Examples of the the word, rigorous , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For public corporations, these responsibilities are typically much more, rigorous ,and complex than for those of other types. Typically, the board chooses one of
  2. To anthropological research. At any rate, the book ushered in an era of, rigorous ,combing of the cannibalism literature. By Areas' later admission, some
  3. Feeding centers treat children with acute severe malnutrition through, rigorous ,programs of medical treatment. Water and sanitation ACF provides access to safe
  4. Is that one must take more care with one's development, as one must in any, rigorous ,mathematical argument. In particular, it is problematic to speak of a set of
  5. Alchemy was brought about by the rise of modern science with its emphasis on, rigorous ,quantitative experimentation and its disdain for" ancient wisdom ". Although
  6. Used to take the derivative of any function whatsoever. Limits are not the only, rigorous ,approach to the foundation of calculus. An alternative is Abraham Robinson's
  7. SB 3.22.19) Brahmacarya is thus student life. It was traditionally, rigorous , disciplined, and austere. It is a life of cultivation, of preparing for the
  8. The words and, or,if ... then, not,for some, for every are not subject to, rigorous ,definition. It is useful to study sets naively at an early stage of mathematics
  9. Spiritual experiences. Sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing, rigorous ,forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration,and meditation;
  10. And that discerning the validity of one's hypothesis requires far more, rigorous ,experimentation than that which Aristotle used to support his laws. Aristotle
  11. Armand independently issued a pamphlet on complex numbers and provided a, rigorous ,proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra. Gauss had earlier published an
  12. Dahl's Law may also form a valid group, Northeast Bantu. The development of a, rigorous ,genealogical classification of many subdivisions of Niger–Congo, not just Bantu
  13. As a way to describe computers, by expressing mathematical notation in a, rigorous ,way that could be interpreted by a computer. It is easy to learn but some APL
  14. And was relegated to a small village church. Robertson is campaigning for a, rigorous ,search for the remains, which he believes should be re-interred in Australia.
  15. According to the Labor Party's website," The Platform is the result of a, rigorous ,and constructive process of consultation, spanning the nation and including the
  16. The princes of his people (Yer. Avowal Sarah, i.39b). Where, however,the, rigorous ,exposition of laws worked hardship on the masses, he did not scruple to modify
  17. Definition of basis with a continuous set of indices and consequently for a, rigorous ,definition of position and momentum basis see) (For a rigorous statement of
  18. Project of formulating and proving the theorems of infinitesimal calculus in a, rigorous ,manner, rejecting the heuristic principle of the generality of algebra
  19. In spite of these,Cauchy's own research papers often used intuitive, not, rigorous , methods; thus one of his theorems was exposed to a" counter-example" by Abel
  20. Techniques include developing the compiler using formal methods and using, rigorous ,testing (often called compiler validation) on an existing compiler. Related
  21. Behavior for smaller and smaller numbers. Limits are the easiest way to provide, rigorous ,foundations for calculus, and for this reason they are the standard approach.
  22. Frac | p\range \left (+\math rm\hear \part_p\right) \angle p |. (For a, rigorous ,definition of basis with a continuous set of indices and consequently for a
  23. On non-invasive behavior. Through these influences Tucker produced a, rigorous ,system of philosophical or individualist anarchism that he called
  24. Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, very little effort was made to develop a, rigorous ,quantitative theory of air flow prior to the 17th century. In 1505,Leonardo the
  25. And maintains much more strict admissions standards and provides a more, rigorous ,curriculum with smaller classes and increased faculty interaction. Although
  26. With other mathematicians, abandoned infinitesimals in favor of other more, rigorous ,notions. This is reported in the name of Benedict. During the period 1815-1820
  27. Across many instances. In this way, people know of necessity through, rigorous ,custom or habit, and not from any immediate knowledge of the powers of the will
  28. Such as: \angle k|x \range \matrix, \angle p|x \range \matrix (for a, rigorous ,treatment of the Dirac inner product of non-normalizable states see the
  29. For a rigorous definition of position and momentum basis see) (For a, rigorous ,statement of the expansion of an S-diagonalizable operator - observable - in
  30. Validate self-evaluations to shorten the learning cycle; (vi) conduct more, rigorous ,impact evaluations; (vii) develop evaluation capacity, both in ADB and in
  31. Any such shops during my residence in that city. " The training of the boys was, rigorous , The regime of one singing school in Rome (c. 1700) consisted of one hour of
  32. Were proclaiming" the electoral objective" as a higher priority than the, rigorous ,participatory democracy espoused by the party's founders. Over three decades
  33. Ghosts of departed quantities in his book The Analyst in 1734. Working out a, rigorous ,foundation for calculus occupied mathematicians for much of the century
  34. Autism also have gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, there is a lack of published, rigorous ,data to support the theory that autistic children have more or different GI
  35. In 1996,it dropped 1 percent a year over the following decade. With more, rigorous ,testing and penalties for performance-enhancing drug use a possible factor, the
  36. Led to integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a, rigorous ,or systematic way. Calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral
  37. Six meters in length, had been developed and perfected by Philip II through, rigorous ,training, At Issue in 333 BC, his first confrontation with Darius, he used the
  38. 1668),etc. One of the main theses of casuists was the necessity to adapt the, rigorous ,morals of the Early Fathers of Christianity to modern morals, which led in some
  39. His greatest contributions to mathematical science are enveloped in the, rigorous ,methods which he introduced; these are mainly embodied in his three great
  40. Being involved in the process. From this point of view, Alhazen developed, rigorous ,experimental methods of controlled scientific testing to verify theoretical
  41. L. Van der Warden, Oscar Paris, André Was and others attempted to develop a, rigorous ,foundation for algebraic geometry based on contemporary commutative algebra
  42. Junior tennis team. It also has a basketball program (the Agassi Stars) and a, rigorous ,system that encourages a mix of academics and athletics. In 2001 Agassi opened
  43. Board (ASB). The applications to DOT for reimbursements were subjected to, rigorous ,multi-year reviews not only by DOT program personnel but also by the Government
  44. By Maria Gaëtan Agnes. Foundations In mathematics, foundations refers to the, rigorous ,development of a subject from precise axioms and definitions. In early calculus
  45. Had carried out—without always adequately recognizing their claims—and by a, rigorous ,logical procedure, reinforced by his own quantitative experiments, of
  46. Developed entirely from a set of non-logical axioms (axioms, henceforth ). A, rigorous ,treatment of these topics begins with a specification of these axioms.
  47. What was valid to put in or not. I must put everything in, so I started a very, rigorous ,record. Practical achievements Fuller introduced a number of concepts, and
  48. And in the simplest models, they are taken to have the same form. For more, rigorous ,and precise analysis, the numerical approximations must be used. A given (
  49. Surprising inroads into the French Catholic community at that time. It espoused, rigorous ,Augustinian. Blaine spoke with the doctors frequently, and upon his successful
  50. Of code to be tested can be quite large. For instance, NASA has extremely, rigorous ,software testing procedures for many operating systems and communication

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