Examples of the the word, wars , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wars ), is the 5456 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The high society and begin his career as a private detective. Between the world, wars , Poirot travelled all over Europe and the Middle East investigating crimes and
  2. I showed decision and vigor, which were belied by his subsequent conduct. The, wars ,which attended his accession both in Hungary and in Persia terminated
  3. Beings in the past. The Annals historians, after living through two world, wars ,and incredible political upheavals in France, were deeply uncomfortable with
  4. It became a satrapy of the Persian Empire. After the end of the Greek-Persian, wars ,the cities on the coasts became part of the Delian League, which was, however
  5. The aqua Alexandrina, was put into service in 226; Persian and German, wars ,On the whole, however,the reign of Alexander was prosperous until the rise, in
  6. Was Fatimid Egypt, which was suffering from a series of young caliphs and civil, wars , The crusaders had wanted to conquer Egypt since the days of Baldwin I, and
  7. Engaged in slave raids as far north as Iceland. The United States fought two, wars ,(the First and Second Barbary Wars) over Algiers' attacks on shipping. The
  8. An objective that he pursued until his death, in 1185,after forty-six years of, wars ,against the Moors. Life Alfonso I was the son of Count Henry of Burgundy, regent
  9. The reign of Rode, King of Jutland, around 900. 17th–18th centuries During the, wars ,of the 17th century, it is probable that the city suffered significantly
  10. Formations such as chiefdoms. The Cabana gem, one of the bloodiest regional, wars ,ever in Brazil, which was chiefly directed against the white ruling class
  11. Monuments. However, many of its historic monuments have been damaged in recent, wars , The two famous Buddhas of Damian were destroyed by the Taliban, who regarded
  12. Or social group could object. Some critics say that Ashoka was afraid of more, wars , but among his neighbors, including the Seleucid Empire and the Greco-Bactrian
  13. Shortages and political disputes escalated into famines and small-scale civil, wars , Yet despite difficult problems, local leaders, owing no tribute to the pharaoh
  14. Needed to be people with experience and contacts in the wider Greek world where, wars ,were fought. In the 5th century BC, principally as seen through the figure of
  15. Today. Devastated by European diseases to which they had no immunity, and civil, wars , in 1532 the Incas were defeated by an alliance composed of tens of thousands
  16. Manufacturers did not. After Louis XIV and Louis XV had ruined France by lost, wars , by aiding the American insurgents against the British, and above all by the
  17. Of base lust for power, betrayal of the father by his sons, and pervasive, wars ,and murders. " The historical setting of the film is used as" a commentary on
  18. Revolutions in French and German government, and a few continent-shaking, wars , he did indeed maintain his aloof position of" minding not the times but the
  19. Experiencing the tumult of the Reformation, the German Peasants' War, and the, wars ,against the Ottoman Turks, they did not enforce the ban on the duke, and
  20. Over the Jews. Jews were blamed for virtually all the" subversion" and, wars ,of the modern world. An of Saudi Arabia's curriculum has been released to the
  21. Over southern and western states. * Banks have a long history of instigating, wars ,between nations, forcing them to borrow funding to pay for them. Following
  22. Look less autocratic and Antony more the villain by proclaiming that the civil, wars ,were coming to an end, and that he would step down as triumvir if only Antony
  23. Mining expeditions to the Sinai during the Old Kingdom and fought civil, wars ,during the First and Second Intermediate Periods. The military was responsible
  24. The Aventine Hill in Rome as new citizens, following the Roman traditions from, wars ,with the Sabine's and Albany. When the other Latins subsequently occupied the
  25. A recovery was made in the general prosperity which followed the Napoleonic, wars , Gas street lighting arrived in 1824 and an enhanced water supply appeared in
  26. Epoch event for the Crisis of the Third Century — nearly fifty years of civil, wars , foreign invasion, and collapse of the monetary economy. Alexander was the heir
  27. For roughly as many American deaths as all American deaths in other U. S., wars ,combined. Name "/IN"> introduction"/> The causes of the war, the reasons for
  28. As an alternative. From the late 17th century, states learned how to finance, wars ,through long term low interest loans from national banking institutions. The
  29. Of the coastal strip during the 16th century by a series of treaties and, wars ,forming the Portuguese colony of Angola. Taking advantage of the Portuguese
  30. Of the" savages ", particularly those who had experienced frontier, wars , Jackson's support of removal policies can be best understood by examination
  31. Of the municipal prefect as a permanent office. With Rome's civil, wars ,at an end, Augustus was also able to create a standing army for the Roman
  32. The Suda's identification of it with China, famous as a treasure city in the, wars ,of Eugene of Cardiac, cannot be accepted in the face of Strabo's express
  33. Invasion of Arabia. In the years following Alexander's death a series of civil, wars ,tore his empire apart which resulted in the formation of a number of states
  34. Men, at the commandment of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and serve in the, wars , " Therefore, the Lambert Council in the modern era has sought to provide a
  35. After the time of Ptolemy the Hereunder joined with the Marconi in the, wars ,of 166–180 against the empire. A careful reading of Tacitus provides one
  36. The Byzantine historian Agatha of Marina records, in the context of the, wars ,of the Goths and Franks against Byzantium, that the Alemannic fighting among the
  37. Traders and merchants added to his coffers sufficiently to fund his continuous, wars , According to the poet Saudi Shiraz: Asian possessed a fort, which raised at
  38. 14 folios of Vivaldi's work, previously thought lost during the Napoleonic, wars , Some volumes in the numbered set were missing; these turned up in the
  39. Of a sword. Absalom never neglected his ecclesiastical duties, and even his, wars ,were of the nature of crusades. In December 2008,HDMS Absalom was involved in
  40. Of the Algarve should be Castilian, not Portuguese, which led to a series of, wars ,between the two kingdoms. Finally, in 1267,a treaty was signed in Badajoz
  41. The central event of democracy (Similarly for the period before the Persian, wars , but for the very early democracy the sources are very meager, and it can be
  42. In 376),which led to Arianism being a religious factor in various, wars ,in the Roman Empire. In the west, organized Arianism survived in North Africa
  43. Accomplishment of crime against peace, second,planning, initiating and waging, wars ,of aggression and other crimes against peace, third,war crimes, and lastly
  44. Passing. Kornemann's brief is that Antoninus might have waged preventive, wars ,to head off these outsiders. Notes Events * 8 – Roman Empire general Tiberius
  45. There as an officer for some years. In 1476, he accompanied Prince John in, wars ,against Castile, such as the Battle of Too. He was in the squadron sent to the
  46. Public treasury. The Senate proposed to Octavian, the victor of Rome's civil, wars , that he once again assume command of the provinces. The senate's proposal was
  47. Cable car in San Francisco's famous cable car system. *1897 – Anglo-Afghan, wars ,: The Siege of Malakand ends when a relief column is able to reach the British
  48. Resulting from the American Revolutionary War is unknown. As was typical in the, wars ,of the era, disease claimed more lives than battle. Between 1775 and 1782,a
  49. Amsterdam's prosperity declined during the 18th and early 19th centuries. The, wars ,of the Dutch Republic with England and France took their toll on Amsterdam.
  50. Sailor results in the opening of the Kangaroo Campaign of the New Zealand land, wars , *1853 – The first passenger rail opens in India, from Born Under, Bombay to

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