Examples of the the word, mankind , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mankind ), is the 4936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mishnah, Talmud and Midrash about the nature of Torah, the revelation of God to, mankind , prophecy, and the ways that Jews have used scriptural exegesis to expand and
  2. In the Exultation of Ivanna, : " Enheduanna depicts Ivanna as disciplining, mankind ,as a goddess of battle. She thereby unites the warlike Akkadian Ishtar's
  3. For the duration of their illnesses, since Nebuchadnezzar is" driven away from, mankind , " (4:33,NASA) ) * Some words and phrases of the prayer have to be
  4. And through drama or no drama. Aristotle believed that imitation is natural to, mankind ,and constitutes one of mankind 's advantages over animals. While it is believed
  5. To prepare two hundred million horsemen. #### These armies kill a third of, mankind ,by use of three plagues: fire, smoke,and brimstone. ### Interlude: The little
  6. That are supported by many people in the world. These are: *# The division of, mankind ,threatens it with destruction ... Only universal cooperation under conditions
  7. Lewis or The Book of the Law. The god's commands explained that a new Eon for, mankind ,had begun, and that Crowley would serve as its prophet. As a supreme moral law
  8. Our finish. ... The dark ages sure enough. The Monster, Mechanism,is devouring, mankind , " According to James Martin, when referring to the world scene of the
  9. For manual labor and military purposes. While Boomers are intended to serve, mankind , they become deadly instruments in the hands of ruthless individuals. The AD
  10. Title is Atlantic and the subtitle of both is Mannheim, that is, home of, mankind , According to Redneck, Atland means fatherland, and it was the original name of
  11. Only through disdain for fleshly desire could one reach the ultimate state of, mankind , Augustine taught the redemption,i.e. transformation and purification, of the
  12. It was at first addressed to his son, it was later completed for the benefit of, mankind ,at the request of a friend. In his later years, as Congress was forced to deal
  13. Of divinity and salvation. He stated that there is no intermediary between, mankind ,and the divine; distant gods are subjected to karma themselves in decaying
  14. The Norwegian Nobel Committee called him a spokesman for the conscience of, mankind , On December 19, 1986 Mikhail Gorbachev who had initiated the policies of
  15. And buff cloak surrounded by green aureole is emerging to cast blessings on, mankind , Two monks kneel by his feet and the flying angels above his black head
  16. Out all wicked human and spirit creatures on Earth, leaving only righteous, mankind , They believe that the gathering of the all the nations of the Earth refers to
  17. Social relationships. His goal in writing the work was to explain the source of, mankind ,'s ability to form moral judgements, in spite of man's natural inclinations
  18. Taught that Jesus Christ was divine and was sent to earth for the salvation of, mankind ,but that Jesus Christ was not equal to the Father (infinite, primordial origin
  19. Factions with dedicated followers, conflicting agendas for the future of, mankind , and" desperately serious" commitments. As the ship breaks up, seven escape
  20. His identification as the Son of God; His vicarious atonement for the sins of, mankind ,by the shedding of His blood on the cross; the resurrection of His body from
  21. Islamic prophecies of the Apocalypse; it is characterized by the assembling of, mankind ,under one faith, Islam in Ahmadi belief. Bahá'í faith From Bahá'í literature
  22. They believe that Satan will be bound for that period, unable to influence, mankind , After the 1000 years are ended, and the second resurrection has taken place
  23. Also our sensitivity" to pains as well as pleasures, which escape the rest of, mankind , " (Essays Moral Political and Literary. Indianapolis, Literary Classics 5
  24. Of the artisan as gifts given by God for the purpose of disclosing God to, mankind , which purpose is achieved through four lights: the light of skill in
  25. In the book, he proposed and explained in detail a new theory of hu mankind :, mankind ,as a" time-binding" class of life (humans perform time binding by the
  26. Nameless desert town the shocking annals and secrets of a race older than, mankind , He was only an indifferent Mosley, worshipping unknown entities whom he called
  27. History of Religion (Section III):" There is a universal tendency among, mankind ,to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object those
  28. In its entirety, through Jesus Christ who provides the opportunity for all, mankind ,to be under the same covenant that was offered to Abraham and all of his people
  29. Taylor advocated strongly for unilateralism and a form of" uniformity of, mankind ,". Taylor in particular laid the groundwork for theories of cultural
  30. Subjects were less concerned with leaders and more with more common plights of, mankind , In its origins and its first golden age, no art owes quite as much to state
  31. A spiritual chronicle of the history, pre-history,and future of the world and, mankind , In a number of works, Steiner described a path of inner development he felt
  32. For their appearance. And like the rich,women's" softness" has" debased, mankind ,". Revision Wollstonecraft was forced to write the Rights of Woman hurriedly in
  33. Own basic desires, or Will sum Eben (Will to Live),which directed all of, mankind , For Schopenhauer, human desire was futile, illogical,directionless, and,by
  34. S personal philosophy (which he considered to be his greatest contribution to, mankind ,) was the idea of Reverence for Life (" Erfurt VOR them Eben" ). He
  35. Of a remark in The Wealth of Nations where Smith writes that the curiosity of, mankind ,about the" great phenomena of nature" such as" the generation, the life
  36. That the Arabic language was the language revealed by God for the benefit of, mankind ,and the original language as a prototype symbolic system of communication
  37. Monument built in 1917 by public subscription. The monument graphically depicts, mankind ,'s ability to span the globe through telecommunications; * The Alexander Graham
  38. Underneath the Colosseum at the end of the game. She explains the origin of, mankind ,within the story to the game's main protagonist, Desmond Miles. Athena appears
  39. Nation. We feel that this stands as a symbol of the insatiable curiosity of all, mankind ,to explore the unknown ... Personally, in reflecting on the events of the past
  40. Case of animals also; and as animals usually breed much more quickly than does, mankind , the destruction every year from these causes must be enormous in order to keep
  41. Aristotle believed that imitation is natural to mankind and constitutes one of, mankind ,'s advantages over animals. While it is believed that Aristotle's Poetics
  42. Others for the initials of the Greek anthrōpoussōzōn Haiti nylon,“ saving, mankind ,by the holy cross. ” *Isaac de Beausobre derives Abraham from the Greek habros
  43. We can eat and how to increase yields and therefore their work is important in, mankind ,'s ability to feed the world and provide food security for future generations
  44. Continent of North America was silenced in honor of the man who had given to, mankind ,the means for direct communication at a distance ". Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
  45. Promised Messiah and Mahdi for the spiritual reformation and moral direction of, mankind , This age continues for approximately one thousand years as per Judeo-Christian
  46. I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions. To the mass of, mankind ,religion of some kind is a necessity. But whether there be a God and whatever
  47. Blessed Virgin Mary is the" Ark of the New Covenant. " Carrying the savior of, mankind ,within her, she herself became the Holy of Holes. This is the interpretation
  48. The Apollo program is arguably the greatest technical achievement of, mankind ,to date ... nothing since Apollo has come close to the excitement that was
  49. Be" ... a great weapon for peace, competing with intercontinental missiles for, mankind ,'s destiny ", according to Malcolm T. Stamper, one of the senior management for
  50. The slave-master's devilish clutches" as" belonging to the blackest pages of, mankind ,'s criminal record ". Schopenhauer additionally maintained a marked

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