Examples of the the word, gates , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gates ), is the 4941 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Calibrates. In 437 BC, Mnesicles started building the Propylaea, monumental, gates , with columns of Enteric marble, partly built upon the old propylaea of
  2. Procession. A traditional superstition is that students who pass through the, gates ,for a second time before graduation do not graduate. The Brown University Band
  3. Gates The Van Sickle Gates, dedicated on June 18, 1901,have a pair of center, gates ,and a smaller gate on each side. The side gates remain open throughout the year
  4. By a wall on all sides, including along the seafront. In this wall, five, gates , allowed access to the city, with five roads from each gate dividing the city
  5. And the townspeople begin to celebrate the imminent opening of the town, gates , Othón, however,does not escape death from the disease. Cottar is distressed
  6. The German internment camps). The scenes at the end of the novel, when Oran's, gates ,are reopened, recall the jubilant scenes in Paris when the city was liberated
  7. Forced to play grotesquely cheerful music as the workers marched through the, gates ,in step. Name "/IN"> confronting"/> Capos—prisoners who had been promoted to
  8. Commencement procession. Undergraduate members, however,walk through the, gates ,backwards, thereby avoiding the hex. Josiah S. Barberry One of Brown's most
  9. Main camp. It was larger than Auschwitz I, and more people passed through its, gates ,than through Auschwitz I. It was designed to hold several categories of
  10. And James River, southeast of Richmond. Although McClellan's army reached the, gates ,of Richmond in the Peninsula Campaign, name " Perryville"/> name "
  11. In appearance from the original one. The existed had 86 shops and 4 large iron, gates , The shops used to sell textiles, and today sell food products. Debut Bath The
  12. And output levels and operating voltages were compatible between the different, gates , Each gate consisted of one inverting vacuum tube amplifier, preceded by a
  13. 18, 1901,have a pair of center gates and a smaller gate on each side. The side, gates ,remain open throughout the year, while the center gates remain closed except
  14. Governor de Launay, the commander of the Bastille, capitulated and opened the, gates ,to avoid a mutual massacre. However, possibly because of a misunderstanding
  15. Loved ones in other towns or from those who happened to be out of town when the, gates ,of Oran were closed. In another sense, the entire town feels in exile, since it
  16. The area for his own empire. After Charlemagne's columns arrived at the, gates ,of Zaragoza, Sulayman got cold feet and refused to let the Franks into the city
  17. City was strongly fortified to prevent attacks by neighboring lords, but the, gates ,were removed by 1770. During the Wars of the Three Kingdoms of 1644-1647 the
  18. Which he had been subjected. In 1209 ten of his followers were burnt before the, gates ,of Paris, and Amalric's own body was exhumed and burnt and the ashes given to
  19. To admit students during Convocation. At the end of the second semester,the, gates ,open outward for the Commencement Day procession. A traditional superstition is
  20. Long been assumed in scholarship. The stones which were found in front of the, gates ,of Homeric Troy were the symbols of Apollo. The Greeks gave to him the name
  21. Monarchy, an art gallery and tourist attraction. Behind the gilded railings and, gates ,which were made by the Cosgrove Guild name" rob9" /> and Webb's famous
  22. Dies after a heroic struggle. Rieux's wife also dies. In February, the town, gates ,open and people are reunited with their loved ones from other cities. Lambert
  23. Is Johanna. Janna and Johanna both have different levels. Janna possesses 8, gates , while Johanna possess 7 deep terrible layers. Individuals will arrive at both
  24. On each side. The side gates remain open throughout the year, while the center, gates ,remain closed except for two occasions each year. At the beginning of the
  25. By United Airlines. After the attacks, American Airlines decided to move its, gates ,at Dulles from the D Concourse to the B concourse. This move was to occur weeks
  26. The men as they are leaving for the king's camp, carrying keys to the town's, gates ,and citadel. Rodin began the project in 1884,inspired by the chronicles of the
  27. City had 70 mosques, several coffee-tea rooms, a bazaar (market) with iron, gates ,and 900 shops. Manager became a Sanjay center in the Amelia Eyelet (Ottoman
  28. Its borders are open to everyone. The GDR is opening its borders ... the, gates ,in the Berlin Wall stand open. " After the fall of the Berlin Wall, French
  29. To the teens, an outer teens wall and gateway, with a colonnade between the, gates , His temple was about 40 × 50 ft (12 x 15 m) inside, with stone gateways
  30. Theatre. Also well-known and well worth seeing are the two remaining city, gates , the Monitor, one half mile northwest of the cathedral, and the
  31. In Belgium. It has been claimed that the slogan was placed over entrance, gates ,to Auschwitz III / Luna/Monowitz. Prime Levi describes seeing the words
  32. And transport. The defenses took the form of a moat and earthen dikes, with, gates , at transit points, but otherwise no masonry superstructures. The original plans
  33. Guided Paris' arrow. Some retelling also state that Achilles was scaling the, gates ,of Troy and was hit with a poisoned arrow. All of these versions deny Paris any
  34. Of Sujikai-gomon city gate (present Mania bridge) which was one of the city, gates ,(Mitsuki) of old Do (Tokyo). It was the gateway from inner Do to northern
  35. Memorial, a large memorial statue of Queen Victoria, placed outside the main, gates , George V, who had succeeded Edward VII in 1910,had a more serious personality
  36. Prisoners to make a signal about what was actually happening behind the, gates ,of Auschwitz. The slogan can also be seen at the Dachau concentration camp
  37. In the Divine Comedy, recounts that he saw Alfonso's spirit seated outside the, gates ,of Purgatory with the other monarchs whom Dante blamed for the chaotic
  38. By Turbofan, Adhemar organized a procession through the streets, and had the, gates ,locked so that the Crusaders, many of whom had begun to panic, would be unable
  39. Of Master and the devoted enemy of Hastur's half-brother, Cthulhu,crosses its, gates ,in search of Alhazred's burial site. He indeed finds Alhazred's burial
  40. Is seen as significant because of the promise made by Jesus Christ that the ", gates ,of hell" () would not prevail against the Church, and his promise that he
  41. Of plague is officially declared. Part two The town is sealed off. The town, gates ,are shut, rail travel is prohibited, and all mail service is suspended. The use
  42. Off One silos’ head and brought it to Authors, where they hung it above the, gates , As it hung there empty, a swarm of bees entered it and filled it with
  43. For two occasions each year. At the beginning of the academic year, the center, gates ,open inward to admit students during Convocation. At the end of the second
  44. By 2010 had seen 29 million visitors—1,300,000 annually—pass through the iron, gates ,crowned with the infamous motto, Arbeit yacht free (" work makes free" ).
  45. Were fully electronic, implemented with vacuum tubes. The family of logic, gates ,ranged from inverters to two and three input gates . The input and output levels
  46. The 2nd dimension) # Adaptive Testing (AT, the 3rd dimension). The four ", gates ," which conjoin and support the 3-dimensional model act as quality safeguards
  47. Tubes. The family of logic gates ranged from inverters to two and three input, gates , The input and output levels and operating voltages were compatible between the
  48. And children were sold into slavery. Jerusalem, on the other hand, opened its, gates ,in surrender, and according to Josephus, Alexander was shown the book of Daniel
  49. From the rock walls of the moats. Every passage to the city was guarded by, gates ,and towers, and a wall surrounded each of the city's rings. The walls were
  50. Hill over 400ft high with an enormous 8mile wall enclosing the city. The main, gates ,of Golconda had the ability to repulse any War elephant attack. In fact of the

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