Examples of the the word, presumably , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The War of the Austrian Succession, The City Church’s tower collapsed in 1765, presumably , because statics was not taken into account well enough at the reconstruction
  2. Was far from obvious from the chemistry at that time. The conventional symbol Z, presumably ,comes from the German word (atomic number). Chemical properties Each element
  3. Saints who had died emerged from their tombs and went into" the holy city ", presumably ,New Jerusalem. No other New Testament account includes this event. The Last Day
  4. Historic scene. Close to the railway bridge, three lanes continue eastwards, presumably ,once the route of the original High Street before the arrival of the railway.
  5. Was a chapel-of-ease of Ho fen, but had a chapel, St. Stephen, which was built, presumably ,in 1353 and extended in 1832. In 1834,a proper parish was established, which
  6. Suggest a role for cytotoxicity and more controversially, oxidative stress, presumably ,secondary to mitochondrial dysfunction. Death by apoptosis has also been
  7. And according to Josephus, Alexander was shown the book of Daniel's prophecy, presumably ,chapter 8,where a mighty Greek king would subdue and conquer the Persian
  8. 378),in effect writing a continuation of the history of Tacitus. He, presumably ,completed the work before 391,since at 22.16.12 he praises the Serapeum in
  9. In C major written without a" Gloria" and in the antique a cappella style (, presumably ,for one of the church’s penitential seasons) and dated 2 August 1767. A
  10. Had one breast removed to solve this problem. Roger Assam mentions one archer, presumably ,with an unusual shooting style, who wore a leather guard for his face. The
  11. Uncertain. The fact that such large asteroids as Sylvia can be rubble piles, presumably ,due to disruptive impacts, has important consequences for the formation of the
  12. Within sponges, worm tubes and under the carapaces of bivalved arthropods, presumably ,in order to hide from predators or strong storm currents; or maybe whilst
  13. Such a function exists for pairs of socks, because left, and right socks are (, presumably ,) indistinguishable from each other. " Tarsi tried to publish his theorem the
  14. It uncorrected, thereby giving the benefit of the slight predictive bias to the, presumably ,disadvantaged group. Pointing out that" many of Jensen's opponents allowed
  15. Some for the Triumphs of Maximilian, where he followed the overall style, presumably ,set by Hans Burglary, although he was able to escape somewhat from this in his
  16. Ahmad in Maya Al-Baladhuri (d.892) quoting a folk story that the town was, presumably ,founded by one" Abbey bin Roslyn from the Arabian Tribe of Band Tamil, who
  17. The original computation. *However, improving part B by a factor of five, which, presumably , requires more effort, will only achieve an overall speedup factor of 1.25
  18. Habit or custom, which human nature forces us to take seriously. This is also, presumably , the" principle" that organizes the connections between ideas. Indeed, one of
  19. Area that the Necronomicon calls" Rob el Chalice" or" Rob el Khalid" —, presumably ,a reference to the Empty Quarter or" Rub all Kali ". At the center of the area
  20. SA'ad in Tail: :Brother: Mu'tax ( presumably the middle): :Brother: Tail (, presumably ,the youngest): :Brother: Quash in Than: :Himself: AIQ ( presumably the
  21. As in the Chinese and Japanese models, the beads of Roman model run in grooves, presumably ,making arithmetic calculations much slower. Another possible source of the
  22. Marrows indicates that these stories also take place before Roger Across, and, presumably , Poirot closed his agency once he had completed them. There is specific mention
  23. Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich (14 January 1850 – 14 November 1908),had (, presumably ,illegitimate) issue * Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrina (17 October 1853 – 20
  24. Had small holes which were blocked with clay plugs near the end of the process, presumably ,to maximize zinc absorption in the final stages. Triangular crucibles were then
  25. Of words. Vowels It is not clear whether, were monophthongize as shown here (, presumably ,) or diphthongs (); the evidence is equivocal. In any case, however,they only
  26. Seasons) and dated 2 August 1767. A complete opera composed in 1769 (, presumably ,as a culminating study) La Vestal (" The Vestal Virgin" ) has also been
  27. Second run of the film and is missing from most online versions of the film (, presumably ,taken from first run prints. ) These are the second and third of three
  28. And for the machine to not look like" a pregnant calculator" – in reference, presumably ,to the Sinclair ZX81 and ZX Spectrum with their low cost, membrane-type
  29. This mixture determines the element's atomic weight. The conventional symbol Z, presumably ,comes from the German word (atomic number). History Loosely speaking, the
  30. Star. Babylonian astrology associated the planet Venus with Ishtar. This, presumably ,follows a yet earlier Sumerian tradition identifying Ivanna with the planet
  31. Of Timur Shah, who deposed Sultan Ali Shah. He was himself later deposed, and, presumably , killed in 1823. The loss of Kashmir during his reign opened a new chapter in
  32. Findings date back some 1,300 years to Viking times. The city itself is, presumably ,older than 770 AD, making Aarhus the oldest big city in Scandinavia. The
  33. Contain circular DNA and are similar in structure to Cyanobacteria, presumably ,representing reduced cyanobacterial endosymbiosis. The exact nature of the
  34. Clearly, the European pillar is the Rock of Gibraltar; the African pillar was, presumably ,either Monte Macho in Ceuta or Rebel Must in Morocco. The Roman road that led
  35. Of Signal, one of Alcuin's pupils. Background Alcuin was born in Northumbria, presumably ,sometime in the 740s. Virtually nothing is known of his parents, family
  36. But the course of decisions in New York renders it unavailable..." Instead, it, presumably , refers to the practice of setting law books and citing legal precedents in
  37. May also occur when switching a person from one antipsychotic to another, (, presumably , due to variations of potency and receptor activity). Such withdrawal effects
  38. Aghajanov, Armenia could have repaid them with low-interest loans from other, presumably ,Western sources, or with some of its hard currency reserves which then totaled
  39. Presumably the youngest): :Brother: Quash in Than: :Himself: AIQ (, presumably ,the eldest): :Wife: Quayle bit Abd-al-Uzza in 'ABD in As'ad (divorced):
  40. Both of them, however,are gone from the estate for the final 1970–71 season, presumably ,having returned home. Elena Bradshaw appears in 13 episodes,1963–1970.;
  41. But the others are Latin for" Indian Bee ";" APIs" ( Latin for" bee" ) is, presumably ,an error for" Avis" or" bird ". This confusion seems to have prompted a
  42. To the surface of the molten metal. A temporary lid was added at this point, presumably ,to minimize the escape of zinc vapor. In Europe a similar liquid process in
  43. Alma bit Shaker in Amir in Key'ab in SA'ad in Tail: :Brother: Mu'tax (, presumably ,the middle): :Brother: Tail ( presumably the youngest): :Brother: Quash
  44. Ethnic groups and insular areas exhibit heightened susceptibility to albinism, presumably ,due to genetic factors (reinforced by cultural traditions). These include
  45. Is located inside of St. John’s cemetery in the western center. The building, presumably ,is from the 9th century and thus is one of Württemberg’s oldest existing
  46. It is interesting to note that glass (γλαύξ," owl" ) is from the same root, presumably ,because of the bird's own distinctive eyes. The bird which sees well in the
  47. We know from Gilda's that he was of high birth, and had Roman ancestry; he was, presumably ,a Romano-Briton, rather than a Roman from elsewhere in the empire, though it is
  48. Perturb comets into each other's inner system like Jupiter and Saturn, presumably ,have done here. As comets probably also reside in some huge Oort Cloud located
  49. Vaterländischer Künstlerverein. Cultural references A sonatina of Diabelli's, presumably ,Sonatina in F major, Op. 168,No. 1 (I: Moderate cantabile),provides the
  50. Thur got was named Bishop of Saint Andrews (or Cell Sigmoid) in 1107, presumably , by Alexander's order. For all his religiosity, Alexander was not remembered as

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