Examples of the the word, conceptual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conceptual ), is the 5449 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Complex" ) in 1913. In the past BDSM activists turned repeatedly against these, conceptual ,models, originally deriving from singular historical figures and implying a
  2. Sitting-on are therefore abstractions of those objects. Specifically,the, conceptual ,diagram graph 1 identifies only three boxes, two ellipses, and four arrows (
  3. Graph 1 above expresses the abstraction" agent sits on location ". This, conceptual ,scheme entails no specific hierarchical taxonomy (such as the one mentioned
  4. Thick slice absorbs a lot). In symbols, dI \beta I dz, or DI/dz \beta I. This, conceptual ,overview uses \beta to describe how much light is absorbed. All we can say
  5. And was quite different from the later French structuralism, which examined the, conceptual ,structures in language and symbolism. ) Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown's
  6. To the elapsed time, but rather to its square root. His argument is based on a, conceptual ,switch from the" ensemble" of Brownian particles to the" single" Brownian
  7. This time period saw the rise of such things as performance art, video art, and, conceptual , art. The idea was that if the artwork was a performance that would leave
  8. Be considered a point of contention, since many modern artists (most notably, conceptual ,artists) do not themselves create the works they conceive, or do not even
  9. Of geometry. It occupies a central place in modern mathematics and has multiple, conceptual ,connections with such diverse fields as complex analysis, topology and number
  10. Factor, a concept which was essentially synonymous with his Level II, conceptual ,learning. General intelligence factor, or g, is an abstraction that stems from
  11. Norwegian Computing Center. He conceived the Yearbook concept which defined the, conceptual ,basics for laptop and tablet computers and E-books, and is the architect of the
  12. Pop music. In 1985,24 Agar Marco which included" Gibi" and a long, conceptual ,song" Hamburger" was released. It also marked the beginning of the shift in
  13. Were encoded lexically (many of them being composed with other base, conceptual ,Bliss-characters that are included in this set). After many years of requests
  14. Judicial, and legislative buildings around the Square of Three Powers,the, conceptual ,heart of the city. These and other major structures were designed by Brazilian
  15. Vowel—area/ʡ/ and by/ʡ/er. Generally, a battle is a, conceptual ,component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed
  16. Biology. In the early 1900s,after the rediscovery of Mendel's work,the, conceptual ,gaps in understanding between genetics and evolutionary Darwinism led to
  17. umpire's judgment whether a pitch has passed through the strike zone,a, conceptual ,area above home plate extending from the midpoint between the batter's
  18. In concept. There are many details, so think of this first paragraph as a, conceptual ,overview. Divide the absorbing sample into thin slices that are perpendicular
  19. Into the development of what they were eventually to launch as Blu-Tack. In its, conceptual ,stage Blu-Tack was white, but was colored blue in response to concerns
  20. In that humanity is a product of nature, supernatural in that through our, conceptual ,powers we extend nature's realm, allowing it to achieve a reflective capacity
  21. Duchamp's Fountain, the movies, superlative imitations of banknotes, conceptual ,art, and video games. Philosopher David Novice has argued that disagreement
  22. On his ability to produce shocking concepts. The actual production in many, conceptual ,and contemporary works of art is a matter of assembly of found objects. However
  23. Led a rebellion against an English occupation Technology * Interstellar ark,a, conceptual ,multi-lifetime space vehicle * Ark (river boat),a temporary boat used in
  24. Bipolar 1,1.1 % for bipolar II, and 2.4 % for subthreshold symptoms. There are, conceptual ,and methodological limitations and variations in the findings. Prevalence
  25. Before placing the result in a gallery as work of art. First came up with the, conceptual ,design for the artwork but has left most of the eventual creation of many works
  26. Of input and rote memorization of simple facts and skills. Level II, or, conceptual , learning,is roughly equivalent to the ability to manipulate and transform
  27. Left to Adam Smith to identify the more-general set of principles that brought, conceptual ,clarity to the seeming chaos of market transactions ". Greenspan continues that
  28. Reliability: how often the results of a program are correct. This depends on, conceptual ,correctness of algorithms, and minimization of programming mistakes, such as
  29. By the model, they are nowhere represented in the model, which creates many, conceptual ,difficulties. Theories of coregulation describe communication as a creative and
  30. Most Native bead work is created for tribal use but bead workers also create, conceptual ,work for the art world. Richard Action (Kiowa-Apache) has both an Indian and
  31. Properties),an implication that directly opposes substance theory. The, conceptual ,difficulty of bare particulars was illustrated by John Locke when he described
  32. Since such programmers are not working with a computer's lowest-level, conceptual ,elements. Macros were used to customize large scale software systems for
  33. Learning, or memorizing ability, is equally distributed among the races, conceptual ,learning, or synthesizing ability, occurs with significantly greater frequency
  34. Lack of skill or ability required in the production of the artistic object. In, conceptual ,art, Marcel Duchamp's" Fountain" is among the first examples of pieces
  35. Apeiron) was the source of all things led Greek philosophy to a new level of, conceptual ,abstraction. His knowledge of geometry allowed him to introduce the noon in
  36. Graphe paranoia 416 BC; end of assembly trials 355 BC). For the first time a, conceptual ,and procedural distinction was made between laws and decrees. Increasingly
  37. And bring about the danger of substituting the experience of liberation by, conceptual ,understanding of the doctrine or by religious faith. Another explanation is
  38. Odor Posse and uses a completely different rap style. Duvelduvel is known as a, conceptual ,Hiphopgroup. Anaïs NIN (; born Angela Anaïs Juana Anatolia Rosa Elmira NIN y
  39. Due to harassment by the Tsarist secret police. Tolstoy established a, conceptual ,difference between education and culture. Summer hill is often cited as an
  40. Telling a computer what to do and how to do it. In other words, software is a, conceptual ,entity which is a set of computer programs, procedures,and associated
  41. Invitations to exclusive performance art pieces, and the objects left over from, conceptual ,pieces. Many of these performances create works that are only understood by the
  42. Technical rules, rather than those areas of law characterized by having a more, conceptual ,basis. Contract, tort and land law are typical black letter law subjects
  43. For the design of his boxes (which were designed by Steve Harvey),yet the, conceptual ,move of exhibiting these boxes as art in a museum together with other kinds of
  44. With the" global" effects used by call-by-value languages such as ML. The, conceptual ,integrity of the language made it one of the main objects of semantic research
  45. Workers? These problems have been made even more difficult by the rise of, conceptual ,art since the 1960s. Warhol’s famous Brillo Boxes are nearly indistinguishable
  46. Engines:" conventional internal combustion, jet and antigravity ". Mead's, conceptual ,drawings were transformed into 25 working vehicles by automobile customizer
  47. May complicate such an argument. However, the argument concludes that the, conceptual ,challenge of bare particulars leaves a bundle of properties and nothing more as
  48. Of science, either as it relates to a culture's observations of nature and the, conceptual ,framework they devised to impose an order on those observations or as it
  49. Of classical philosophical disputes involving such doctrines as nominalism, conceptual ,realism, idealism and phenomenalism. The novelty of Dummett's approach
  50. Term for several models of intercity motor coach Other * Buffalo Commons,a, conceptual ,proposal to create a vast nature reserve in the Great Plains area * Buffalo

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