Examples of the the word, steadily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( steadily ), is the 6085 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The communist era in 2000,Bulgaria’s industrial sector has grown slowly but, steadily ,in the early 2000s. The performance of individual manufacturing industries has
  2. British Army consisted of about 36,000 men worldwide, but wartime recruitment, steadily ,increased this number. Great Britain had a difficult time appointing general
  3. Firms are located. Exports to foreign countries from these defense firms have, steadily ,increased in the past decades. The IDEA in Ankara is one of the largest
  4. Leaders Inter along with Juventus and Amphora earlier in the season, but, steadily , lost momentum and slipped to mid-table positions at the latter half of the
  5. In Upper Egypt and it was organized in departmental basis. The university grew, steadily ,and now it is firmly established as a major institution of higher education in
  6. Warn the other animals of the pigs' corruption, which he secretly realizes is, steadily ,unfolding. When asked if he was happier after the revolution than before it
  7. In Europe. AOL Europe had six million users, but its subscription base had been, steadily ,declining. In 2005,287,000 European AOL online users migrated to other service
  8. With reduced budget spending it placed Bulgarian economy on the stage of, steadily ,though slowly growing in the mid of world crisis. On December 1,2009
  9. And not the world marketplace. Development of agricultural techniques has, steadily ,increased agricultural productivity, and the widespread diffusion of these
  10. The Republicans' counterargument that slavery was the mainstay of the enemy, steadily ,gained support, with the Democrats crushed at the 1863 elections in Ohio when
  11. South. Name" sectionalism"/> name "/IN"> sectionalism17"/> It increased, steadily ,between 1800 and 1860 as the North, which phased slavery out of existence
  12. In their emphasis that he laid the foundations of modern chemistry, neglect how, steadily ,he clung to the Scholastic sciences and to Alchemy, in theory, practice and
  13. A classical realist tradition persisted in small Byzantine works, and realism, steadily ,grew in the art of Catholic Europe. Renaissance art had a greatly increased
  14. Baseball, the duration of the average major league game has increased, steadily ,through the years. At the turn of the twentieth century, games typically took
  15. Increasing importance in mining. Employment in the resource sector has fallen, steadily , and new jobs are mostly in the construction and retail/service sectors. With
  16. Has declined since the mid-1990s,although clothing exports have grown, steadily ,since 2000. Only in recent years electronics and electric equipment production
  17. Life expectancy rose from 44 to 54 years and to 72.6 years in 2007. It has been, steadily ,falling since the 1960s,from 3.04 % per year between 1950–1960 to 1.05 % in
  18. To the Armor formula in classical electromagnetism; an orbiting charge should, steadily ,lose energy and spiral toward the nucleus, colliding with it in a small
  19. As more and more opportunities are emerging in Albania itself as its economy, steadily ,develops. Executive branch The head of state in Albania is the President of the
  20. To avoid accusations of blasphemy from the church and state. Thus, as science, steadily ,continued to uncover and rationalize the clockwork of the universe, founded on
  21. Miracle" (). As West Germany's economy grew and its standard of living, steadily ,improved, many East Germans wanted to move to West Germany. Emigration westward
  22. World Series for the first time in ninety years. Attendance had been growing, steadily ,since the mid-1970s and in 1994,before the stoppage, the majors were setting
  23. Importing from other countries. Brunei's leaders are very concerned that, steadily ,increased integration in the world economy will undermine internal social
  24. Run more. Agassi's serve was never the strength of his game, but it improved, steadily ,over the course of his career to being above average. He often used his hard
  25. Industry). Logging has been an important industry in the past, but has been, steadily ,declining with competition from other areas and the closure of the region's
  26. Calcium, and magnesium from the soil and water to the surface. This process, steadily ,concentrates salt in the root zone, decreasing productivity for crops that are
  27. The economy away from oil and gas. Brunei's leaders are concerned that, steadily ,increased integration in the world economy will undermine internal social
  28. II–era, yet its complement of aircraft is roughly the same—a consequence of the, steadily ,increasing size and weight of military aircraft over the years. Modern
  29. Plates for winnowing pounded grain. The artistry of these baskets is being, steadily ,enhanced through color use and improved designs as they are increasingly
  30. Began in 1994,and AIM-120C deliveries began in 1996. The AIM-120C has been, steadily ,upgraded since it was introduced. The AIM-120C-6 contained an improved fuse (
  31. International visitors annually. The number of visitors has been growing, steadily ,over the past decade. This can be attributed to an increasing number of
  32. Guns, howitzers and mortars. During the 20th century, guns and howitzers have, steadily ,merged in artillery use, making a distinction between the terms somewhat
  33. Creating a simple debunking machine that was put into operation and used, steadily ,for a number of years. In return, John Herman gave both boys the run of a
  34. Is still already mixed with considerable amounts of outflow water. The salinity, steadily ,decreases towards North and East. At the northern part of the Gulf of Bosnia
  35. The Cold War, the popularity of the Black Sea as a tourist destination has been, steadily ,increasing. Overall, tourism at Black Sea resorts has become one of the region
  36. Small-arms fire. As the number of German tanks encountered by American forces, steadily ,decreased throughout the war, most battalions were split up and assigned to
  37. Development of the Athenian navy. It is probable that the power of Regina had, steadily ,declined during the twenty years after Salamis, and that it had declined
  38. Losing mass by radiating away energy, so the orbits of the planets are, steadily ,expanding outward from the Sun. This has led to calls to abandon the
  39. Anything, that all human life must perish, were his principles universally and, steadily ,to prevail. " (Hume 1974:426) He concludes the volume by setting out the
  40. Was not to be clearly named as that for two more decades. Both aspects have, steadily ,developed into substantial theories. Among his major accomplishments were the
  41. Bosnia and Herzegovina in foreign affairs. Bilateral relations have developed, steadily ,since diplomatic ties were established in mid-1994. Germany was closely
  42. Seven tenths for 13.7. This formality is often dropped in common speech and is, steadily ,disappearing in instruction in mathematics and science as well as in
  43. And, reportedly,animation for the 1982 film Tron. Interest in APL has, steadily ,declined since the mid 1980s. This was partially due to the lack of a smooth
  44. The Jewish Community of Malmö stated that" Threats against Jews have increased, steadily ,in Malmö in recent years and many young Jewish families are choosing to leave
  45. Hope, which was held in Lithuania. United States The United States has been, steadily ,upping its military clout in the region. In early 2003,United States
  46. World, Rede Globe. Internet has become quite popular in Brazil, with, steadily , growing numbers in adhesion and responsibility, with numbers that positions
  47. Taken from The Wasps, the lyric is merely a comic interlude and the rhythm is, steadily ,trochaic. The syntax in the original Greek is natural and unforced, and it was
  48. Overkirk's squadrons – 48 Dutch, supported on their left by 21 Danish –, steadily ,advanced towards the enemy (taking care not to prematurely tire the horses)
  49. The theatrical and home video releases of the uncut version—its reputation has, steadily ,grown. It is now regarded by some commentators as the greatest Japanese film
  50. By now of paramount importance, and that the role of the African languages is, steadily ,decreasing among the urban population—a trend which is beginning to spread into

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