Examples of the the word, dependence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dependence ), is the 5459 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between different racial groups which affect the risk of developing alcohol, dependence , For example, there are differences between African, East Asian and Interracial
  2. Other psychotropic drug addictions. The most common dual addiction in alcohol, dependence ,is benzodiazepine dependence , with studies showing 10–20 percent of
  3. Camera) stabilizes the brain chemistry that is altered due to alcohol, dependence ,via antagonizing the actions of glutamate, a neurotransmitter which is
  4. Cognitive and psychomotor impairment; it also has a low potential for abuse and, dependence ,and may be preferred over the benzodiazepines for these reasons. Herbal
  5. Many Southern states, suffered economic hardship, in part because of continued, dependence ,on agriculture. Despite the growth of major industries and urban centers, white
  6. Biblical, Egyptian and Babylonian sources record the history of abuse and, dependence ,on alcohol. In some ancient cultures' alcohol was worshiped and in others its
  7. Danube and the Gulf of Venice (to be held probably on some terms of nominal, dependence ,on the empire) and the title of commander-in-chief of the imperial army —.
  8. And Turkish borders have devastated the economy, because of Armenia's, dependence ,on outside supplies of energy and most raw materials. Land routes through
  9. Abuse and alcohol dependence . And is sometimes considered equivalent to alcohol, dependence , Talbot (1989) tells us alcoholism in the classical disease model will follow
  10. Are a class of 5-HT1A receptor agonists. They lack the sedation and the, dependence ,associated with benzodiazepines and cause much less cognitive impairment. They
  11. Policies are often also designed to stimulate employment and reduce import, dependence ,and energy security concerns. Adopted in March 2011,China's 12th Five Year
  12. Mechanism, such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines, withdrawal from alcohol, dependence ,can be fatal if it is not properly managed. Alcohol's primary effect is the
  13. The normalized radial distance. The radial polynomials Rim_n have no azimuthal, dependence , and are defined as: Rim_n (\rho) = \! \sum_^ \! \! \! \franc \; \rho
  14. Test than the CAGE questionnaire. It helps distinguish a diagnosis of alcohol, dependence ,from one of heavy alcohol use. The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) is
  15. And engineering Anisotropy, in Material Science, is a material’s directional, dependence ,of a physical property. Most materials exhibit anisotropic behavior. An example
  16. Misuse Alcoholism is characterized by an increased tolerance of and physical, dependence ,on alcohol, affecting an individual's ability to control alcohol consumption
  17. Are desensitized and reduced in number, resulting in tolerance and physical, dependence , This can be attributed to many reasons, the main being that women have less
  18. Days ", he wrote," and even long years, of cheerless anxiety and hopeless, dependence , " Louisa noted her father had become" restless with his anchor gone. " They
  19. During pregnancy may be a risk factor for later development of alcohol, dependence , Severe childhood trauma is also associated with a general increase in the risk
  20. Sustained alcohol consumption. Women develop long-term complications of alcohol, dependence ,more rapidly than do men. Additionally, women have a higher mortality rate from
  21. As a correlation provides a scale-free measure of the strength of statistical, dependence , and because the normalization has an effect on the statistical properties of
  22. And that further research is needed: chronic asthma,Bell's palsy, cocaine, dependence , depression, primary dysmenorrhoea (incorporating TENS),epilepsy, glaucoma
  23. Property. Most materials exhibit anisotropic behavior. An example would be the, dependence ,of Young's modulus on the direction of load. Anisotropy in poly crystalline
  24. The test presents roughly the same amount of mode I and mode II with a slight, dependence ,on the ratio of the two layer thicknesses. * End notch Fleur tests consist in
  25. Are desensitized and reduced in number, resulting in tolerance and physical, dependence , When alcohol consumption is stopped too abruptly, the person's nervous system
  26. Strong government leadership. Secondary industries helped reduce the state's, dependence ,on primary industries. World War II brought industrial stimulus and
  27. Allosteric mechanisms, by feedback effects, and by the substrate concentration, dependence ,of individual enzymes within the glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation
  28. The most common dual addiction in alcohol dependence is benzodiazepine, dependence , with studies showing 10–20 percent of alcohol-dependent individuals had
  29. Age may influence the expression of genes which increase the risk of alcohol, dependence , Individuals who have a genetic disposition to alcoholism are also more likely
  30. As over 2.8 million in 2001. About 12 % of American adults have had an alcohol, dependence ,problem at some time in their life. The World Health Organization estimates
  31. Radii, thicknesses,distances, indices,etc., of the lenses); therefore their, dependence ,on the refractive index, and consequently on the color, are calculable. The
  32. For the drugs (tardive psychosis),and a potential for permanent chemical, dependence ,leading to psychosis much worse than before treatment began, if the drug dosage
  33. Changes in the brain's structure and chemistry such as tolerance and physical, dependence , These changes maintain the person with alcoholism's compulsive inability to
  34. Alcohol has been recommended as additional ways of reducing the harm of alcohol, dependence ,and abuse. Credible, evidence based educational campaigns in the mass media
  35. First suggested a reciprocal or circular causality as a relation of mutual, dependence ,or influence of cause upon effect). Moreover, Aristotle indicated that the
  36. And has a high possibility of severe psychological and physiological, dependence , * In Canada, possession of amphetamines is a criminal offense under Schedule
  37. Several other terms are used, specifically " alcohol abuse" and" alcohol, dependence ," which have more specific definitions. People suffering from alcoholism are
  38. c. There is surprisingly small variation around this energy, due to the heavy, dependence ,of the half-life of this process on the energy produced (see equations in the
  39. People of the northern Interior region are primarily known today for their, dependence ,on the caribou within the much-contested Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The
  40. Studies showing 10–20 percent of alcohol-dependent individuals had problems of, dependence ,and/or misuse problems of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines increase cravings
  41. Distinctive styles, but one of the most significant of its features was its, dependence ,upon a range of ornaments and motifs. The style is said to have represented the
  42. College students. Other tests are sometimes used for the detection of alcohol, dependence , such as the Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire, which is a more sensitive
  43. Chase-Dunn, and Immanuel Wallenstein have detailed underdevelopment and, dependence ,in a world ruled by the capitalist system. Pacifist and anti-imperialist
  44. Syndrome after continuous usage for longer than two weeks, and tolerance and, dependence ,may occur if patients stay under this treatment for longer. There is also the
  45. Factors are believed to, in part, explain the differing rates of alcohol, dependence ,among racial groups. The alcohol dehydrogenase allele ADH1 B*3 causes a more
  46. Integer. For a particle with a spin S, this takes into account only the angular, dependence ,of the location of the particle, for example its orbit in an atom. It is
  47. That about 140 million people throughout the world suffer from alcohol, dependence , In the United States and Western Europe,10 to 20 percent of men and 5 to 10
  48. May be used to manage depression, although benzodiazepines cause a physical, dependence ,to form. Stopping benzodiazepine treatment abruptly can cause unpleasant
  49. Of his mother, whose nephew he was, and thus freed the kingdom from political, dependence ,on the crown of his cousin of León. On 6 April 1129,Alfonso Henriques dictated
  50. The term" alcoholism" sometimes encompasses both alcohol abuse and alcohol, dependence , And is sometimes considered equivalent to alcohol dependence . Talbot (1989)

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