Examples of the the word, shooting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shooting ), is the 5454 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That were critical of the official atheism in the Soviet Union. After finishing, shooting ,of roughly one half of the film, the project was stopped by Gosling, after it
  2. A loaded pistol. In response to a neighbor's complaint that his target, shooting ,endangered her children, he replied," If that should ever happen, ma-da-me, we
  3. On March 30, 1981,the awards ceremony was postponed for one day after the, shooting ,of President Ronald Reagan and others in Washington’D. C. In 1993,an In
  4. Were attracting Paris crowds to the Muse Green. Louis Le Prince had been, shooting ,moving picture sequences on paper film as soon as 1888,but had never performed
  5. Chest pains a physical symptom of anxiety are a deadly heart attack or that the, shooting ,pains in your head another physical symptom of anxiety are the result of a
  6. Rating to the eyewear. This standard is commonly used for shop glasses, shooting ,glasses, and many other examples of protective eyewear. Other initiatives *In
  7. Threat while taking off – which gives very little reaction time – a decision on, shooting ,it down may be taken by an Indian Air Force officer not below the rank of
  8. Without a sight picture may allow more rapid shooting . Currently Instinctive, shooting ,is a term used to describe a style of shooting that includes the Barlow aiming
  9. This problem. Roger Assam mentions one archer, presumably with an unusual, shooting ,style, who wore a leather guard for his face. The drawing digits are normally
  10. Relies discovered this technique accidentally when his camera broke down while, shooting ,a bus driving by. When he had fixed the camera, a hearse happened to be passing
  11. And disarmed Lawrence. Lawrence told doctors later his reasons for the, shooting , He blamed Jackson for his loss of his job. He claimed that with the President
  12. Playing these roles to live and work as these“ families” for the duration of, shooting , Shooting For his early films, although they were consistently well
  13. Stance. The body should be at or nearly perpendicular to the target and the, shooting ,line, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart. As an archer progresses from
  14. For the defense. * 1996 – In Tasmania, Australia,Martin Bryant goes on a, shooting ,spree, killing 35 people and seriously injuring 21 more. *2001 – Millionaire
  15. Sound designer in Stalker, is convinced that they were all poisoned when, shooting ,the film near a chemical plant. Filmography Tchaikovsky is mainly known as a
  16. Movement again). He suffered physical effects for the rest of his life. The, shooting ,had a profound effect on Warhol's life and art. Sonatas was arrested the day
  17. Troops on September on Cuba Hills, Patikul town in Lulu. In 2009,with the, shooting ,of two United States soldiers, Abu SAAF was again put in the international
  18. Then feature films),was so impressed by its cinematographer's achievement of, shooting ,several shots with the camera aimed directly at the sun—allegedly it was the
  19. Between the mind/body connection that is used when throwing a baseball or, shooting ,a basketball. With sufficient practice, such archers can normally achieve good
  20. Because of his wife and his son. Tchaikovsky returned to Italy in 1982 to start, shooting ,Nostalgia. He did not return to his home country. As Mos film withdrew from the
  21. York in 2005 for the first time in over thirty years. After his June 3,1968, shooting , a reclusive Warhol relinquished his personal involvement in filmmaking. His
  22. Such as India, Poland,and Russia have enacted laws or decrees that allow the, shooting ,down of hijacked planes. Polish Constitutional Court however, in September 2008
  23. Known as“ rough-stone piling,” which required months of work. Later, before, shooting , the famous scene in which the castle is attacked and set on fire, in order to
  24. Brief: Jimbo had its Japanese premiere on April 20, 1961,four days after, shooting ,concluded on April 16. The" Kurosawa-gumi" Throughout his career, Kurosawa
  25. Directly comparable to Ishtar of the many lovers, but the my theme of Artemis, shooting ,Orion, was linked to her punishment of Actaeon by T. C. W. Stanton; the Greek
  26. He has an intimate knowledge of the workings of the hospital. He also has a ", shooting ,license," certifying him as sporadically not responsible for his actions due
  27. Much more smoothly than the director's previous film, but a few days before, shooting ,ended,Kurosawa's composer, collaborator and close friend Audio Alaska
  28. Was to be Gothic Revival, including the installation of gargoyles with water, shooting ,out of their mouths. Kansas City is home to the Kansas City Power and Light
  29. The arrow and two fingers below the arrow is the most commonly-used finger, shooting ,method amongst English and modern North American archers who do not use
  30. Glorious Twelfth" in the UK, as it marks the traditional start of the grouse, shooting ,season. Events *30 BC – Cleopatra VII Philomath, the last ruler of the
  31. Preference but mostly this term indicates that the leg furthest from the, shooting ,line will be a half to a whole foot-length from the other foot, on the ground.
  32. Incidents of Patriot shooting s at coalition aircraft and one of U. S. aircraft, shooting ,at a Patriot battery. A new version of the Hawk missile was tested during the
  33. For hunting or for war. Aiming without a sight picture may allow more rapid, shooting , Currently, Instinctive shooting is a term used to describe a style of shooting
  34. Compound bows, especially among older archers who have used finger tabs when, shooting ,recurve bows. The release aid attaches to the bowstring just below the knocking
  35. On the chin, to the cheek, or to the ear, depending upon one's preferred, shooting ,style. The bow arm is held outwards toward the target. The elbow of this arm
  36. Hopes of him directing another film. His longtime wish—to die on the set while, shooting ,a movie—was never to be fulfilled. Death and posthumous works Following his
  37. To three years under the control of the Department of Corrections. After the, shooting , the Factory scene became much more tightly controlled, and for many the "
  38. Shooting. Currently, Instinctive shooting is a term used to describe a style of, shooting ,that includes the Barlow aiming method that relies heavily upon the
  39. Three fingers below the arrow, or an arrow pinching technique. Instinctive, shooting ,is a technique eschewing sights and is often preferred by traditional archers (
  40. 2009. On his website, Awlaki has praised Hasan's actions in the Fort Hood, shooting , An unnamed official claimed there was good reason to believe Awake" has been
  41. Warhol and art critic and curator Mario Amaya at Warhol's studio. Before the, shooting , Sonatas had been a marginal figure in the Factory scene. She authored the S.
  42. Kurosawa took over most of the production, as Yamamoto was occupied with the, shooting ,of another film. One important piece of advice Yamamoto gave Kurosawa was that
  43. But it was later revealed that although he would appear briefly he would not be, shooting ,new footage, and his image would be inserted into the movie from stock footage
  44. Otherwise cause the arrow to" plane" on the air in a random direction after, shooting , Even though the arrow be made with extreme care, the slightest imperfection
  45. Rush-Bagot Treaty, establishing the border with Canada. *1847 – The accidental, shooting ,of a Māori by an English sailor results in the opening of the Kangaroo Campaign
  46. Met up with Rose and Lilith in Kolkata before being forced to leave India after, shooting ,dead a native who had tried to mug him. Travelling to China, Crowley soon fell
  47. Surgery. *1982 – 57 people are killed by former police officer Woo Bumpkin in a, shooting ,spree in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. *1986 – A nuclear reactor accident
  48. Is known as bow fishing. Modern competitive archery involves, shooting ,arrows at a target for accuracy from a set distance or distances. This is the
  49. To common aiming techniques used with firearms). When using short bows, or, shooting , from horseback, it is difficult to use the sight picture. The archer may look
  50. Enter the scene. The film was created by drawing each frame on paper and then, shooting ,each frame onto negative film, which gave the picture a blackboard look. This

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