Examples of the the word, stare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stare ), is the 3780 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Director of photography, Doug Mil some, coined the phrase the" Kubrick crazy, stare ,". The connection of this stare with psychoanalysis is often made through the
  2. Has never been shown on the screen before. Directing her desperate, furious, stare , into the void, her eyes not really focusing, Ms. Kidman, in a performance of
  3. That one" must be willing to receive 99 % of an opponent's attack and, stare ,death in the face" in order to execute techniques without hesitation. As a
  4. Incidents of anti-Semitism Greenberg faced included having players, stare ,at him and having coarse racial epithets thrown at him by spectators and
  5. To law: Legal systems Law by source *Precedent of past judicial decisions (, stare ,decision) Branches of law Criminal law Civil law Administrative law Religious
  6. Urge the Cabinet to adopt new policies, while Palmerston would fixedly, stare ,at a paper before him. At a lull in Gladstone's speech, Palmerston would smile
  7. Unnerve the other techs, but her obvious physical charms compel them to, stare ,at her, except for Pit, who is convinced she is evil. Although she has few
  8. Mil some, coined the phrase the" Kubrick crazy stare ". The connection of this, stare ,with psychoanalysis is often made through the concept of" The Gaze" and its
  9. As different as Africa and North America, women do exactly the same prolonged, stare ,followed by a head tilt away with a little smile. Human mating In order to bond
  10. Personal Helicon" from his first collection" Death of a Naturalist ":" To, stare , big-eyed Narcissus, into some spring Is beneath all adult dignity. " Harry
  11. An earlier meaning of" to stand/to stay ", although in modern Italian, stare ,is used in a few constructions where English would use" to be ", as in STO
  12. How the court's interpretations and priorities have changed over time. Super, stare ,decision Super- stare decision is a term used for important precedent that is
  13. Described Campbell as a" portly, bristled-haired blond man with a challenging, stare , "" Six-foot-one, with hawklike features, he presented a formidable appearance
  14. Lawson wrote about 12-year-old Judit's" killer" eyes and how she would, stare ,at her opponent," The irises are so grey dark they are almost
  15. Legal principles, which are reported and binding in future similar cases (, stare ,decision). The courts of England and Wales are headed by the Senior Courts of
  16. First verse of" Take Me or Leave Me," when Maureen describes the way people, stare ,when she walks in the street. It is also directly referred to in the scene
  17. Law and regulatory law also give rise to considerable complexity. However, stare ,decision, the principle that similar cases should be decided according to
  18. As observations of the contents of consciousness. For example, subjects who, stare ,continuously at a Becker Cube usually report that they experience it" flipping
  19. Common Law jurisdictions. Decline of Latin maxims, and adding flexibility to, stare ,decision Well into the 19th century, ancient maxims played a large role in
  20. For the" why," and not for the" how. " Insofar as precedent is concerned, stare ,decision is important only for the decision, for the detailed legal consequence
  21. The word means, literally and legally, the decision. Under the doctrine of, stare ,decision a case is important only for what it decides — for the" what," not
  22. On it had been loaded over the network connection; this often made a user, stare ,at a blank page for as long as several minutes. With Netscape, people using
  23. Emphasized the performance aspect of his playing, while Beiderbecke tended to, stare ,at his feet while playing, uninterested in personally engaging his listeners.
  24. Precedent, mandatory or binding authority, etc.). Under the doctrine of, stare ,decision, a lower court must honor findings of law made by a higher court that
  25. Allocation ". As the song" Money" plays in the background, the musicians, stare ,at him in confusion. He finally says," What? Too many syllables? " In 2002
  26. Modest, not so the petitioner," he remarked. " No one else ever presumed to, stare ,me out so insolently. " Denied a military career in France Eugene decided to
  27. This diagnosis is mainly attributed to Caligula's irritability and his ", stare ," as described by Pliny the Elder. Rediscovery of burial site? On 17 January
  28. 9): to set up, put in place, or institute (originally from the Latin, stare , to stand); dis-establish (12): to end the established status of a body, in
  29. Margo and Bill and Lloyd and Karen with characteristic effusion, while all four, stare ,back at her coldly. After the awards ceremony, Eve hands her award to Addison
  30. In the attack, described McVeigh as having" A totally expressionless, blank, stare , He had a look of defiance and that if he could,he'd do it all over again. "
  31. In courts, applying their common sense and knowledge of legal precedent (, stare ,decision) to the facts before them. The Courts of England and Wales are headed
  32. Essential" and" state ", are also cognate with the Latin infinitives else and, stare , ) In Spanish, the high degree of verbal inflection, plus the existence of two
  33. Main characters *Basis—voiced by Mike Judge. Has an under bite and a fixated, stare ,on his face, which is almost always shown in profile. Basis grunts when he
  34. State that conflicts with the constitution. Overruling precedent—the limits of, stare ,decision Most of the U. S. federal courts of appeal have adopted a rule under
  35. Mirror, attempted to settle the dispute by publishing this rhyme:: Proud folk, stare ,after me, : Call me Calliope;: Tooting joy, tooting hope, : I am the calliope.
  36. To follow the reasoning used in the prior decision (this principle is known as, stare ,decision). If, however,the court finds that the current dispute is
  37. Breastfeeder of every living being" ( Augustine). #Jupiter Stator (from, stare ,meaning" standing" ):" he who has power of founding, instituting everything
  38. During the festival. * House of the oldest grapevine in the world (His, stare ,true) - in Maribor is also the world's oldest living grapevine, which was in
  39. Can have a very different meaning in some Asian countries. Men, however,may, stare ,at Western women in such countries who might get in trouble if returning the
  40. And tail. When breeding males encounter subordinate family members, they may, stare ,at them, standing erect and still with their tails horizontal to their spine.
  41. Me in the movies" to which Chavez replies" Too pretty, Nick Cage has a better, stare , " Various directors, screenwriters,and actors have been involved in attempts
  42. Dollars is a lot of money. We're going to have to earn it. " The three, stare ,each other down in the circular center of the cemetery, calculating alliances
  43. Law also were influenced by Roman law, notably in the Laminate legal glossary —, stare ,decision, culpa in contraband, pacta sunt servanda. In contrast, Eastern Europe
  44. To look) and Spanish Mira (to look at, to watch)/Portuguese Mira (to, stare ,) * English able and Turkish -bail/-evil (ability infix) * English" among "
  45. To stand out" ( ex- being the Latin prefix for" out" added to the Latin verb, stare , meaning" to stand" ). Historical conceptions In the Western tradition of
  46. Main one from the Latin else (derived from *BS-),and a secondary one from, stare ,(derived from *STA-). This is found in Spanish, Catalan,Portuguese, and to a
  47. Had previously rejected. However, Congress is not subject to the doctrine of, stare ,decision, so a future Congress could simply ignore this precedent. The issue of
  48. Policy of the court to stand by precedent; the term is but an abbreviation of, stare ,decision et non quiet movie —" to stand by and adhere to decisions and not
  49. His myopia is often credited as being part of his appeal, by giving his, stare ,a peculiar charm. Winery Along with owning a mineral water business and food
  50. Mocks Joker's inexperience, claiming he does not have the thousand-yard, stare , The sound of nearby gunfire interrupts their argument: the North Vietnamese

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