Examples of the the word, gut , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gut ), is the 6084 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Raises the bioavailability of carbamazepine by inhibiting CYP3A4 enzymes in the, gut ,wall and in the liver. Pharmacokinetics Carbamazepine exhibits autoinduction:
  2. Of the gut . In deuterostomes, the original dent becomes the anus while the, gut ,eventually tunnels through to make another opening, which forms the mouth. The
  3. Where uninfected Redivide bugs are fed on the patient's blood, and their, gut ,contents examined for parasites. And prevention is generally focused on
  4. Which would be toxic if it remained in the digestive tract; and dead or excess, gut ,bacteria and other endosymbiosis. Amphibians, reptiles,and birds use the same
  5. Which deepens to become the archenteron, the first phase in the growth of the, gut , In deuterostomes, the original dent becomes the anus while the gut eventually
  6. Like gregarines, they are commonly parasites of the epithelial cells of the, gut ,but may infect other tissues. The typical cocci dial life cycle while similar to
  7. Much lower tension than steel strings, as do the predecessors to nylon strings, gut ,strings (made from ox or sheep gut ). The lower three strings ('bass strings
  8. Can be prevented with remedies that ease elimination of the hair through the, gut , as well as regular grooming of the coat with a comb or stiff brush. Fighting
  9. Made of stainless steel. Today, nylon strings are usually used in place of, gut , Technique An important part of balalaika technique is the use of the left
  10. And withdrawn into the polyamide, ) connects the mesothelium covering the, gut ,with that lining the body wall. The wall of each strand is made of mesothelium
  11. From that of other animals in being placed dorsally in the body, above the, gut ,and notochord/spine. The basic pattern of the CNS is highly conserved
  12. As these substances may alter the absorption of thyroid hormone from the, gut , Frequent monitoring (every 2–3 weeks during the first months of life) is
  13. As the guitar is tuned to one octave below that of the violin, the same size, gut ,could be used for the 1st strings of both instruments. Smaller scale
  14. Functioning, such as the presence of the normal bacteria and yeasts in the, gut , is not considered a disease; by contrast, an infection that is asymptomatic
  15. Or bronze-phosphor alloy. Some players may string their banjos with nylon or, gut ,strings to achieve a more mellow, old-time tone. Open-back and resonator Some
  16. Epithelial cells. Any organism that lacks the appropriate receptors in its, gut ,cannot be affected by BT. There is clear evidence from laboratory settings that
  17. While the anus was formed later, at the opening made by the other end of the, gut , More recent research, however,shows that in protostomes the edges of the dent
  18. Usually the body wall then grows a replacement polyamide. In auto-bids the, gut ,is U-shaped, with the mouth inside the" crown" of tentacles and the anus
  19. And used as a pesticide. B. thuringiensis also occurs naturally in the, gut ,of caterpillars of various types of moths and butterflies, as well as on the
  20. 1st and 2nd melody strings and 5th" thumb" string. The 3rd melody string was, gut ,and the 4th was silk covered) as well as frets and guitar-style tuning
  21. Filter feeders) * The transformation of the digestive system: the long spiral, gut ,of the larva is being replaced by the typical short gut of a predator. * An
  22. Choir. The piccolo, prima, and second balalaikas were originally strung with, gut ,with the thinnest melody string made of stainless steel. Today, nylon strings
  23. The CryAb1 gene has crossed into gut bacteria thereby producing BT toxin in the, gut ,of humans or if humans are exposed by ingestion of contaminated food. Starlink
  24. Produced primarily by organisms such as Archaea, found for example in the, gut ,of cows. The most important commercial sources for alkanes are natural gas and
  25. Able to gulp air to fill the gas bladder, or they can dispose excess gas to the, gut , The fish in this family are native to North America, Africa,and Eurasia. The
  26. Hats. Aleut seamstresses created finely stitched waterproof parkas from seal, gut , and some women still master the skill of weaving fine baskets from dune
  27. Such as the double bass, piano,harpsichord, and the guitar, replacing former, gut ,and nylon strings. Bronze strings are commonly reserved on pianoforte for the
  28. Are thought to be a source of vitamins B and K, produced by bacteria in the, gut , Apes have been observed eating horse feces for the salt content. Monkeys have
  29. Asian instruments. Similarly, frets on earlier balalaikas were made of animal, gut ,and tied to the neck so that they could be moved around by the player at will (
  30. Usually made of gut , but since that time, steel strings have largely replaced, gut ,strings, because steel strings hold their pitch better and yield more volume
  31. Feeding and soon thereafter dies as a result of the BT toxin binding to its, gut ,wall. BT corn is now commercially available in a number of countries to control
  32. Fetuses. It is unclear from this study if the CryAb1 gene has crossed into, gut ,bacteria thereby producing BT toxin in the gut of humans or if humans are
  33. Vertebrates. The fundamental bilateral body form is a tube with a hollow, gut ,cavity running from the mouth to the anus, and a nerve cord with an enlargement
  34. More nutrition from grass by giving their food a second pass through the, gut , Soft fecal pellets of partially digested food are excreted and generally
  35. Difficile. The purpose is to repopulate the intestines with the normal, gut ,flora (intestinal bacteria) to decimate the clostridium. The healthy stool is
  36. To get the inside muscular coating and fat from the walls of the intestine. The, gut ,was then cut and stretched and fastened to stakes to dry and then made into
  37. System: the long spiral gut of the larva is being replaced by the typical short, gut ,of a predator. * An adaptation of the nervous system for stereoscopic vision
  38. That brood their embryos form larvae that are nourished by large yolks, have no, gut ,and do not feed, and such larvae quickly settle on a surface. When conditions
  39. Where most vitamin C is in the skin. However, research using an artificial, gut ,has shown that in the specific case of carotenoids a greater proportion is
  40. And skin, and is also abundant in cornea, cartilage,bone, blood vessels,the, gut , and intervertebral disc. The fibroblast is the most common cell which creates
  41. In the body. For example, ubiquinol (coenzyme Q) is poorly absorbed from the, gut ,and is made in humans through the evaluate pathway. Although large amounts of
  42. By the insect vector during a blood meal. The microgametes migrate within the, gut ,of the insect vector and fuse with the macro gametes. The fertilized macro gamete
  43. As do the predecessors to nylon strings, gut strings (made from ox or sheep, gut ,). The lower three strings ('bass strings' ) are wound with metal, commonly
  44. Or rosewood, can be used. String Strings on a cello have cores made out of, gut ,(sheep or goat),metal, or synthetic materials, such as Person. Most modern
  45. Works by secreting hormones and by modulating the" smooth" muscles of the, gut , The autonomic nervous system affects heart rate, digestion,respiration rate
  46. Form, the Orihuela was a guitar-like instrument with six double strings made of, gut , tuned like a modern classical guitar except the third string
  47. The necks on basses for steel strings ", and double bass players switched from, gut ,strings to steel strings. Rockabilly and bluegrass bassists also prefer gut
  48. Defined as animals with a lophophore, a three-part color and a U-shaped, gut , Bryozoan's tentacles bear cells with multiple cilia, while the corresponding
  49. Advent Prior to the mid-20th century, double bass strings were usually made of, gut , but since that time, steel strings have largely replaced gut strings, because
  50. Digestive tract activates the toxin. Cry toxin gets inserted into the insect, gut ,cell membrane, forming a pore. The pore results in cell lysis and eventual

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