Examples of the the word, destructive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( destructive ), is the 5451 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. States, Arkansas receives around 60 days of thunderstorms. A few of the most, destructive ,tornadoes in U. S. history have struck the state. While being sufficiently away
  2. Brussels with artillery. Together with the resulting fire, it was the most, destructive ,event in the entire history of Brussels. The Grand Place was destroyed, along
  3. Then equivalent field artillery pieces, giving them longer range and more, destructive ,power. Modern coastal artillery (for example,Russia's" Being" system) is
  4. Is no cure for the disorder. A small percentage develop a severe painful and, destructive ,form of arthritis which destroys the small joints in the hands and can lead to
  5. Humans, but was punished for this charity. The ancient Greeks distinguished the, destructive ,and consumptive (Gideon) fire, associated with Hades, from the creative fire
  6. A flaming spear. Agni is represented as red and two-faced, suggesting both his, destructive ,and beneficent qualities, and with black eyes and hair, three legs and seven
  7. He indulges in what Watterson calls" pop psychobabble" to justify his, destructive ,rampages and shift blame to his parents, citing " toxic codependency. " In one
  8. Al- are redundant),but Shared may allude to Hazard, a pun on the book's, destructive ,and dangerous nature, or a reference to Lovecraft's ancestors by that name. It
  9. Tend to concur with free-market environmentalists regarding the environmentally, destructive ,tendencies of the state and other communal arrangements. Air, water,and land
  10. Are most common in the summer, but most severe in the spring and fall, when, destructive , winds and tornadoes occasionally occur. The prevailing winds are from the news.
  11. Thomas Hobbes on the necessity of the state, and of state action, to check the, destructive ,tendencies innate to our species. He also defended the independence of the
  12. Its first road atlas. *1927 – The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927,the most, destructive ,river flood in U. S. history, begins. *1935 – Roe rich Pact signed in Washington
  13. Liquids, such as pipelines and watercraft. In 1824 to reduce the impact of this, destructive ,electrolytic action on ships hulls, their fastenings and underwater equipment
  14. Massive shift in physical law also envelops and destroys the Blight, ending its, destructive ,reign. Unfortunately it also kills Ham and strands the other humans on the
  15. Est. ) Irrigated land: 30 km² (1998 est. ) Environment 1. Natural hazards:, destructive ,earthquakes 2. Current issues:: *Air pollution (from metallurgical plants)
  16. Wrote, Apocalypse. He saw the language which Revelation used as being bleak and, destructive ,; a 'death-product '. Instead, he wanted to champion a public-spirited
  17. Species Panacea canaliculata (golden apple snail),which is generally a, destructive ,herbivore, has wiped out phylactolaemate populations wherever it has appeared.
  18. Sandstone and late rite, the wood elements having been lost to decay and other, destructive ,processes. Brick The earliest Agrarian temples were made mainly of brick. Good
  19. Part, and major hurricanes occasionally strike the coast which can be very, destructive , As regards its soil, Alabama may be divided into four regions. Extending from
  20. Century. Hailstorms occur occasionally in the spring and summer, but are seldom, destructive , Heavy fogs are rare, and are confined chiefly to the coast. Thunderstorms
  21. I regard two and a half million far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its, destructive ,possibilities ". Communist Polish and Soviet
  22. Britannia, and the only one named from the 5th century. Following the, destructive ,assault of the Saxons, the survivors gather together under the leadership of
  23. Chief minister and friend John Kantakouzenos led to the outbreak of a, destructive ,seven-year civil war. Family Androids III was first married, in 1318,with
  24. Restricted meaning. A scaffold (Devlin v. Smith, supra ) is not inherently a, destructive ,instrument. It becomes destructive only if imperfectly constructed. A large
  25. Prototype flew with full guidance, and succeeded to pass the target within, destructive ,range. In late 1957,Boeing received the production contract for the IM-99A
  26. By its spirit, inconsistent with every principle on which it was founded, and, destructive , of the great object for which it was formed. " South Carolina, the President
  27. S center. Environment By the late 1970s,the pollution of Athens had become so, destructive ,that according to the then Greek Minister of Culture, Constantine Trapani,"
  28. To be finished off by the second, or whether they somehow compound the other’s, destructive ,power. " They're co-factors, that’s all we can say at the moment. They’re both
  29. Presence of an impersonal evil external to humans. For Narrow, plague is the, destructive ,impulse within every person, the will and the capacity to do harm, and it is
  30. Wind and water erosion. Summer rains could be undependable and often arrived as, destructive ,thunderstorms. While the amount of winter snowfall varied greatly, the Ancient
  31. In the port of Buenos Aires and also tried to ruin wheat harvests with a, destructive ,fungus. The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of chemical weapons and
  32. His fellow" angel-headed hipsters" and harshly denounced what he saw as the, destructive ,forces of capitalism and conformity in the United States. This poem is one of
  33. Rhetorical device and a cliché. Symbolic dualism with white * Black magic is a, destructive ,or evil form of magic, often connected with death, as opposed to white magic.
  34. Of economic stagnation. The Cuban government have condemned neoliberalism as a, destructive ,force in the developing world, creating an alliance with Presidents Hugo Chávez
  35. Been converted to a mobile theater and catwalk fashion show. Some buses meet a, destructive ,end by being entered in banger races or at demolition derbies. Many old retired
  36. S court circle. Carolingian expansion south Gastonia and the Pyrenees The, destructive ,war led by Pepin in Aquitaine, although brought to a satisfactory conclusion
  37. One episode showed that he has voices in his head telling him to engage in, destructive ,activities; however, generally he has a passive demeanor in contrast to
  38. De Bobadilla's Spanish fleet in 1502 was the first recorded instance of a, destructive ,hurricane. These storms have in the past caused a number of incidents related
  39. With tar, which is a similar black thermoplastic material produced by the, destructive ,distillation of coal. During the early- and mid-20th century when town gas was
  40. Success in war, he was a dangerous force," overwhelming, insatiable in battle, destructive , and man-slaughtering. " Fear (Phobos) and Terror (Deimos) were yoked to
  41. Wildfires in American history, and the Four mile Canyon Fire of 2010,the most, destructive ,wildfire in Colorado's recorded history. However, there are some of the
  42. Does not reveal his mind even though he was personally opposed to Pharaoh's, destructive ,plans. It is for his silence that God subsequently punishes him with his bitter
  43. Degrees. B. H. Roberts wrote that the" hypothesis" of organic evolution was ", destructive ,of the grand, central truth of all revelation," (The Gospel and Man's
  44. Towards the domination of the environment and humanity itself in a harmful and, destructive ,fashion. The Kaddishes scale classifies civilizations based on their level of
  45. Parts of Gaul were traumatic: Gregory of Tours (died ca 594) mentions their, destructive ,force at the time of Valerian and Allies (253–260),when the Alemannic
  46. Poetic name. Ægir is an Old Norse word meaning" terror" and the name of a, destructive ,giant associated with the sea; ægis is the genitive (possessive) form of ægir
  47. Incorrectly called" tar" ( tar is a black viscous material obtained from the, destructive ,distillation of coal and is chemically distinct from bitumen). Chemistry The
  48. Rather than by the manipulation of radiation paths. Technically, the method is, destructive ,in nature removing ions from a sample surface in order to image and identify
  49. Into the subtree rooted at" trend" void Internode (Node The above ", destructive ," procedural variant modifies the tree in place. It uses only constant space
  50. Devlin v. Smith, supra ) is not inherently a destructive instrument. It becomes, destructive ,only if imperfectly constructed. A large coffee urn (Stapler v. Ray Mfg. Co.

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