Examples of the the word, xp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( xp ), is the 4185 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are different. Over an affine base such as Spec A, it is the spectrum of Ax/ (, xp , ). * The automorphism group of the affine line is isomorphic to the semidirect
  2. X and y are members of a commutative ring of characteristic p, then (x + y)p =, xp , + YP. In this case, the " mistake" actually gives the correct result, due to p
  3. Spanned by 1,x, and d/DX acting on the p-dimensional vector space km/ (, xp , ),which has no eigenvectors. Taking the semidirect product of this
  4. K there is a unique element g of Gal (K/Q) satisfying the condition g (x) =, xp , ( mod P) for all integers x of K. Varying P over p changes g into a conjugate
  5. Divide any of the numerators of the Bernoulli numbers B2,B4,...,Bp−3 then, xp , + YP + up 0 has no solutions in non-zero integers. Prime numbers with this
  6. Horn. The boot screen also is same of Windows XP, but has" LH" replacing ", xp ,". The" LH" represents" Longhorn" the code name of Windows Vista Build 5048
  7. The realizations of the aspirated stops, consonant clusters are SP, šp, xp , st, št, xt, sc, šc, xc, sk, šk. Its addition, there is a cluster commonly
  8. The Hamiltonian H is actually some quantization of the classical Hamiltonian, xp , where p is the canonical momentum associated with x. The simplest Hermitian
  9. External Links * http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi? Book gene, xp , GeneReviews/NIH/NCBI/UW entry on Bioderma Pigments Toughest Cowboy is an
  10. Of R which satisfy the equation XP = x. These are all the roots of the equation, xp ,- x, and since this equation has degree p, there are at most p roots. These are
  11. Tan \theta - \franc - y (2d) (Algebra) Let p = \tan \theta: 0 = \franc p^2 +, xp ,- \franc - y (2e) (Substitution): p = (2f) (Quadratic formula): p =
  12. Order p. That is, there is x in G so that p is the lowest non-zero number with, xp , = e, where e is the identity element. The theorem is related to Lagrange's
  13. Of additive polynomials is generated as an algebra over L by the polynomial τ, xp , The multiplication in the ring of additive polynomials is given by composition
  14. Momentum associated with x. The simplest Hermitian operator corresponding to, xp , is: H \tfrac1 (XP+PX) - i \left (x \franc + \frac1 \right). This refinement
  15. Of magical items around a system of e xp erience e xp enditure (known as burning, xp , ) and also uses a system of feat selection which closely matches the advantages
  16. Market: http://www.itpipes.com I. T. pipes http://www.cuesinc.com/ Cues Granite, xp , Data use Depending mostly upon the change in conditions from a previous
  17. Price that a product commands in the market if it is supplied at the rate x, xp , ( x) is the revenue obtained from selling the product, C (x) is the cost of
  18. System of coordinates x1,..., xn-p,y1,..., yp in which: θ = x1 dy1 + ... +, xp , dyp + DSP+1. In particular, suppose that ω is a symplectic 2-form on an n 2 m
  19. Angle. Hyperbolic logarithm Students of integral calculus know that f (x),XP, has an algebraic antiderivative except in the case p −1 corresponding to the
  20. Be isometrically embedded in the space \math with coordinates (x1,..., xp , t1,..., tq+1) and the pseudometric: ds^2 = \sum_up DX_i^2 - \sum_^ DT_j^2 as
  21. Of separative work units needed, given by the e xp ression WSU WV (PW) + PV (, xp , ) - FM (of),where V (x) is the" value function," defined as V (x) (1
  22. If we allow the initial terms to share a prime factor p (e.g., set a1,XP, and a2 YP for some x and y both greater than 1),due to the distributive
  23. Law F (x, y ) x + y + XY has height 1,as its PTH power map is (1 + x)p − 1,XP, *The formal group law of an elliptic curve has height either one or two
  24. Number not exceeding 31. Let p be prime, and let x, y,z be integers such that, xp , + YP + up = 0. Assume that p does not divide the product XYZ. Then, p² must
  25. By Dietrich in 1909:: Let p be prime, and let x, y,z be integers such that, xp , + YP + up = 0. Furthermore, assume that p does not divide the product XYZ. Then
  26. S little theorem below). Furthermore, the map: f: F → F defined by: f (x) =, xp , is bijective and a homomorphism, and is therefore an automorphism on the field
  27. X and y are members of a commutative ring of characteristic p, then (x + y)p =, xp , + YP. This can be seen by examining the prime factors of the binomial
  28. Xn+1,in) + d (in, xn) ≤ 2−n−1 + 2−n ≤ 2−n+1. It follows for n ≤ p < q: d (, xp , HQ) ≤ d (XP, xp +1) + ... + d (xq−1,HQ) ≤ 2−p+1 + ... + 2−q+2 ≤ 2−n+2.
  29. Of 0 together with the p − 1st roots of 1: in other words, the p roots of:, xp , − x = 0. These Weissmuller representatives can be identified with the elements
  30. Law is the unique (1-dimensional) formal group law F such that e (x) = PX +, xp , is an endomorphic of F, in other words: e (F (x, y )) = F (e (x),e (y
  31. The Fresenius map fixes all the elements of R which satisfy the equation, xp , = x. These are all the roots of the equation XP - x, and since this equation
  32. E to be any power series such that e (x) PX + higher-degree terms and e (x),XP, mod p. All the group laws for different choices of e satisfying these
  33. P, q ) of N. This can be accomplished using the following procedure: #Compute, xp , x mod p, xq x mod q. #If x_PA \equiv 1\mod and x_QC \equiv 1\mod, then x is a
  34. S theorem is a statement about the divisibility of solutions to the equation, xp , + YP = up of Fermat's Last Theorem. Specifically, Sophie German proved that
  35. X and y in R – the" freshman's dream" holds for power p. The map: f (x) =, xp , then defines a ring homomorphism: R → R. It is called the Fresenius
  36. Sqrtp, \zeta_p) is normal of degree p (p − 1). It is a splitting field of, xp , − 2. Here \zeta_p denotes any PTH primitive root of unity. Other properties Let
  37. In separating a mass F of feed of assay of into a mass P of product assay, xp , and waste of mass W and assay PW is e xp ressed in terms of the number of
  38. Remarque SUR l’impossibility de satisfied en hombres enters an l’equation, xp , + YP up, around 40 digits long. Sophie did not publish this work. Her brilliant
  39. 0. If a commutative ring R has prime characteristic p, then we have (x + y)p =, xp , + YP for all elements x and y in R – the" freshman's dream" holds for power
  40. Yn, xn) ≤ 2−n−1 + 2−n ≤ 2−n+1. It follows for n ≤ p < q: d (XP, xq) ≤ d (, xp , XP+1) + ... + d (xq−1,HQ) ≤ 2−p+1 + ... + 2−q+2 ≤ 2−n+2. Therefore, ( in)
  41. Pairwise relatively prime positive integers then the link of the singularity, xp , + HQ + Zr = 0 (in other words, the intersection of a small 5-sphere around 0
  42. System of coordinates x1,..., xn-p,y1,..., yp in which: θ = x1 dy1 + ... +, xp , dyp. If, on the other hand, : θ ∧ (do)p ≠ 0 everywhere, then there is a local
  43. The goal that must be completed. Each Objective gives E xp erience points (, xp , ) upon completion. During Game play you earn the e xp erience and unlock new
  44. Around Weston * http://www.carterjonas.co.uk/buy/residential/search.aspx#?, xp ,50000000&q YO60%207NE&pt buying 0&c new%2Csld&np 0&id null 0≻=0 Property
  45. Between about 0.5 and 0.8. The fractional overshoot OS is: OS = \franc, where,XP, is the amplitude of the first peak of the step response and of is the settling
  46. Main window, user can execute applications from a graphic and winnable menu, xp , style. This menu can open it by clicking on Suite icon in System tray. The
  47. Lame outlined a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem based on factoring the equation, xp , + YP = up in complex numbers, specifically the cyclotomic field based on the
  48. Field, but will usually not be (absolutely) additive. Examples The polynomial, xp , is additive. Indeed, for any a and b in the algebraic closure of k one has by
  49. See modular arithmetic). Indeed, consider the additive polynomials ax and, xp , for a coefficient an in k. For them to commute under composition, we must have:
  50. Be an odd prime. If there exists an auxiliary prime P = 2Np + 1 such that: #if, xp , + YP + up = 0 (mod P) then P divides XYZ, and #p is not a PTH power residue (

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