Examples of the the word, bend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bend ), is the 4187 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have a strong, medium-length neck (which is long enough for them to easily, bend ,to the ground to pick up a scent),with little folding in the skin but some
  2. Down on the string behind the nut. As well, the fretting hand can be used to ", bend ," a plucked or picked note up in pitch. To create the opposite effect, a " bend
  3. In Hard anger and the Angle- in Anglia all come from the same root meaning ", bend ,", but in different senses. In other words, the similarity of the names is
  4. With the backbone of the preceding turn - inside a helix, this forces a, bend ,of about 30° in the helix axis. Phase I corresponds to the small-deformation
  5. Of the Congo; and Lake Mai-Ndombe and Tomb (Macumba),within the great, bend ,of that river. All, except possibly Were, are more or less shallow, and Lake
  6. X/~ can be naturally identified with a torus: take a square piece of paper, bend ,and glue together the upper and lower edge to form a cylinder, then bend the
  7. Bend" a plucked or picked note up in pitch. To create the opposite effect, a ", bend ,down ", the string is pushed to a higher pitch before being plucked or picked
  8. Often chosen with regard to thermoregulation and safety. Many sleeping birds, bend ,their heads over their backs and tuck their bills in their back feathers
  9. Alternately protecting and exposing parts of the coastline. Where there is a, bend ,in the coastline, quite often a build up of eroded material occurs forming a
  10. Output. If this process further weakens the fuel bundles, they will eventually, bend ,far enough to touch the Casandra tube, allowing heat to be efficiently
  11. First shrink the real line to the open interval (-π, π ) on the x-axis; then, bend ,the ends of this interval upwards (in positive y-direction) and move them
  12. Paper, bend and glue together the upper and lower edge to form a cylinder, then, bend , the resulting cylinder to glue together its two open ends, resulting in a
  13. The flight of the dive, one of four positions is assumed: * straight – with no, bend ,at the knees or hips (the hardest of the three) * pike – with knees straight
  14. Directly uptown aligned approximately with the Commissioners' grid. Past the, bend ,are The Author and the First Baptist Church in the City of New York (1891)
  15. Chronicle by an author writing with the byline" T ", that reads:" In a small, bend ,of the Great Miami River, with canals on the east and south, it can be fairly
  16. The design, coupled with low or dropped handlebars, requires the rider to, bend ,forward more, utilizing stronger muscles (particularly the gluteus maximus)
  17. University near Washington Square Park, which is at the foot of Fifth Avenue. A, bend ,in front of Grace Church allegedly avoids an earlier tavern; from 10th Street
  18. A terrifying hail of arrow shot ". However, they had to lower their visors and, bend ,their heads to avoid being shot in the face (the eye and airholes in their
  19. Include still life and pastoral landscape. A particular work of art may, bend ,or combine genres, but each genre has a recognizable group of conventions
  20. Of a crystal. In such a case, the adjacent planes are not straight, but instead, bend ,around the edge of the terminating plane so that the crystal structure is
  21. Continental Divide at Snow Dome (also known as Dome),near the northernmost, bend ,of the Columbia River. To the southeast, in western Wyoming, another divide
  22. Component along the magnetic field line, the Lorentz force constrain them to, bend ,and move along spirals around the field lines at the cyclotron frequency. If
  23. To the flow in river channels on land. Specifically as flow moves around a, bend ,it spirals in the opposite direction in the deep sea compared to the spiral to
  24. Electron beams passing through it, causing color purity distortion as the beams, bend ,through the mask holes and hit some phosphors of a color other than that which
  25. To the top of the head. The body is open, but most fighters who use this style, bend ,and lean to protect the body, but while upright and unaltered the body is there
  26. The structure of the neck vertebrae would not have permitted the neck to, bend ,far upwards, and that sauropods like Apatosaurus were adapted to low browsing
  27. Performed by the Buddha to demonstrate that, if need be, a Buddhist can, bend ,the rules in times of emergency or inconvenience. Obstinately observing
  28. A fluke—are horizontal and move up and down, because Cetacea spines, bend ,in the same manner as a human spine. Taxonomy The order Cetacea contains about
  29. Modern Anah lies from west to east on the right bank along a, bend ,of the river just before it turns south towards Hit, and presents an attractive
  30. Positions. In the transition between two positions the diver may for example, bend ,their legs or curve at the waist, and points will not be deducted for doing so.
  31. Tendon area. Causes To deliberately produce the clicking sounds, many people, bend ,their fingers into unusual positions. These positions are usually ones that
  32. Over-estimated. In most cells, the cell wall is flexible, meaning that it will, bend ,rather than holding a fixed shape, but has considerable tensile strength. The
  33. The arms are reached to the side, and the legs are brought straight out with a, bend ,in the hips. * tuck – body folded up in a tight ball, hands holding the shins
  34. The Aquitaine region. It is around southwest of Paris. The city is built on a, bend ,of the river Argonne, and is divided into two parts: the right bank to the east
  35. That is too strong, whether alternating or constant, may mechanically deform, bend ,the shadow mask, causing a permanent color distortion on the display which
  36. This causes the pulleys to pull the cables, which in turn causes the limbs to, bend ,and thus store energy. Other types of compound bows use either (one or both)
  37. Plants wilt, so that the stems and leaves begin to droop, or in seaweeds that, bend ,in water currents. As John Howland states it: The rigidity of the cell wall
  38. Or hips (the hardest of the three) * pike – with knees straight but a tight, bend ,at the hips (the median in difficulty of the three. ) The open pike is a
  39. Diminutive Carry could just manage to stand up in the place, but guests had to, bend ,or crouch. Carry also took to carrying a loaded pistol. In response to a
  40. Where they are mechanically unstable, their horizontal layout means they will, bend ,under gravity, shifting the layout of the bundles and reducing the efficiency
  41. Of a mass deforms spacetime in such a way that the paths taken by particles, bend ,towards the mass. At the event horizon of a black hole, this deformation
  42. A device connected externally needs additional cable length to form a U-shaped, bend ,so that the external device may be placed alongside, or on top of the computer
  43. The south failed under Butler, who was trapped inside the Bermuda Hundred river, bend , Grant was tenacious and, despite astonishing losses (over 65,000 casualties
  44. From the Greek, kirkos" a circle," from the base KER- which means to turn or, bend , The origins of the words" circus" and" circuit" are closely related. The
  45. Of a freely moving body traveling from one point to another will therefore, bend ,the opposite way, clockwise,which is conventionally labeled as" right,"
  46. Colony, situated about 7 miles from the Amerasian Gulf in Greece, on a, bend ,of the navigable river Arachnids (or Acanthus),in the midst of a fertile
  47. To the plane individuated by the velocity and the magnetic field. This force, bend ,the path of the particle. In general, since particles have also a velocity
  48. One of its electrons. The electric charge causes the trajectory of an atom to, bend ,when it passes through a magnetic field. The radius by which the trajectory of
  49. Granny or one of her kin feel lonely for the hills, banker Drysdale would, bend ,over backwards to placate the offended subject. Drysdale went so far as to
  50. The Columbia in the Tri-Cities population center. The Columbia makes a sharp, bend ,to the west at the Washington–Oregon border. The river defines that border for

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