Examples of the the word, developmental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( developmental ), is the 4931 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Make functional cilia and flagella has been linked to a number of genetic and, developmental ,diseases. In particular, the inability of centrioles to properly migrate prior
  2. The neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development have fully integrated the, developmental ,conception of changes in thought with age with cognitive models of information
  3. Programmable computers using electromechanical relays 1950s The 1950s saw, developmental ,activity based upon information theory. The central development was binary code
  4. Damage that has been linked to cancer. Follow-up studies show a higher level of, developmental ,delays at age three, lower scores on IQ tests and increased behavioral
  5. When infants are taught to sign, parents are able to converse with them at a, developmental ,stage when they are not yet capable of producing vocal speech, which requires
  6. Within social psychology, personality psychology, abnormal psychology, and, developmental , psychology. In fact, the neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development have
  7. Adolescence. ACA should be distinguished from developmental aphasia or, developmental ,dysphagia, which is a primary delay or failure in language acquisition. An
  8. Jr.: http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/biochem/steele/Kass-Simon.pdf The behavioral and, developmental ,physiology of nematocysts. In: Canadian Journal of Zoology. Ottawa Ont. 80.2002
  9. Tone, stockier build, asymmetrical skull, slanting eyes and mild to moderate, developmental ,disability. * Edwards syndrome, which is the second-most-common trisomy; Down
  10. Infancy until but not including adolescence. ACA should be distinguished from, developmental ,aphasia or developmental dysphagia, which is a primary delay or failure in
  11. Of this landmark. It has a dedicated online database of genetic, genomic,and, developmental ,information, the Zebrafish Information Network (FIN). D. period is one of the
  12. Public transit and community transport services for the elderly or those with, developmental ,disabilities are provided by agencies such as the Central Arkansas Transit
  13. Bird, Earvin" Magic" Johnson, and Michael Jordan. In 2001,the NBA formed a, developmental ,league, the NBDL. As of 2008,the league has 16 teams. International basketball
  14. It would normally use to develop eyes to develop other body parts, and this, developmental ,choice would eventually dominate the population. This is called economical
  15. Would travel at least 5 times the speed of sound. These are still in the, developmental ,stage. The US Arc light Program is investigating a very long range weapon
  16. Of the evolution of this superintelligence through exponentially accelerating, developmental ,stages, culminating in a transcendent, nigh-omnipotent power that is
  17. Instability does rarely occur. Some breeders believe this is largely a, developmental ,problem where puppies grow too quickly due to a high-protein western diet.
  18. And the determination of caste continues to be a subject of research. The, developmental ,environment Larvae and pupae need to be kept at fairly constant temperatures to
  19. Relationships as adults. Classification Autism is one of the five pervasive, developmental ,disorders (PDD),which are characterized by widespread abnormalities of
  20. Appear to have multiple pathophysiologies. Autism appears to result from, developmental ,factors that affect many or all functional brain systems, and to disturb the
  21. And difficulties in children and teenagers. A survey of children with pervasive, developmental ,disorder found that 16.5 % were taking an antipsychotic drug, most commonly to
  22. Molecular biology as well as to biomedical fields such as cancer research and, developmental ,biology. These fundamental similarities and differences provide a unifying
  23. Of a flower stem, whose branching nodes show the influence of environment, developmental ,history, and the evolution of each part to match its own idiosyncratic function
  24. Across the placenta from the pregnant woman to the fetus in uteri can cause, developmental ,abnormalities. She has also worked on the principal gene mutations causing
  25. As diseases or infections. Breast symmetry may be particularly sensitive to, developmental ,disturbances and the symmetry differences for breasts are large compared to
  26. Distinguishing it from mental retardation and schizophrenia and from other, developmental ,disorders, and demonstrating the benefits of involving parents in active
  27. Substantiated. Available approaches include applied behavior analysis (ABA), developmental , models,structured teaching, speech and language therapy, social skills therapy
  28. Studies in mice suggest that autistic symptoms are closely related to later, developmental ,steps that depend on activity in synapses and on activity-dependent changes.
  29. Dario period). It has become the standard model species for studying, developmental ,genetics of vertebrates, in particular fish. Habitat destruction and other
  30. The larvae obtain. Genetic influences and the control of gene expression by the, developmental ,environment are complex and the determination of caste continues to be a
  31. Risks by developing disaster early warning strategies *prepare and implement, developmental ,plans to provide resilience to such disasters, *mobilize resources including
  32. Many problems with marine shrimp farming. Unique problems are introduced by the, developmental ,life cycle of the main species, the giant river prawn. The global annual
  33. Lending volume, the return on investment in lesson learning for operational and, developmental ,impact is likely to be high and maximizing it is a legitimate concern. All
  34. Melanin properly. Research with D. period has allowed advances in the fields of, developmental ,biology, oncology,toxicology, reproductive studies, teratology, genetics
  35. Been labelled radical psychology and liberation psychology. In the field of, developmental ,psychology, the work of Erica Burman has been influential. Various
  36. And modifications, especially in response to various stressors, at various, developmental ,stages, or in various parts of the body. *Metabolomics - similar to proteomics
  37. Or failure in language acquisition. An important difference between ACA and, developmental ,childhood aphasia is that in the latter there is no apparent neurological basis
  38. Any animal, making it an interesting subject for studies in the genetics and, developmental ,biology of social insects. Development and reproduction The life of an ant
  39. Common. It is a trisomy of chromosome 18. Symptoms include motor retardation, developmental ,disability and numerous congenital anomalies causing serious health problems.
  40. There is no good evidence that sensory symptoms differentiate autism from other, developmental ,disorders. Differences are greater for under-responsivity (for example
  41. However, caffeine dissolves well in boiling water. Some alkaloids can produce, developmental ,defects in the offspring of animals that consume them but cannot detoxify them.
  42. A complex interplay of biological vulnerability, environmental exposure, and, developmental , factors (e.g., stage of brain maturity). " Current evidence indicates that
  43. Closely related to genetics, biochemistry,molecular biology, immunology,and, developmental ,biology. Processes Movement of proteins Each type of protein is usually sent to
  44. This is a very rare disorder. Those affected have normal intelligence or mild, developmental ,disability, with poor expressive language skills. Most have a bleeding disorder
  45. Turn unfavorable, the cells aggregate and follow one of two different, developmental ,pathways, depending on conditions. In the social pathway, they form a
  46. Wall varies between species, and can also differ depending on cell type and, developmental ,stage. In bacteria, peptidoglycan forms the cell wall. Archaean cell walls have
  47. By environmental factors such as nutrition and hormones which led to different, developmental ,paths; however, genetic differences between worker castes have been noted in
  48. Early experiences of adversity and conflict are likely to make subsequent, developmental ,challenges in adolescence more difficult, and are likely a potentiating factor
  49. Of premature infants with caffeine. The possibility of subtle long-term, developmental ,problems cannot, however,entirely be ruled out. Dehydration When doses of
  50. Social-relational characteristics, learning strengths and weaknesses, and, developmental , patterns for specific types of intellectual disabilities. AAC can be used to

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