Examples of the the word, dont , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dont ), is the 4184 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Une diva Sarah Menard par aux-mêmes: one monologue pouffe (1976) *Un pays, dont , la devise est JE m'Kublai: theater (1976) *Les faux brilliants de
  2. Listening to Taro for a while, Mr. Brown often appends" o" to the words that, dont , end with an" o ", after which he immediately corrects himself. In another
  3. La description de 2337 genres et d'environ 4000 species,112 blanches, dont , les figures ONT etc detainees par l'auteur, popularising the Russian
  4. To waste, shoot this @#! * % in his face. How you call your self Ferrari you, dont , ride like me in the hood every day ready to die like me. "" 50 you had a gun i
  5. And personal space. Stan sell said," I can get over just about anything, but I, dont , know about Ingrid. Forgive? Yes. Move on? Yes. Respect? No. " Marc Gonçalves
  6. Pouffe (The Grande Pouffe or Blow-Out,1973) * C'est pas tout à wait la vie, dont , j'avail Eve (2005 - directed) * The Dust of Time (" Mia aioniotita Kai MIA
  7. There was nothing else they could do. A family will never have peace if they, dont , have a good stove ". (Her, Martin,Wolf 1978,131-133). Her, Martin,Wolf
  8. Songs and the ones coming next: These are all me. Love them, or hate them, but,don't, mistake them for anything other than an entirely personal
  9. Les devices de la chair (Ed. Christian Bourgeois, Paris ). **La Villa, dont , le prince Étaín one princess (Ed. Christian Bourgeois, Paris ). ** Breviary
  10. J'ai troupe LE document Que j'ai de begin. (J'ai troupe LE document, dont , j'ai begin. ) I found / I've found the document I need. *# JE comp rends
  11. Back to this country ". Beryl, with a typical northern response replied" Why, dont , you piss off you horrible little man? ".
  12. What the pertinent operational pattern was. Running the operation: do's and, dont , 's The following principles apply to the handling of all double agent
  13. Look of longing. This look of anticipation. The very thought fills me up. I, dont , need any food and drink at all. Let me go. " He takes his mace and off he goes.
  14. Beauty is born. " Maud Gone hated this poem. She wrote to Yeats" No I, dont , like your poem, it isn't worthy of you & above all it isn't worthy of its
  15. Naturelle, civile et political DES Gallstones antipodes de la nation Francoise, dont , ils Trent Lear origin. Of l'on développé la Renaissance, les progress, les
  16. The full codes. When stone questions what to do with the codes, Magnus says" I, dont , want you to do anything but follow your inner voice ", prompting that there is
  17. Cycle racing, Water Rafting and Horse racing. However, most of these sports, dont , have international representatives but instead stay at a junior or national
  18. J'ai un Enfant à m'occupier. (Standard French: s'occupier de; J'ai un Enfant, dont , je does m'occupier. ) I have a child (I need) to take care of. ** Le Monde est
  19. Sociale) * LVII. Longtime since (Plane MER — Plan Cain) * LIX. Ô Died, dont , l'sure VA plus loin Que note Eve External links
  20. August,1857. * Arrondissement general d'Angers. Refutation DES critiques, dont , le project de Grande enhance a etc l'object,1858. * Response à one note de M.
  21. One of which was released on Yukmouth's Lord of War mixtape titled" I, dont , miss my dawgs ". Yuk mouth revealed many new details about the Numskull beef and
  22. Epilogue, very different from what came before. Contents * XXIII. Ô Died, dont , l'sure VA plus loin Que note Eve Collected edition In September 1883
  23. On Two or Three books No One Has Ever Talked About (SUR DEU of trios lives, dont , personne n’a Jamie pale),text read on May 2,1974,for a radio program on
  24. 1765. * Reprinted with a new title: La pirouette, ou Sans Fran, histoire, dont , le hero fut l'consequence meme,1770. Online texts * http://gallica.bnf.fr/
  25. Said:" Mon but principal est de me render recommendable pa rune nauseate, dont , personne né s'est arise, ou peut-être n'a etc capable; c'est cell de Bain
  26. Of Quebec,« IL n’y a DE salt hours de la Marine de SES doyens linguistics, dont , le Français common constitute l’armature essentially et efficacy. » Syntactic
  27. These rodents have the Cricetidae tooth, hence the name: crickets hamster +, dont , tooth. The presence of these fossils in Eurasia is parsimonious, because most
  28. Malay directed and starred in a 1997 television movie adaption of La Villa, dont , le prince est un Enfant. Illustrated Works Some works of Henry de Montherlant
  29. Jean Struck printed (anonymously) Conjectures SUR LES memoirs origin aux, dont , il parfait Que Moist s'est serve pour composer LE live de la Genes ("
  30. They stated" While we appreciate all the kind comments and excitement, we,don't, plan on doing any more shows or tours. I never want to make anything too final
  31. Work, the Traits d'economic political of simple exposition de la manner, dont , se ferment, se distributed et see component LES recesses. In 1804,having shown
  32. Par Ellesmere, partie pa rune personnel de SA reconnaissance, dans LES Traits, dont , on void LE tiltre à la page private. Amsterdam: J. Viewers & P. Parents,1683.
  33. Which were really excited about and think you'll be very happy with as well. I, dont , want to give too much away, but it's shaping up to be a very" live" record. "
  34. The topic of texting has spurred several articles with the" do's and, dont , 's " regarding the new form of communication. One example from the site is: "
  35. Kira, Kira: Here is my answer true: I'm full crazy: All for the love of you: I, dont , want to be a carriage: I just want normal marriage: ´Cause I love you: So i'll
  36. On March 6 that he was given a" Thematic Apperception Test. " As he says," I, dont , know the first 2 words, but I know what test means. You got to pass it or you
  37. Accept these new forms (actually going so far as to say in his sleep" no, I,don't, want to change" ). He is the first of the group to be thrown into Tartarus. *.
  38. Of the connecting system used by some modern wooden track producers. The tracks, dont , use rails as such but rather grooves set apart a certain distance. The same "
  39. Contemporaries, who made much use of his melodies. (The melody of" L'amours, dont , sui esprit" is used in Carmine Purana, for the song" Procuring Odium" ). His
  40. Venus Estes #Au travail sews (attain: possibly by Barbing ant) #Baisiés may, dont , fort #D'sung culture Amer #Fors element contra #Fors element l'attended #Il né
  41. I am not really stuck here, i just, dont , realize it) * Menace (
  42. History de la reconverted faith en France de matters semblable à cells, dont , la porcelain de la Chine est composed (1765) * Memoirs SUR differences
  43. Possibly apocryphal); # De less Mon gets = Voles oi rune chanson); # ET, dont , revenes-vous; # Gentile patron; # J'a un son SUR la port; # JE sews Amie d'UN
  44. S tweets saying" All I am is nice about you so if you want to be mean i, dont , feel anything. I have too much to feel dear. " Since April 2010,he has been
  45. Lang en-us&id 1&content 21&main 18" do's &, dont , 's " informational campaign of the Street Parade. In particular, the message "
  46. I can see under your quiet look -- immense twisting and contending -- you, dont , know what you are reading -- you are enduring sic for me more than I'd have
  47. Love with the shepherd, Aristée (Aristae),who lives next door (" La lemme, dont , le four Eve" ), and Offer is in love with Chloe, a shepherdess. When Offer
  48. Ends mean that the insert will agitate its own way out during the wash, so you, dont , need to manually remove it before washing. A pocket diaper must be washed after
  49. Des elements constitution Du text, suivi d‘un Essie de restitution DES texts, dont , s'est servile denier redacted (Paris,1884) Hugh Lawson Shearer, ON,OJ
  50. Rather than written: *Don't count your chickens will do it for you. (", dont , count your chickens before they hatch" /" don't count, your chickens will …

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