Examples of the the word, roy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( roy ), is the 5455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the present time. By J. Bethune Badly, of the Middle Temple,1840,Roy, 8vo; LI. 700. # A Synopsis of Blackstone's Commentaries. London. 1847. A
  2. The head of Philip II, on the other two clasped hands with the motto Fiddle AU, roy , just'à porter la became (" Loyal to the King, till carrying the beggar's
  3. Rome of DOM Philippe Francois Failure" ), in 1616 *" Libra discovers wait av, roy , SVR la conclusion de la paid. " Paris: Abraham Savories,1516 i.e.,1616. * "
  4. D'un chinos en Chine / Chinese Adventures in China (1965) *Angélique et LE, roy , / Angelique and the King (1966) *Quit êtes-vous, Polly Maggie? / Who Are You
  5. Well as court musician, and in 1679 was appointed" ordinary de la chamber Du, roy , pour la Violet ", a title he kept until 1725. He was a master of the base de
  6. Name). He owes his existence to a mistake by Malory, who took the Old French, roy , Peschour (" Fisher King ", a phrase Malory never otherwise uses) for a name
  7. Its success made his reputation. As early as 1618 he appears as architect Du, roy , with a salary of 1200 lives, out of which he had to reimburse his atelier. In
  8. Architecture. The first king of Bar Gujarati Singha's minister Rajyadhar, roy , built this temple. The idol of lord Krishna is made by black basalt stone.
  9. Aimme Bergeronette # Ten mo yen VOZ bras # One mosque de Biscay; # Five LE, roy , ( instrumental piece, written for Louis XII) # Vows l'are, s'IL vows plait #
  10. Fils Du Grand Giant Gargantua. The original title of the work was Pantagruel, roy , des dips odes residue à son natural Alec SES fact et processes espoventables.
  11. 15 editions printed to 1536; from 1501 the title was Conquest dug rand, roy , Charlemagne DES Stages et LES valances DES douse pairs de France, et Aussie
  12. Le Grand by Jean Jacqueline c. 1448. #The Fans et conquests Du noble, roy , Alexandre is a late medieval prose version. #The Faith dug rand Alexandre by
  13. Judgement of the King of Navarre) (1349) – Following up on the Judgement Du, roy , de Behaving, a lady blames the narrator for awarding the prize to the knight:
  14. Will not develop properly. Name" 2008 oak 21" /> name" 1999,Roy,55" /> name" 1999 Koontz 55" /> name" 2009 render 91" />
  15. Supp. 1851) See Notice SUR LG de Koninck, by E Dupont; Annular de l'Aced., roy , De Belgium (1891),with portrait and bibliography. Ivana Helsinki (styled
  16. Freely with aboriginal women before the arrival of the first fills Du, roy , in 1663. The first couriers DES boys squatters settled in the area in 1615 and
  17. Given a place in the prestigious ensemble known as the Vingt-quatre violins Du, roy , He was chosen Master de Musique in 1716,and also conducted the Concert
  18. Cease even with the death of Boniface. His Supplication Du people de France Au, roy , contre LE paper Boniface LE Villa, printed in 1614 in ACTA inter Bonifacio VIII
  19. La form quo Benoit DES tourneys et assemblies AU temps Du uterpendragon et Du, roy , artus,15th century *Díaz de Gámez, Gutierre. El Victoria: chronic de don Pro
  20. Of the Mughal and ruled until 1837. He gave the title" Raja" to Ram Moran, roy , His son Broader Shah Afar would be the last emperor of Mughal before the
  21. Rey, whereas by about 1330 it had become Du ROI (as in modern French) or Du, roy , During that century, however,this vernacular French suffered a rapid decline;
  22. Et d'Antrongnard - Mustache Deschamps * Le It DES square offices de l'hostel Du, roy ,- Mustache Deschamps * La Farce de master Pierre Pathetic (1464–1469) - this
  23. A member of the Concert Spirituel. Francium was appointed to the 24 violins Du, roy , in 1730 and Master de unique (music instructor) to the Opera in 1739. In
  24. The Royal Assent, in the Norman French words" " (the Queen wishes it;" Le, roy ," instead in the case of a king). The last refusal to grant the Assent was in
  25. Charleston to Boston) is completed. * Construction begins on the Che min Du, roy , between Quebec and Montreal. * Cobalt is discovered and isolated by Georg
  26. O=N057517 Fable sou Histories allegories degrees AU, roy , Claude Barbie, Paris (1670) * http://gallica.bnf.fr/document? O=N109801 Le
  27. Was a composer, noted violinist, and member of the" Vingt-quatre violins Du, roy , " He co-wrote and co-directed operas with François Francium. The Rebel Baroque
  28. Et d'Antrongnard - Mustache Deschamps * Le It DES square offices de l'hostel Du, roy ,- Mustache Deschamps * La Farce de master Pierre Pathetic (1464–1469) - this
  29. French its between 1314 and 1318,among which Advisement pour LE Roy Loss, Du,Roy, Phelippe quit ores Rene, De palliates and De la creation Du paper Jean. The
  30. Dynasty. Further reading R. P. Vincent, Histoire fiddle de st Gilbert: XII, roy , d'Australia et III Du not; Alec un barège de la vie Du Roy Robert, son film:
  31. Latin and French its between 1314 and 1318,among which Advisement pour LE, roy , Loys, Du Roy Philippe quit ores Rene, De palliates and De la creation Du paper
  32. Androgen dihydrotestosterone. Name" 2008 oak 21" /> name" 1999,Roy,55" /> name" 1999 Koontz 55" /> name" 2009 render 91" />
  33. Motet pours la nativity de Saint Jean Baptiste in G major * 146: Motet pour LE, roy , la race et LE dauphin in A major * 149: Motet pour la dedicate de l'Elise de
  34. Of natural causes. Le Fever wrote a Chronicle, or History de Charles VI., roy , de France. The greater part of this chronicle is merely a copy of the work of
  35. And teaches him how to be a good lover; he returns to his lady. * Judgement Du, roy , de Behaving (Judgement of the King of Bohemia) (before 1346) – The narrator
  36. Regret (poem by John II, Duke of Bourbon); # Venues regrets; # Five LE noble, roy , de France; # Vows me fitted Morin d'envied (poem by John II, Duke of Bourbon)
  37. The King's Daughters or King's Girls (in French: Filles du Roi, filles Du, roy , ) were between 700 and 900 Frenchwomen (accounts vary as to the exact numbers
  38. De Mercy,1659. * - L'History de la monarchies franchise sous LE Rene Du, roy , Louis XIV, contenant tout CE quit s'est passé de plus remarkable entire LES
  39. De st Gilbert: XII Roy d'Australia et III Du not; Alec un barège de la vie Du, roy , Dagobert, son film: let out tire DES antiquities austrasiennes (Nancy: R.
  40. La Valerie d'Apollo AU chateau Du Louvre, et days leg rand apartment Du, roy , au Calais DES Fooleries (Paris,1710),which have been wrongly attributed to
  41. This; additionally,some pieces (for example, the fanfare-like Five LE, roy , ) contain writing more idiomatic for instruments than voices. Plus null regret
  42. Families. Some of Josquin's compositions, such as the instrumental Five LE, roy , have been tentatively dated to the period around 1500 when he was in France. A
  43. Ramsay wrote the History Du Vicente de Turenne, maréchal general DES armies Du, roy , ( 1735),using as documentary evidence (authorized by James Francis Edward
  44. Of New France. 1730s *1731 - Beginning of the construction of the Che min Du, roy , between Quebec City and Montreal. *1734 - Marie-Joseph Angélique, a black slave
  45. De Messier de Paul de Foix, archevesque de Booze et ambassador pour LE, roy , aupres Du paper Gregory XIII, au ROI Henry III, were published in 1628,but
  46. The task of writing live DES saints paroles et DES boys fair de note saint, roy , Loo s (as he himself called it),today known as the Life of Saint Louis.
  47. Berta and Schools de Saint-Marthe; he was called the king of orators (" LE, roy , des craters" ) by François Maynard and, in a satirical poem, was called (
  48. Of Joseph Francium, a base de violin player and member of the 24 violins Du, roy , Francium was instructed in music by his father and joined the Academic Royale
  49. Him; one day the second (and preferred) bird comes back to him. * Judgement Du, roy , de Navarre (Judgement of the King of Navarre) (1349) – Following up on the
  50. Dame, Virelyas, Rondeaux (1402) * Le Live DES fans et banners MERS Du sage, roy , Charles V (1404) Contemporary scholarship *The standard translation of The

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