Examples of the the word, indirect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indirect ), is the 4939 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The name of the Church, ( however, these last two are sometimes permitted in an, indirect ,form). It is the prohibition against deacons pronouncing a blessing in the
  2. Which occurred in the camps. The commission also asserted that Israel had, indirect ,responsibility for the massacre since the I. D. F. held the area. In their
  3. These functions can be arranged in many ways. Since the creation of modern, indirect ,fire different armies have done it differently at different times and in
  4. Food cultivation Most ants are generalist predators, scavengers and, indirect ,herbivores, Navigation Foraging ants travel distances of up to from their nest
  5. Character at that period. But it must also be noted that he used several, indirect ,means to obtain and support his authority with the people. He was generous to
  6. To her (although it is not required in some situations, for example when an, indirect ,object pronoun comes before a direct object noun, for example,I'll write her
  7. The required effects. Firing data has to be calculated and is the key to, indirect ,fire, the arrangements for this have varied widely. In the end firing data has
  8. Aftermath, both used specialized guns (and a few rockets) and used direct not, indirect ,fire, in the 1950s and '60s both started to make extensive use of missiles:
  9. Was originally done by self-modifying code, and later using index registers and, indirect ,addressing. Some mainframes designed in the 1960s,such as the Burroughs B5000
  10. See Myth of the Given). Conversely, most realists (specifically, indirect ,realists) hold that perceptions or sense data are caused by mind-independent
  11. Possible, since aluminum is a stronger reducing agent than carbon. There is an, indirect ,carbothermic reduction possible by using carbon and Al2O3,which forms an
  12. Very fine particles/droplets in the atmosphere) have both direct and, indirect ,effects on the Earth’s radiative balance. The direct (albedo) effect is
  13. With no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or, indirect , ( for instance from recognition of the giving). The term altruism may also
  14. Been established (such as defense ministry, security ministry, state court, indirect ,taxation service and so on) in the process of transferring part of the
  15. Providing they had suitable sights. However, the general switch by artillery to, indirect ,fire before and during World War I led to a reaction in some armies. The result
  16. Balance. The direct (albedo) effect is generally to cool the planet; the, indirect ,effect (the particles act as cloud condensation nuclei and thereby change
  17. Lining-plane) sight was invented in Germany and provided a means of, indirect ,laying in azimuth, complementing the clinometers for indirect laying in
  18. Is always transitive (protest one's innocence). * write: In BRE,the, indirect ,object of this verb usually requires the preposition to, for example,I'll
  19. Therapy killed a five-year-old child with autism. Treatment is expensive;, indirect ,costs are more so. For someone born in 2000,a US study estimated an average
  20. Target acquisition. However, air observers have been use since the beginning of, indirect ,fire and were quickly joined by air photography. Target acquisition may also be
  21. Census, with fixed quotas for each province. Citizens of Rome and Italy paid, indirect ,taxes, while direct taxes were exacted from the provinces. As it was
  22. G major, K. 525. The elegant, harmonically-advanced music in this musical pays, indirect ,homage to the compositions of Maurice Ravel, especially his Valses' nobles et
  23. To the native case found in some other languages. * as the subject of an, indirect ,statement (e.g. Digit me foods serum," He said that I had been cruel;" in
  24. However, Secretary of State William Seward engaged in unauthorized and, indirect ,negotiations that failed. Fort Monroe in
  25. Some form of rocket or missile launcher. They are usually used for long-range, indirect ,bombardment support on the battlefield. In the past, self-propelled artillery
  26. Sake, and as mimesis or representation. Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of, indirect ,means to communicate from one person to another. Benedetto Croce and R. G.
  27. In marble units is of Rs. 400 Crore. This sector employed 7 thousand direct &, indirect ,persons. Ajmer is well-connected with the national highway and is only from the
  28. A risk is also presented by the burning of older CCA timber. The direct or, indirect ,ingestion of wood ash from burnt CCA lumber has caused fatalities in animals
  29. Journal is that it sets high standards for them to aim at. In this somewhat, indirect ,manner, Lefschetz profoundly affected the development of mathematics in the
  30. And are able to exploit a wide range of food resources either as direct or, indirect ,herbivores, predators and scavengers. Most species are omnivorous generalists
  31. Could be easily man-handled and used mostly for direct fire, but some could use, indirect ,fire. Some were operated by the artillery branch but under command of the
  32. As Minister of Defense during the 1982 Lebanon War Sharon bore personal, but, indirect , responsibility for the massacre by Lebanese militias of Palestinian civilians
  33. And allowed to burn the skin producing a blister and eventually a scar),or, indirect ,(either a cone of mugwort was placed on a slice of garlic, ginger or other
  34. It, usually joined (such as in Latin) with the nominative case, making it an, indirect ,object. The accusative case existed in Proto-Indo-European and is present in
  35. McMurry's reaction). If two different ketones are to be coupled, a more complex, indirect ,method such as the Barton-Kellogg reaction may be used. A single ketone can
  36. A means of indirect laying in azimuth, complementing the clinometers for, indirect ,laying in elevation which already existed. In the next 15 years, the techniques
  37. Or ceremonial use. Field artillery system Because field artillery mostly uses, indirect ,fire the guns have to be part of a system that enables them to attack targets
  38. Recoil dampening. After the War of 1870,the Germans became strong advocates of, indirect ,fire. In 1882 a Russian officer, Lieutenant Colonel KG UK, published Indirect
  39. Significant effects of artillery during this period was however somewhat more, indirect ,– by easily reducing to rubble any medieval-type fortification or city wall (
  40. For Field Artillery that provided a practical method of using aiming points for, indirect ,fire by describing," all the essentials of aiming points, crest clearance, and
  41. Users, could be used, whereas switch access scanning is often used for, indirect ,selection. In many cases, rate enhancements methods may be used to speed up the
  42. A small camera, surgical instruments, and gases into the cavity for direct or, indirect ,visualization and treatment of the abdomen. The abdomen is inflated with carbon
  43. That our every thought, speech,and gesture, conscious or unconscious, is an, indirect ,reference! " Spiritual and recreational use of drugs Crowley was a habitual
  44. Kubitschek) had their political rights suspended, and military-sanctioned, indirect ,elections were held for most elected positions until political liberalization
  45. Firing and transport. However, its most important characteristic is the use of, indirect ,fire, whereby the firing equipment is aimed without seeing the target through
  46. Verbs, agrees not only with the subject, but with any direct object and the, indirect ,object present. Among European languages, this poly personal agreement is only
  47. Fuels in two fundamental ways: 1) direct consumption on the farm and 2), indirect , consumption to manufacture inputs used on the farm. Direct consumption includes
  48. System to a completely mechanical form, and have thus embodied the whole of the, indirect ,process of inference in what may be called a Logical Machine" His machine came
  49. Corrected it for the gun's muzzle velocity. For the first few decades of, indirect ,fire, the firing data were often calculated by the observer who then adjusted
  50. In elevation which already existed. In the next 15 years, the techniques of, indirect ,fire became available for all types of artillery. Indirect fire was the

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