Examples of the the word, added , in a Sentence Context

The word ( added ), is the 4189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Defined an 'effective mathematical method' in the following manner (boldface, added ,)::" 'Effective method' is used here in the rather special sense of a method
  2. Increased, local representatives to the North-West Legislative Assembly were, added , After a long campaign for autonomy, in 1905 the district of Alberta was
  3. Appended to it and" No animal shall sleep in a bed" with" with sheets ", added ,to it). The changed commandments are as follows, with the changes bolded: # No
  4. For astronomical calculations. Since 2008-12-31 when the last leap second was, added , TAI has been exactly 34 seconds ahead of UTC. This is still true as of
  5. Is generally composed without case distinctions in mind, and the proper cases, added ,after the fact, when necessary. (Because most case endings are noted using
  6. Set a stylistic template that later shoo artists tended to follow. Coloring is, added ,to give eyes, particularly to the cornea, some depth. The depth is accomplished
  7. Then drawings. Flip books are not always separate books, but may appear as an, added ,feature in ordinary books or magazines, often in the page corners. Software
  8. Cluster, but -ten- needs to be broken up). **Or, a short vowel is never, added , but consonants like r l m n occurring between two other consonants will be
  9. Shows equivalence point when the equivalent number of moles of a base have been, added ,to an acid. It is often wrongly assumed that neutralization should result in a
  10. In 1996 while the Browns were reactivated in 1999. The Houston Texans were then, added ,to the league in 2002,joining the AFC. Since 2001,the AFC has sent either the
  11. Into three groups, Cushitic,Semitic, and Chadic-Berber-Egyptian. He later, added ,Semitic and Beja to Chadic-Berber-Egyptian and tentatively proposed Angola as a
  12. Earlier alchemists, including experimental science, numerology,etc., but he, added ,magic theory, which reinforced the idea of alchemy as an occultist belief. In
  13. A highly elastic material called Septum, with bits of steel wool mixed in for, added ,strength. Other technical features reveal a shaft driven behind the mask at the
  14. Used and refined by the alchemists. He took Abelard's methods of analysis and, added ,the use of observations, experimentation,and conclusions in making scientific
  15. In addition, the asteroids rotated, a new enemy dubbed a killer satellite was, added ,to the game, and would break apart into two smaller ships that homed on the
  16. The second and third or the first and second consonants. **Or, a short vowel is, added ,only if an otherwise unpronounceable sequence occurs, typically due to a
  17. If the word occurs at the beginning of an utterance, a glottal stop is, added ,onto the beginning,e.g. " The house is ... ". Stress Word stress is not
  18. Final endings are also applied when a critic object or possessive suffix is, added ,(e.g. " Us/our" ). If this produces a sequence of three consonants, then one
  19. Exposure, allowing a more sensitive image to be created because the light is, added ,over time. Before CDs, photographic plates were a common method of observation
  20. That the rules for dropping final vowels apply even when a critic suffix is, added , Basically, short-vowel case and mood endings are never pronounced, and certain
  21. Ordered for more convenient sorting (i.e., alphabetization ) of lists, and, added , features for devices other than teleprinters. ASCII includes definitions for
  22. In a separate macro-family, which he called Eurasiatic, and to which he, added ,Christian, Gilyak, Korean,Japanese-Ryukyuan, Eskimo–Aleut, and Ainu. * Most
  23. A much more complex model which satisfies AFC (ZF with the negation of AC, added ,as axiom) and thus showing that AFC is consistent. Together these results
  24. Instead. (It also retains a number of other archaisms. ) However, it has also, added ,in front of words for which no initial consonant (except in some cases, as
  25. Teams originally played in the AFL, while three others were NFL teams that were, added ,to the AFC to equalize the number of franchises, and another three are more
  26. Including case endings) occur when a critic object or possessive suffix is, added ,(e.g. " Us/our" ). Informal short pronunciation This is the pronunciation
  27. Well, Delman modified a Lunar Lander circuit board for Ed Long. More memory was, added , as was the circuitry for the many sounds in the game. That original Asteroids
  28. And so has been expanded to 58 with the Khulna letters (letters with a dot, added ,) to represent sounds from Persian and English. The largest known ahead is
  29. At the next meeting they attended. For example, John Wentworth of New Hampshire, added ,his name on August 8. John Penn was the first of North Carolina's delegates to
  30. And Turkic, Mongolic,and Tunguska as" Altaic ", with Korean sometimes, added ,to Altaic, and less often Japanese. For much of the 19th and early 20th
  31. Inhibitor). Sometimes a significant amount of alcohol (up to 27 % vol) is, added , as a carrier for the flavor, to provide" bite ". Because of the alcohol
  32. And to all of those, I would like to say,'Thank you very much. '" Aldrin, added ,:" This has been far more than three men on a mission to the Moon; more, still
  33. The States' Electoral votes were decisive: Lincoln had 180 and his opponents, added ,together had only 123. There were fusion tickets in which all of Lincoln's
  34. Would accomplish coating. This first correction burn was only 2.4 seconds and, added ,about velocity prograde (in the direction of travel). The Apollo 8 crew and
  35. Republic of West Florida for a short time (90 days); annexed by the U. S. and, added ,to the Territory of Orleans (1810); and, finally, added to the Mississippi
  36. Cement, rebar or wooden posts. Experience has shown straw, cement,or manure, added ,to a standard adobe mixture can all produce a stronger, more crack-resistant
  37. Proceedings. In some cases, an introductory clause, called a preamble, is, added , attesting that the affine personally appeared before the authenticating
  38. Allowing the brick to dry evenly. Dung offers the same advantage and is also, added ,to repel insects. The mixture is roughly half sand (50 %),one-third clay (
  39. Was given to engineer Howard Delmar, who refined it, productized it, and then, added ,additional features for Atari's first vector game, Lunar Lander. When it was
  40. By the U. S. and added to the Territory of Orleans (1810); and, finally, added , to the Mississippi Territory in 1812. Throughout these later developments
  41. Military installations, primarily those of the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force, added ,to state jobs. Alabama is unofficially nicknamed the Yellowhammer State, after
  42. Expanded edition of The World as Will and Representation (1856),Schopenhauer, added ,an appendix to his chapter on the" Metaphysics of Sexual Love ". He also wrote
  43. Head. Sometimes specific body parts, like legs, are shortened or elongated for, added ,emphasis. Most super deformed characters are two to four heads tall. Some anime
  44. Intrigued by its defense budget of $4.90,wrote a song" Andorra ". Pete Seeger, added ,verses, and sang" Andorra" on his 1962 album" The Bitter and the Sweet. ".
  45. Native colloquial variety: **A short vowel (e.g. -i- or -ǝ-) is consistently, added , either between the second and third or the first and second consonants. **Or
  46. As in my philosophizing I have certainly not been under its influence emphasis, added , For up till 1818,when my work appeared, there was to be found in Europe only
  47. Habitually using to spell. However, in vocalized spelling, a small diacritic is, added ,on top of the to indicate the pronunciation. One exception may be in the
  48. Restored by architect Mizar Sinan in the 16th century, with Utah tiles being, added ,in the 18th century. The mosque was built in honor of Hack Bay ram Veil, whose
  49. Or finally),it is often shortened to a single consonant rather than a vowel, added , (But note that Moroccan Arabic never shortens doubled consonants or inserts
  50. As a rule of thumb, the boiling point rises 20 - 30 °C for each carbon, added ,to the chain; this rule applies to other homologous series. The melting points

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