Examples of the the word, permalink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( permalink ), is the 1576 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Simple player offers only the custom color scheme, custom clickable logo and, permalink , and share/embed. Both players offer optional advertising that allows users to
  2. Deleted, or rearranged as desired. Annotations may also be shared via email, permalink ,or aggregated PDF/HTML document. The service currently works with the following
  3. Employed by bloggers to encourage visitors to store a more long-lived URL (the, permalink ,) for reference. Permalinks frequently consist of a string of characters which
  4. Within the HTML of a page to allow automated browsing tools to detect the, permalink ,and use it for linking instead of the stated URL. The link element should
  5. Sign, or #. However, certain websites employ their own symbol to represent a, permalink ,such as an asterisk, a dash, a pillow (¶),or a unique icon. Permalink
  6. Timed tags, a post-roll screen, custom color scheme, custom clickable logo and, permalink , and share/embed, while the simple player offers only the custom color scheme
  7. Res 9C01E7DA1739F933A05757C0A9669C8B63&sec son partner permalink &exprod, permalink ,}} USS Fanning (DD-385),a Mahan-class destroyer, was the 2nd ship of the
  8. To name the problem and popularize solutions. One cited early use of the term, permalink ,in its current sense was by Jason Bottle on March 5,2000,in a post titled: "
  9. Vid be40777d-665f-a84b-869f-3fe029b68752&mkt es-mx&src=FLP: share:, permalink ,: tag_recent Jan Carlo Dean and Élan in MSN Latin America
  10. The two. Presentation Blog entries are usually laid out as follows: *Comments, permalink , and what category the entry was posted to (known as metadata) Permalinks are
  11. Forum entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives. Because a, permalink ,remains unchanged indefinitely, it is less susceptible to link rot. Most modern
  12. Across an entire IRC network. * In blogs, # is sometimes used to denote a, permalink ,for that particular weblog entry. * On social networking sites such as Twitter
  13. One primary idea or concept, is accessible through a single definitive URL or, permalink , and is appropriately written and formatted for presentation in email clients
  14. Saviors CD (1999,Para-Sight) *http://music.aaronmolho.com/track/long-time-2?, permalink ,Aaron Moho - Eclectic raft CD (2003,Sundial Records - drums on" Long Time "
  15. 2000 Nomination for Contemporary Christian Album of the Year SEAC Awards A, permalink ,(portmanteau of permanent link) is a URL that points to a specific blog or
  16. It is distributed under the BSD License. Features * Search engine-friendly, permalink ,structure via friendly URLs History Subtext was announced on May 4,2005,but
  17. That the content will never move. Another form of pertaining is linking to a, permalink ,that then redirects to the actual content, ensuring that even though the real
  18. Such links. Other types of websites use the term permanent links, but the term, permalink ,is most common within the blogosphere. Permalinks are often simply stated so as
  19. Sec son partner permalink &exprod, permalink ,1989" Red Army Ensemble Offers" etc.: J. Rockwell, New York Times *
  20. Underground,2010 (Available at http://lsunderground.bandcamp.com/album/ptsd?, permalink ,bandcamp. Com) Several Lifesavers bootlegs have appeared including 3-14-81 and
  21. Partner permalink &exprod, permalink ," Songs of Themselves" New York Times, November 14, 2008
  22. Also features integrated link management; a search engine-friendly, clean, permalink , structure; the ability to assign nested, multiple categories to articles; and
  23. Ex 1380168000&en d58acbfb583fd4f2&ei 5124&partner permalink &exprod, permalink , New York Times,09/25/08; T. Mauro, http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp? ID
  24. Time. In the context of systems that support versioning, such as most wikis,a, permalink ,is commonly understood as a link to a specific version. Here, both the link
  25. BibTeX and Wikipedia format. Each query also generates a" temporary ", permalink ,(self-destructs in about one month) which can be used to recall the
  26. Accessible version is not created. Thus, in the context of these systems,a, permalink ,may refer to different content over time. In the context of systems that
  27. http://tallisman.bandcamp.com/album/tenth-planet-the-telescopic-encounters?, permalink ,stream) was never released. He became interested in rock music early in high
  28. If an item is changed, renamed,or moved within the internal database, its, permalink , remains unaltered, as it functions as a magic cookie which references an
  29. An internal database identifier. If an item is deleted altogether, its, permalink , can frequently not be reused. Permalinks have subsequently been exploited for a
  30. In a post titled:" Finally. Did you notice the "? Matt Haifa had discussed a, permalink ,style feature with Blogger co-founders Evan Williams and Paul Busch the
  31. Partner permalink &exprod, permalink ,| date December 21, 2008} } Among teenagers, Internet acronyms are used in

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