. Arid conditions, prevail ,on the border with Peru south of the Gulf of Guayaquil. Separated from the
  16. Coastline of. The physical geography of Canada is widely varied. Boreal forests, prevail ,throughout the country, ice is prominent in northerly Arctic regions and
  17. Grant finally found a commander, General Philip Sheridan, aggressive enough to, prevail ,in the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Sheridan was initially repelled at the Battle
  18. Then would convince reasonable men of the importance of some of my remarks; and, prevail ,on them to weigh dispassionately the whole tenor of my observations. – I appeal
  19. And free Germany where the rule of law, not monarchical arbitrariness, would, prevail , In the era after the Congress of Vienna, which was influenced by Prince
  20. French deployment By contrast, the French were confident that they would, prevail ,and were eager to fight. The French believed they would triumph over the
  21. Prussians, British,and Spanish. At the end of 1793,the army began to, prevail ,and revolts were defeated with ease. The Ventôse Decrees (February–March 1794
  22. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can, prevail ,in exclusion of religious principle. " Washington's public political address
  23. Reasons to interpret his writing with caution. But other views have tended to, prevail , * With reference to Gibbon's comments, Joseph Barber Light foot (late 19th
  24. Of Illyricum. The death of Radius in May 408 caused milder counsel to, prevail ,in the western court, but Alaric, who had actually entered Virus, demanded in
  25. Chinese-Bajans have the surnames Chin, Chynn or Lee, although other surnames, prevail ,in certain areas of the island. # Lebanese and Syrians form the Arab community
  26. Odom failed). It is the Christian perspective that the spirit will ultimately, prevail ,in the resurrection of the dead (e.g. ) with the coming of a renewed heaven
  27. International repercussions. Others say the truth must be revealed. They, prevail ,and Gojira's origins are announced to the public. Ships are sent with depth
  28. Would lead to a" struggle for existence" where favorable variations could, prevail ,as others perished. Each generation, many offspring fail to survive to an age
  29. The possibility of another European war had been eliminated. Reasoning had to, prevail ,among member states. However, the CSC failed to achieve several fundamentals
  30. Ranging from the simple message that we should have faith that God will, prevail ,(symbolic interpretation),to complex end time scenarios (futurist
  31. Of the promise made by Jesus Christ that the" gates of hell" () would not, prevail ,against the Church, and his promise that he would be with the apostles to" the
  32. The Crimean Tatars played a decisive role — not allowing either side to, prevail , It was in their interests to keep both Ukraine and the Polish–Lithuanian
  33. Of these individual elements, at the end of which the kingdom of light will, prevail ,over darkness. Manicheanism inherits this dualistic mythology from Urbanist
  34. Munera: In times in which peace and peace relating to domestic affairs, prevail ,bloody demonstrations displease us. Therefore, we order that there may be no
  35. Those advocating independence for the former audience. The latter group was to, prevail ,following Venezuela's withdrawal from Gran Colombia at the very moment that an
  36. Her defeat at the Battle of Wailing Street. This era saw a Greco-Roman culture, prevail ,with the introduction of Roman law, Roman architecture, sewage systems, many
  37. Questioned the science behind Mulroney's claims. However, Mulroney was able, prevail , The product was the signing and ratification of the Air Quality Agreement of
  38. Obtained some advantage, then the weaker character can escape defeat or perhaps, prevail , Close ranks result in longer contests while greater difference between ranks
  39. Institutions and attitudes similar to those of medieval Europe are perceived to, prevail , Some historians and political theorists believe that the many ways the term
  40. Necessities, while leaving the body design to his son. Edsel also managed to, prevail ,over his father's initial objections in the inclusion of a sliding-shift
  41. Months. Secession sentiment was strong in Missouri and Maryland, but did not, prevail ,; Kentucky tried to be neutral. Troops headed south towards Washington, too
  42. Zones, are features of these orderly towns and cities. Muted colors, prevail , especially tones of yellow and gold. In urban areas, houses are built right up
  43. World-view, the kind of beliefs, and the social structure that would probably, prevail ,in a State which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state of 'cold
  44. Equivalent of 6⅛” × 9¼” is 234 × 156 mm. British conventions in this regard, prevail ,throughout the English-speaking world, except for the USA. The European book
  45. All human life must perish, were his principles universally and steadily to, prevail , " (Hume 1974:426) He concludes the volume by setting out the limits of
  46. Two trademark assists for Michael Owen and Peter Crouch, helping England to, prevail ,3–0. Beckham had assisted in three of England's four total goals in those two
  47. Fabrics, and the figures and patterns, knots and variety of fashions which now, prevail ,astonish even the most experienced travelers. Taste for fine material has since
  48. And Gustave, Martel fought a brilliant battle, but realized he could not, prevail ,because he was outnumbered so badly, and retreated. In fact, he fled the field
  49. Interceptor, but emerged as a versatile strike bomber nimble enough to, prevail ,in air combat, adopted by the U. S. Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Despite
  50. And 'fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there, prevail ,justice and faith in Allah '. Neither bin Laden nor al-Zawahiri possessed the

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