Examples of the the word, politically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( politically ), is the 4119 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A" moral visionary" who deftly advanced the abolitionist cause, as fast as, politically ,possible. The emphasis shifted away from Lincoln-the-emancipator to an argument
  2. Copies. The Fountainhead and political activism During the 1940s,Rand became, politically ,active. Both she and her husband worked full time in volunteer positions for
  3. Assembly and the government said this demand was overwhelmingly impractical and, politically ,undesirable. The conflict turned into violence, and the assembly was moved to a
  4. Kennedy, as his Chief of Staff. Schwarzenegger gradually moved towards a more, politically ,moderate position, determined to build a winning legacy with only a short time
  5. The Ukrainian people, and the wish to represent it as such is only recent and, politically ,motivated. Solzhenitsyn's views on this matter are in line with those of
  6. And the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Resulted in the, politically ,unknown Alexander Lukashenko winning more than 45 % of the vote in the first
  7. In American history. The principals stood in stark contrast both physically and, politically , Lincoln warned that" The Slave Power" was threatening the values of
  8. The United States to lecture about French thought. Although he leaned left, politically , his strong criticisms of Communist doctrine did not win him any friends in the
  9. In East Germany. West Berlin officially remained an occupied city, but, politically , it was very closely aligned with Federal Republic of Germany despite Berlin's
  10. Anti-clerical movement, whose purpose was to make the individual, politically ,and spiritually free to decide for himself on religious matters. A number of
  11. Could be difficult and that astronomical symbolism may have been used as a, politically ,neutral form of timekeeping. Myth and cosmology. The Incas arranged their
  12. And political is partially responsible for DiFranco's early popularity among, politically ,active college students, particularly those of the left wing, some of whom set
  13. Imperium sequence, which would be completed in Zone Yellow (1990). Piper's, politically ,more sophisticated variant was adopted and adapted by Michael Garland and Jack
  14. Who by all accounts was contrary and contentious by nature, was a maverick, politically , Characteristically, he went against the grain. He was a liberal during the
  15. Minoan-style frescoes were found in Paris. The most striking example of a, politically ,driven change in artistic forms comes from the Maria period, where figures
  16. Of the north that was known as the" Swing Around the Circle "; the tour proved, politically ,disastrous, with Johnson widely ridiculed and occasionally engaging in hostile
  17. The film's open portrayal of sexuality and frequent rude humor, as well as the, politically ,and socially relevant asides, made the film an international hit and a major
  18. Sahara was succeeded by his son Chhatrapati Sam bhaji Sahara. Militarily and, politically , Mughal efforts to control the Deccan continued to fail. When Maharajah Aswan
  19. Of voters, compared to 32 % for the NDP. British Columbia is known for having, politically ,active labor unions who have traditionally supported the NDP or its
  20. Music or film. The issue of whether Arabic is one language or many languages is, politically ,charged, similar to the issue with Chinese, Hindi and Urdu, Serbian and
  21. Both Octavian and Antony. Their centurions, who had become important figures, politically , refused to fight due to their Caesarion cause, while the legions under their
  22. Whose owners supported the opposing cause. Many African-American slaves became, politically ,active during these years in support of the King, as they thought Great Britain
  23. It was the first major piece of Soviet literature since the twenties on a, politically ,charged theme, written by a non-party member, indeed a man who had been to
  24. Denoting U. S. things and people. It is important to note that these are ", politically ,correct" terms and that in normal parlance, the adjective" American" and its
  25. Offensive, were German-assisted operations. As the Dual Monarchy became more, politically ,unstable, it became more and more dependent on German assistance. The majority
  26. The purpose of works of art may be to communicate ideas, such as in, politically , spiritually, or philosophically motivated art; to create a sense of beauty (
  27. Yet overshadowing it all was darkness and revenge. The opera depicted, politically ,motivated murder, filial duty and love in conflict, tryannicide and finally
  28. Of citizen worked to keep the immigrant population more sharply distinguished, politically , *Likewise the status of women seems lower in Athens than in many Greek cities.
  29. To our Liberty, the most dear! " The next year, Calhoun and Jackson broke apart, politically ,from one another. Around this time, the Petticoat affair caused further
  30. Leaving his kingdom to three autonomous religious orders based in Palestine and, politically ,largely independent on the pope, the Knights Templar's, the Hospitals, and
  31. As CAM. Another study suggests a similar figure of 40 %. Ernst has been active, politically ,on this issue as well, publicly requesting that Prince Charles recall two
  32. Had" gained support in the United States that gives him hope that he can win, politically ,that which he cannot win militarily. " *1968 – Mauritius becomes a member state
  33. In the world. Bangladesh has 57 trans-boundary rivers, making water issues, politically ,complicated to resolve – in most cases as the lower riparian state to India.
  34. Methods expert and author of" Snake Oil Science" states that" it's become, politically ,correct to investigate nonsense. " There are concerns that just having NIH
  35. I, Elector of Brandenburg, the Franconian cadet branch of the family was not, politically ,united with the main Brandenburg line, remaining independent as "
  36. Conform to cooperative principles, and generally does not lobby or protest, politically , The Cobble Hill Tunnel (popularly the Atlantic Avenue Tunnel) of the Long
  37. Of physical and rational certainties of the clockwork universe, as well as, politically ,revolutionary visions of a post-monarchist world, such as Blake's portrayal of
  38. Reduce starvation. This outcome also makes a country more self-sufficient and, politically ,independent, because food importation is reduced. Making non-arable land arable
  39. With Dave / I'll talk to Dave). The American form is sometimes seen as more, politically ,correct in British organizations, inducing the ideal of discussing (with) as
  40. Beads, but only parts of the quahog produce purple. These are ceremonially and, politically ,important to a range of Eastern tribes. A board game is a game in which
  41. Antisemitic League). Identification with antisemitism and as an antisemitic was, politically ,advantageous in Europe in the latter 19th century. For example, Karl Leger
  42. Had links to the Society of Jesus and defended them at the Academy when it was, politically ,unwise to do so. His zeal for his faith may have led to his caring for Charles
  43. After the 17th century, most states invested in better disciplined and more, politically ,reliable permanent troops. For a time mercenaries became important as trainers
  44. Program, the Dostum-Atta feud has largely ended. The two are now generally, politically ,allied as part of a broader ideological effort to protect the interests of
  45. The reasoning that a divorce from Octavia and a marriage to Poppaea was not, politically ,feasible with Agrippina alive, Nero decided to kill Agrippina. Yet, Nero did
  46. In court (except as something your opponent had to resort to),and even, politically ,prominent litigants made some show of disowning special expertise. These juries
  47. Inclinations, both operas were seen as unsuitable for public performance in the, politically ,reactive cultures of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor and later Francis II, Holy
  48. File a lawsuit against the DF, saying they never allowed their music to be used, politically ,and that they had absolutely no interest in supporting the party. Their record
  49. Make this sacrifice:" it is important to remember that the notion of woman as, politically ,enabled and independent was fatally linked during the eighteenth century to the
  50. Slaveholder, who appealed to the common men of the United States, and fought, politically ,against what he denounced as a closed, undemocratic aristocracy. He expanded

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