Examples of the the word, distinctive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distinctive ), is the 5450 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Responsibility of the Grampians Fire and Rescue Service; the service operates, distinctive ,white painted fire engines (other UK fire brigades use red vehicles).
  2. Historian and the latter an early modernist, quickly became associated with the, distinctive ,Annals approach, which combined geography, history,and the sociological
  3. A dialect of American Sign Language, with its own rules of grammar and a, distinctive ,vocabulary. Finger spelling Writing systems For much of its history, ASL was not
  4. Often produced along the stem. The flowers are in the main not particularly, distinctive , being of a general 'lily type ', with six sepals, either free or fused from
  5. Among and even within certain species. Although the family (Amaranthaceae) is, distinctive , the genus has few distinguishing characters among the 70 species included.
  6. Examples include Play land (New York) and Luna Park Sydney. Art Deco used many, distinctive ,styles, but one of the most significant of its features was its dependence upon
  7. Injury. The Aramaic alphabet is adapted from the Phoenician alphabet and became, distinctive ,from it by the 8th century BC. The letters all represent consonants, some of
  8. Continued. The debate between Calvin's followers and Arminius's followers is, distinctive ,of post-Reformation church history. The emerging Baptist movement in
  9. Flora of Alabama are similar to those of the Gulf states in general and have no, distinctive ,characteristics. However, the Mobile River system has a high incidence of
  10. By Find in Ali, he also wrote the earliest treatise on Arabic numerals. A, distinctive ,West Arabic variant of the symbols begins to emerge around the 10th century in
  11. Of a given language usually perceive one phoneme in their language as a single, distinctive ,sound in that language and are" both unaware of and even shocked by" the
  12. Of AME and has greatly influenced everyday speech of many Americans. A, distinctive ,speech pattern also appears near the border between Canada and the United
  13. Chapters 38,39) that they occupy more than half of Germany, use a, distinctive ,hairstyle, and are spiritually centered on the Seminoles. On the other hand the
  14. At a cost of $75. The Apple I's built-in computer terminal circuitry was, distinctive , All one needed was a keyboard and an inexpensive television set. Competing
  15. For ASL. It is alphabetic, with a letter or diacritic for every phonemic (, distinctive ,) hand shape, orientation,motion, and position, though it lacks any
  16. Be used in this way. ) The style of an artwork, artist,or movement is the, distinctive ,method and form followed by the respective art. Any loose brushy, dripped or
  17. In music for advertisements. Some popular acts do use the instrument in their, distinctive ,sounds. See the list of popular music acts that incorporate the accordion. In
  18. Moderate course of theological study, practising celibacy and wearing a, distinctive ,dress—a short dark-violet coat with narrow collar. Being men of presumed
  19. And liturgical beliefs of the Reformers. The result has been a movement with a, distinctive ,self-image among Christian movements. The question often arises as to whether
  20. Criticises the proposition, implicit in theories of via media, that there is no, distinctive ,body of Anglican doctrine, other than those of the universal church; accusing
  21. Named the Cohen modal haplotype, implying that many of the Khan do share a, distinctive ,common ancestry. This information was also used to support the claim that the
  22. Land of the pairs) because of its inhabitants: the Pakistanis, an ethnically, distinctive ,people who practiced animism, polytheism and shamanism. Other than Muslims
  23. Of Humanity on 7 November 2003. Mariana is a kind of traditional Azeris, distinctive ,folk unaccompanied song, usually performed by several people improvising on a
  24. A" religious or cultural tradition that is acquired through learning, through, distinctive , traditions and education. " According to Handel, this form of antisemitism
  25. Continue to carry the Annals banner, today the Annals approach has been less, distinctive ,as more and more historians do work in cultural history, political history and
  26. 19th and early 20th centuries, little monumental architecture was created, but, distinctive , residences were built in Baku and elsewhere. Among the most recent
  27. Lamps because he did not want her to know who he was (having wings made him, distinctive ,). Her two sisters, jealous of Psyche, convinced her that her husband was a
  28. Of mad scientists and absent-minded professors; his expressive face and, distinctive ,hairstyle have been widely copied and exaggerated. TIME magazine's Frederic
  29. Into a layer of binding mud. These surfacing stones were often placed in, distinctive ,patterns. The Chapman structures altogether required the wood of 200,000
  30. Low support for the position of Boracay in the tree shown above. Rutaceae is, distinctive ,among the Asparagus in the unique structure of the inflorescence (a iridium
  31. White LED technology as daytime running lights in their products. The, distinctive ,shape of the URLs has become a trademark of sorts. LEDs were first introduced
  32. Crucial means of survival in the animal world, and speech is one of the most, distinctive ,characteristics of human development and culture. So it is no surprise that the
  33. Ant nest, which also serves as protection from its predators. One of the most, distinctive ,characteristics of the Tubulidentata is their teeth. Instead of having a pulp
  34. Of Relativity. He published numerous books on these concepts, all set in a, distinctive ,typography. Lawson repeatedly predicted the worldwide adoption of Lawson
  35. The Oscar itself was later initiated by the Academy as an award" of merit for, distinctive ,achievement" in the industry. The first Academy Awards ceremony was held on
  36. Account are echoed in Paul's Historian Langobardorum, which also contains, distinctive ,features. One of the best known aspects unavailable in any other source is that
  37. Gaseous amines possess a characteristic ammonia smell, liquid amines have a, distinctive ," fishy" smell. Also reflecting their ability to form hydrogen bonds, most
  38. English as spoken in England, North American English is more homogeneous. Some, distinctive ,accents can be found on the East Coast (for example, in eastern New England
  39. Was published in November 2009. In it Agassi admitted that his once, distinctive ,bushy mane actually was a wig, and that he used and tested positive for
  40. Ways: But he Platinum did not just speak straight out of these books but took a, distinctive ,personal line in his consideration, and brought the mind of Ammonium' to bear
  41. Mainz) archdiocese from 745,and of Basilica (Basel) from 805. Its, distinctive ,laws were codified under Charlemagne as the Duchy of Alemannic in Swabia. Today
  42. Service, by contrast, is usually a more formal liturgy celebrated by clergy in, distinctive ,vestments and may be almost indistinguishable from a Roman Catholic service
  43. Daily in cathedrals and some collegiate chapels. This nurtured a tradition of, distinctive ,Anglican chant applied to the canticles and psalms used at the offices (
  44. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries were the source of a massive stock of, distinctive ,new words, phrases and idioms. Typical examples are the vocabulary of
  45. Γλαύξ," owl" ) is from the same root, presumably because of the bird's own, distinctive ,eyes. The bird which sees well in the night is closely associated with the
  46. Canons or Black canons (so called from the color of their habit) present few, distinctive ,peculiarities. This order had its first seat in England at Colchester, where a
  47. And Austria, and the German spoken by the inhabitants of those regions has, distinctive ,regional dialects. Language The German spoken today over the range of the
  48. Orders remains to this day a hallmark of Anglican religious life. Another, distinctive ,feature of Anglican religious life is the existence of some mixed-gender
  49. Editors to access non-ASCII characters. Historically, the APL font has been, distinctive , with uppercase italic alphabetic characters and upright numerals and symbols.
  50. And fluorescent lighting, and other types of gas discharge tubes. Argon makes a, distinctive ,blue-green gas laser. Characteristics Argon has approximately the same

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