Examples of the the word, indigenous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indigenous ), is the 4188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the contemporary world, including globalization, medicine and biotechnology, indigenous ,rights, virtual communities, and the anthropology of industrialized societies.
  2. In them. These projects are part of a vision to protect and restore the, indigenous ,biodiversity. Niger Since 1975,Niger has celebrated Arbor
  3. Are Roman Catholic,38 %, or Protestant,15 %. 46.8 % of Angolans practice, indigenous ,beliefs. Education Portuguese is the official language of Angola, but Bantu and
  4. Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict, who each produced richly detailed studies of, indigenous ,North American cultures. They provided a wealth of details used to attack the
  5. Spoken word pieces and elements of punk, hip hop, rock,funk, jazz,and, indigenous ,music, among others. The artists are Cheek" DJ Bean" ( turntables, samples
  6. Languages at home. A total of 5.2 % of Alaskans speak one of the state's 22, indigenous , languages,known locally as" native languages ". These languages belong to two
  7. People and contemplated the responsibility of the Japanese nation to the, indigenous ,people within its borders. The decision included broad fact-finding that
  8. The, also called Ainu, Aino (アイノ),and in historical texts Ego (蝦夷),are, indigenous ,people or groups in Japan and Russia. Historically they spoke the Ainu language
  9. Relative (in one way or another) to the Swiss schwyzerörgeli, as both are, indigenous ,to and very rare outside of Switzerland. Manufacturing process The best
  10. Names make it evident that the American broccoli, carrot,and onion are not, indigenous ,to China and therefore are less common in the cuisines of China. Since tomatoes
  11. Ethnic groups plus Portuguese due to its being a former Portuguese colony. The, indigenous ,languages with the largest usage are Ubuntu, Kimbundu, and Kimono, in that
  12. Cat, a large feline that has been purported to appear in regions outside its, indigenous ,range * American-born Chinese, people of Chinese ethnicity born in the USA *
  13. Of the festivities were celebration. Because of its importance as a symbol of, indigenous ,culture, and because it is very palatable, easy to cook, and its protein
  14. Are Cheek" DJ Bean" ( turntables, samples and percussion),AOL (vocals, indigenous ,percussion),Joe" Peps" ( bass, rattles ), Alonzo Beat (guitars, synth )
  15. While simultaneously promoting tourism. Demographics For information on the, indigenous ,languages, see Andaman languages The population of the Andaman's was 356,000
  16. Bloodshed. A combination of violence and disease epidemics caused the, indigenous ,Algerian population to decline by nearly one-third from 1830 to 1872. Between
  17. To Haplogroup C3,which is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup among the, indigenous ,populations of the Russian Far East and Mongolia. Some researchers have
  18. Stays on the ground almost the entire year. History Alaska natives Numerous, indigenous ,peoples occupied Alaska for thousands of years before the arrival of European
  19. And poor of the south often ate a similar diet, which consisted of many of the, indigenous ,New World crops. Salted or smoked pork often supplement the vegetable diet.
  20. Babylonia by the general populace. It also remained the spoken tongue of the, indigenous ,Assyrian/Babylonian citizens of all Mesopotamia under Persian, Greek and Roman
  21. S Republic of China Historical Project 640 Project 640 had been the PRC's, indigenous ,effort to develop ABM capability. The Academy of Anti-Ballistic Missile &
  22. Former food gathering and planned agricultural landscape occupied by the, indigenous ,peoples who survived the arrival of European diseases. There is ample evidence
  23. Crop, was also domesticated in the Andes. A minor center of domestication,the, indigenous ,people of the Eastern U. S. appear to have domesticated numerous crops.
  24. S-300PMU-2/S-300PMU-1 series of terminal ABM-capable SAM's. China produces the, indigenous ,HQ-9 SAM system possessing possible terminal ABM capabilities respectively. PRC
  25. Of Arabization and Clarification, and the region saw a large influx of non, indigenous ,Arabs, Kurds,and later Turkic peoples. However, a percentage of the indigenous
  26. Travelling overland to South Africa. There was an immediate crisis because the, indigenous ,African population lacked the skills and knowledge needed to run the country
  27. A fertile area, and the Namibians were known for their fine cavalry. The, indigenous ,peoples of northern Africa are a distinct native population, the Berbers. After
  28. Joe" Peps" ( bass, rattles ), Alonzo Beat (guitars, synth ), Caxo (drums, indigenous ,percussion),and Bulldog (vocals, flute ). Aztlan Underground appeared on
  29. In mythology. Animism is particularly widely found in the religions of, indigenous ,peoples, including Shinto, and some forms of Hinduism, Buddhism,Pantheism
  30. Possible. In doing so, he fought discrimination against immigrants, blacks,and, indigenous ,peoples of the Americas. Many American anthropologists adopted his agenda for
  31. Of the native foodstuff of the colonies, the French had no such disdain for the, indigenous ,foodstuffs. In fact, they had a vast appreciation for the native ingredients
  32. Idea Femur, professor at Karen University in Tokyo and a specialist in, indigenous ,peoples' rights, commented that the motion is" weak in the sense of
  33. South America. Nothoscordum ranges from Argentina to Canada. Gallium is, indigenous ,to most of North America, Eurasia,and North Africa. Allioideae is divided into
  34. In Meghalaya, India. Mt DNA Haplogroup G has been found most frequently among, indigenous ,populations of easternmost Siberia, but it is also common among some
  35. Potato" used in the United States),Chile, guava,tobacco and cotton. The, indigenous ,West Indians made excellent sea-going vessels which they used to sail the
  36. The Japanese Diet calling upon the government to recognize the Ainu people as, indigenous ,to Japan and urge an end to discrimination against the group. The resolution
  37. Anglia, particularly Norfolk, known as 'clay lump. Adobe had been in use by, indigenous ,peoples of the Americas in the Southwestern United States, Mesoamerica,and the
  38. Black and purple. " ... Turquoise was chosen because the greenish-blue stone is, indigenous ,to Arizona, copper because Arizona is one of the nation's top copper-producing
  39. Automatic Japanese citizenship, effectively denying them the status of an, indigenous ,group. The Ainu were becoming increasingly marginalized on their own land—over
  40. Islamic period until the 14th century when Tamerlane conducted a massacre of, indigenous ,Assyrian Christians. After that there are no traces of a settlement in the
  41. Trees, one common and one rare, are highlighted to increase public awareness of, indigenous ,trees, while various" greening" activities are undertaken by schools
  42. Is also famous for its pears. Another renowned natural product of Ankara is its, indigenous ,type of honey (Ankara Ball) which is known for its light color and is mostly
  43. The younger activists who are" much more informed, among other elements, by, indigenous , feminist, ecological and cultural-critical ideas ", and who by the turn of the
  44. Against the group. The resolution recognized the Ainu people as" an, indigenous ,people with a distinct language, religion and culture" and rescinds the law
  45. Indigenous Arabs, Kurds,and later Turkic peoples. However, a percentage of the, indigenous ,Assyrian population (known as Asturian by the Arabs) resisted this process
  46. People that live in the Andaman Islands, a small minority of about 1,000 are, indigenous ,Advises of the Andaman's. The rest are mainly divided between Bengali, Hindi
  47. Decision marked the first time Japanese case law acknowledged the Ainu as an, indigenous ,people and contemplated the responsibility of the Japanese nation to the
  48. This unique sound is the backdrop for the band's message of dignity for, indigenous ,people, all of humanity, and Earth. Aztlan Underground has been cultivating a
  49. Some regions of. Besides North America, ASL is also used, sometimes alongside, indigenous ,sign languages, in the Philippines, Malaysia,Singapore, the Dominican Republic
  50. It has been proposed as an inexpensive native crop that could be cultivated by, indigenous ,people in rural areas for several reasons: # It is easily harvested. # It is

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