Examples of the the word, schools , in a Sentence Context

The word ( schools ), is the 3784 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Undergraduate and graduate universities. In the state are three medical, schools ,(University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Alabama and University of
  2. Metals was a symbol: During the renaissance, alchemy broke into more distinct, schools ,placing spiritual alchemists in high contrast with those working with literal
  3. Example of anarchism in practice. However, although Summer hill and other free, schools ,are radically libertarian, they differ in principle from those of Ferret by not
  4. First International, also remain active. Anarchist schools of thought Anarchist, schools ,of thought had been generally grouped in two main historical traditions
  5. Calculators. The use of the Saroyan is still taught in Japanese primary, schools ,as part of mathematics, primarily as an aid to faster mental calculation. Using
  6. And maintained by Andorran authorities, but teachers in the French and Spanish, schools ,are paid for the most part by France and Spain. About 50 % of Andorran children
  7. The Dutch system of education. There are 68 schools for primary education,12, schools , for secondary education, and 5 universities in Aruba. In 2007,there were
  8. Is still very often taught to these students in early grades, both in public, schools ,and state schools for the blind. The abacus teaches mathematical skills that
  9. And traditions of anarchism, not all of which are mutually exclusive. Anarchist, schools ,of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme
  10. The excellent free-thought / free love journal Lucifer, the Light-Bearer ". The, schools ,' stated goal was to" educate the working class in a rational, secular and
  11. For social institutions. Hospitals are without medicines or basic equipment, schools ,are without books, and public employees often lack the basic supplies for their
  12. South America as well as the rest of Europe. Aruba is also home to two medical, schools ,: Aureus University School of Medicine and Xavier University School of Medicine.
  13. Of instruction. Parents may choose which system their children attend. All, schools ,are built and maintained by Andorran authorities, but teachers in the French
  14. Level is provided free of charge by the government. There are three systems of, schools ,– Andorran, French and Spanish – which use Catalan, French and Spanish
  15. Academic human anatomists are usually employed by universities, medical, schools , or teaching hospitals. They are often involved in teaching anatomy, and
  16. Attend the French primary schools , and the rest attend Spanish or Andorran, schools , University of Andorra The University of Andorra (UDA) is the state public
  17. Institutions and other educational forms and institutions (public charter, schools , private schools ,homeschooling). Elementary schools There are forty-two
  18. In addition to higher professional education courses. The only two graduate, schools ,in Andorra are the Nursing School and the School of Computer Science, the
  19. An overtly political class struggle-approach. In addition to organizing, schools ,according to libertarian principles, anarchists have also questioned the
  20. By France and Spain. About 50 % of Andorran children attend the French primary, schools , and the rest attend Spanish or Andorran schools . University of Andorra The
  21. State. Murray Book chin wrote:" This period 1890s was the heyday of libertarian, schools ,and pedagogical projects in all areas of the country where Anarchists exercised
  22. School boards and 60 city boards of education. Together,1,541 individual, schools ,provide education for 743,364 elementary and secondary students. Public school
  23. Naming of Taillight (Berber) as a national language and teaching it in, schools , Much of Algeria is now recovering and developing into an emerging economy. The
  24. Most of the Ramayana texts track their origins back to Paula tactic, schools ,associated to the teachings of the personality of Matsyendranath. The Ramayana
  25. And other educational forms and institutions (public charter schools , private, schools , homeschooling). Elementary schools There are forty-two public school
  26. Throughout the former Soviet Union, and the usage of it was taught in most, schools ,until the 1990s. Even the 1874 invention of mechanical calculator, Odhner
  27. Probably opposing this Thomistic doctrine, which is present in some theological, schools ,within Catholicism, in coining the word Altruism, as stated above. Many
  28. Alchemy with occultism, teaching laboratory pharmaceutical methods. The, schools ,they founded, Les Philosophes de la Nature and The Paracelsus Research Society
  29. Those created throughout the 19th century — and post-classical anarchist, schools ,— those created since the mid-20th century and after. Beyond the specific
  30. System is patterned after the Dutch system of education. There are 68, schools , for primary education,12 schools for secondary education, and 5 universities
  31. Two pharmacy schools (Auburn University and Stamford University),and five law, schools ,(University of Alabama School of Law, Birmingham School of Law, Cumberland
  32. Blaine Amendment, to prohibit public money from being used to finance Catholic, schools , 1900–1960 The new 1901 Constitution of Alabama effectively disfranchised
  33. Abacus Around the world, abaci have been used in pre- schools and elementary, schools ,as an aid in teaching the numeral system and arithmetic. In Western countries
  34. Successor to the First International, also remain active. Anarchist, schools ,of thought Anarchist schools of thought had been generally grouped in two main
  35. An optometry college (University of Alabama at Birmingham),two pharmacy, schools ,(Auburn University and Stamford University),and five law schools (University
  36. Other than counting. Unlike the simple counting board used in elementary, schools , very efficient sampan techniques have been developed to do multiplication
  37. The Hurricane–Hittite literature, the first Greek Polish and the two main, schools ,of Ancient Greek philosophy seem to originate in this region. A lot of
  38. It sought to emphasize the anti-authoritarian beliefs common to all anarchist, schools ,of thought. Mutualism began in 18th century English and French labor
  39. And to martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan and Kung Fu (although some Tai Chi, schools ,believe that their art derives from the philosophical or hygienic branches of
  40. Square root and cube root operations at high speed. There are currently, schools ,teaching students how to use it. In the famous long scroll Along the River
  41. Edgecumbe High School in Site; and provides partial funding for other boarding, schools , including Nevada Student Living Center in Nevada and The Galena Interior
  42. 1975,a number of Angolan students continued to be admitted every year at high, schools , poly technical institutes, and universities in Portugal, Brazil and Cuba
  43. The revival of anarchism in the mid 20th century, a number of new movements and, schools ,of thought emerged. Although feminist tendencies have always been a part of the
  44. Taught to these students in early grades, both in public schools and state, schools ,for the blind. The abacus teaches mathematical skills that can never be
  45. Of Pittsburgh, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are among the, schools ,that have received grants. In some cases these grants have been controversial
  46. Poor whites. The rural-dominated Alabama legislature consistently underfunded, schools ,and services for the disfranchised African Americans in the segregated state
  47. Members of the clergy. This was simply because few people outside the parochial, schools ,had the education to examine the Arabic-derived works. Also, alchemy at this
  48. And Alfredo M. Bonanza. Theories Intersecting and overlapping between various, schools ,of thought, certain topics of interest and internal disputes have proven
  49. Anarchism is a philosophy which embodies many diverse attitudes, tendencies and, schools ,of thought; as such, disagreement over questions of values, ideology and
  50. Government of Aruba finances the national education system, except for private, schools , such as the International School of Aruba (ISA),which finance their own

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