Examples of the the word, officially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( officially ), is the 4120 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the British statesman and historian Mountstuart Elphinstone. Afghanistan was, officially ,recognized as a sovereign state by the international community after the
  2. For a Reconstruction. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 90-04-10051-2. Andorra (, ), officially , the Principality of Andorra (), also called the Principality of the Valleys of
  3. Macquarie Dictionary prefers aluminum. In 1926,the American Chemical Society, officially ,decided to use aluminum in its publications; American dictionaries typically
  4. And institutions and entirely banned religion to the point where Albania was, officially ,declared to be the world's first atheist state. Religious freedom has returned
  5. Steady in recent years at 1.79 florins to 1 U. S. dollar. The community, officially ,dates back to 1754,when Moses Solomon Hale vi Maduro, his wife and six children
  6. The specific rules of the legal system will dictate exactly how the appeal is, officially ,begun. For example, the appellant might have to file the notice of appeal with
  7. Yukon Territory brought thousands of miners and settlers to Alaska. Alaska was, officially ,incorporated as an organized territory in 1912. Alaska's capital, which had
  8. Turned Caucasian Albania into a vassal state in AD 252,while King Ulnar, officially ,adopted Christianity as the state religion in the fourth century. Despite
  9. Algeria Education is, officially ,compulsory for children between the ages of six and 15. Approximately 5 % of
  10. Protests in the wake of popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt,and Libya, Algeria, officially , lifted its 19-year-old state of emergency on 24 February 2011. The country's
  11. A Dream" with Swiss singer Dan Daniel in 2003. Breaking up ABBA has never, officially ,announced the end of the group, but the group has long been considered
  12. MP Mohammed Away and wounding more than twenty other people. *2009 – Zimbabwe, officially ,abandons the Zimbabwe Dollar as their official currency. *2010 – A train
  13. August 15, 1945,Emperor Hirohito declares Japan's unconditional surrender, officially ,ending the Second World War. * August 15, 1945,Korea became an independent
  14. Algeria (, al-Jazā'IR; Berber and Algerian Arabic: Player or Layer), officially , the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (Al Jumhuriyah all Maharajah ad
  15. A presence during the unrest in the Ivory Coast,2010/2011,were not, officially ,confirmed. Angola is basically interested in the participation of the FAA
  16. As a member of the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) and is thus, officially ,not a part of the European Union, though Aruba can and does receive support
  17. To maintain and defend our common liberties ... The document could not become, officially ,effective until it was ratified by all 13 colonies. The first state to ratify
  18. Made clear that he wanted the states to emancipate the slaves (which they, officially ,did in 1865 by ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment). His role in leading the
  19. 1986. During the appearance, they re-emphasized that they never intended to, officially ,reunite, citing the opinion of Robert Plant that the re-formed Led Zeppelin was
  20. Physics. Because relativity was still considered somewhat controversial, it was, officially ,bestowed for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. He also received the
  21. S manuscripts in http://www.schopenhauersource.org/ SchopenhauerSource Angola, officially ,the Republic of Angola (, ; Kimono, Kimbundu, The Portuguese were present in
  22. For about 2.7 % of GDP in 2008. Since February 2008,Albania participates, officially ,in NATO's Operation Active Endeavor in the Mediterranean Sea. And received a
  23. Museum of Natural History in Washington’D. C. *1992 – The Euro Disney Resort, officially ,opens with its theme park Euro Disneyland. The resort and its park's name are
  24. Port was in development for the 5200 and advertised as a launch title but never, officially ,released, although an unofficial release was produced by Triage. The Atari
  25. Within Alaska. Statehood was approved by Congress on July 7,1958. Alaska was, officially ,proclaimed a state on January 3,1959. On April 27, 1964,the massive" Good
  26. For Aruba's first parliament, Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles and, officially ,became a country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Full independence was set
  27. Independence Party ticket just long enough to be reelected. He subsequently, officially ,rejoined the Republican Party in 1994. Taxes To finance state government
  28. Vizier and his court for redress. Legal system The head of the legal system was, officially ,the pharaoh, who was responsible for enacting laws, delivering justice, and
  29. In 1934 and was completed by the end of 1935. This new airport, which was later, officially ,named" Airport of Tirana ", was constructed in conformity with optimal
  30. State William H. Seward worked to block this, and threatened war if any country, officially ,recognized the existence of the Confederate States of America. In 1861
  31. Of the Cleveland Browns, a new AFC franchise called the Baltimore Ravens was, officially ,established in 1996 while the Browns were reactivated in 1999. The Houston
  32. History, but were not an official organization until 1941. Before the force was, officially ,organized, law enforcement in Alaska was handled by various federal agencies.
  33. Understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act, officially ,upon this judgment and feeling ... I claim not to have controlled events, but
  34. Shipments of blankets were being collected at Bilbao. Spain finally entered, officially ,the war in June 1779,thus implementing the Treaty of Harangue, although the
  35. Affirmed by a nationwide referendum in December 1991,when the Soviet Union was, officially ,dissolved. An estimated 30,000 people had been killed and more than a million
  36. Understanding each other ". Under the Ottoman Empire Albania was referred to, officially ,as Arnavutluk and its inhabitants as. History The history of Albania emerged
  37. Then the combined area of the 22 smallest U. S. states. Regions There are no, officially ,defined borders demarcating the various regions of Alaska, but there are six
  38. The Communist-governed countries of China, Vietnam and North Korea are, officially ,atheist, thus the number of Buddhists and other religious adherents may be
  39. Have affectionately dubbed their famous statuette 'Oscar' ". The trophy was, officially ,dubbed the" Oscar" in 1939 by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and
  40. The man himself as otherwise he would have continued his actions and never been, officially ,convicted since he never killed anyone in the eyes of the law. It is revealed
  41. With the Republic of Turkey on 29 October 1923. A few days earlier, Ankara had, officially ,replaced Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) as the new Turkish capital city
  42. Engineering research through the Aerial Experiment Association (AEA), officially , formed at Bad deck, Nova Scotia, in October 1907 at the suggestion of his wife
  43. In the Miscellaneous Symbols range, at code point U+262B (). Azerbaijan (;), officially , the Republic of Azerbaijan () is the largest country in the Caucasus region of
  44. Number of deaths jumps to 30,the town is sealed and an outbreak of plague is, officially ,declared. Part two The town is sealed off. The town gates are shut, rail travel
  45. But Control-Q is replaced by a second Control-S to resume output. Code 127 is, officially ,named" delete" but the Teletype label was" rub out ". Since the original
  46. Overall rate is 37 %. In the cities, a majority of families, well beyond those, officially ,classified as poor, have to adopt a variety of survival strategies. At the same
  47. Einstein Page Afghanistan (Persian/Pashto:, Afġānistān), officially , the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country in South and
  48. The new mission, Webb eventually approved the mission change. The mission was, officially ,changed from a" D" mission to a" C-Prime" Lunar Orbit mission, but was
  49. Well as establishing some welfare institutions to help its people. Alabama was, officially ,restored to the Union in 1868. After the Civil War, the state was still chiefly
  50. With this problem. Notes Albania (, Gheg Albanian: Shania/Shania), officially , known as the Republic of Albania (, pronounced; Greg Albanian: Republican e

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