Examples of the the word, nina , in a Sentence Context
The word ( nina ), is the 12239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Kabayo? " How fast is the horse running? " Plan means how many. Plan ang Ana, nina , Arsenio at Dilbert? " How many children do Arsenic and Dilbert have? "
- Talon ... Till!!! (1992) .... Security Guard (segment" MGA Larvae, nina , Kiko Tito at Toto" ) *Love boat: Mahan trip kit (1988) .... Roger Ramos *Si
- At Rene O. Villanueva, guhit NI Sammy Bouillon: :English translation included:, nina , Rene O. Villanueva at LEM Arellano, guhit Nina Bernard Bung at Tojo Tobacco:
- Fashion, at his home and insufficiently secure safes at work. Name ", nina ," /> The Inspector General investigation found no evidence showing that there
- Is formed by adding the suffix 'LGA' to the genitive in case of singular: *, nina , ( nominative: nose) → Nina (genitive: of nose) → Nina (cogitative: with
- Bating Using) 2nd – Generic R. Concepción (Ang Kagilagilalas Na Paglalakbay, nina , Mumo at Am-I) 3rd – Bernadette V. Nero (Parade NG MGA Alingawngaw) Anyway
- Ideas Marianne (White Orange tip) - recorded on C. grands * Deposit, nina , ( Psyche) - recorded on C. balance and others * Paranoia canonical (Dark
- Vernon Canada in Kolkata, West Bengal, India File: Psyche (Deposit, nina , ) in Kolkata W IMG 3683. JPG | Camouflaging with the background in Kolkata
- Ronald Mind at Chuck Escape, guhit NI Jodi Pakistan: ruling pagsasalaysay, nina , Tom F. Adult at Rene O. Villanueva, guhit NI Bobbi Called Related links *
- Ni Rene O. Villanueva, guhit NI Jodi Pakistan: :English translation included:, nina , Ramoncito Serrano at Rene O. Villanueva, guhit NI Sammy Bouillon: :English
- Lateral thoracic golden spots. " The Psyche (Deposit, nina , ) is a small butterfly of the family Pierre (the Sulfurs, Yellows and
- Esposa de Alberto Castro) ... .... Magician *Aida Pierce ..... played La, nina , Aidita, La Enforcer, Virginola, etc. Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation (
- Davidson, Bell and Aiken quoted in Bingham) Gallery File: Psyche (Deposit, nina , ) at Jayanti, Duars, West Bengal W IMG 5496. JPG | at Jayanti in BUA Tiger
- English translation included: Nina Rene O. Villanueva at LEM Arellano, guhit, nina , Bernard Bung at Tojo Tobacco: :English translation included: Nina LEM
- Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India File: Psyche (Deposit, nina , ) on an Ash Flea bane or Little iron weed (Vernon Canada) in Kolkata W IMG
- Prize: Ruben D. Canals Jr,“ Ang MGA Kagila-gilalas Na Pakikipagsapalaran, nina , Alegria at Andante SA Bimbo limbo” http://rubencanlas.googlepages.com Visit
- Ga' to the genitive in case of singular: * Nina (nominative: nose) →, nina , ( genitive: of nose) → Nina (cogitative: with a nose) * Boer (nominative
- At slang elements NG modernism. Bahama't karaniwang ipinalalagay Na Kaaba, nina , Fausto Laura at Nabisco Asiatic, higit Na makatwirang sibilant is Cruz SA
- Number 6 in the Hot Latin Tracks. Her second album was released in 2005,La, nina , buena (" The Good Girl" ), it peaked number 38 in the Top Latin Albums in
- IN"> Nina"/> The Justice Department declined to press criminal charges. Name ", nina ," /> because there was no evidence of intent and no referral by the IG of
- Sa Malawian NG Vulcan noon April 2,1788. Buns Siva SA apart Na Ana, nina , Juan Balthazar, isang panda at Juana deal Cruz, isang Mandalay. Labing-isang
- With the background in Kolkata, West Bengal, India File: Psyche (Deposit, nina , ) in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 0363. JPG|in Hyderabad, India Notes Jeremy William
- Witin binary) 'behind him ', Juan Sinatra 'behind Juan ', where the relational, nina , imitates a possessed noun. Predication, sentence types and compound and complex
- Distribution of them are unknown. *** Mongolian (მარგალური ნინა, margaluri, nina , ),with some 500,000 native speakers as of 1989,mainly in the western regions
- A Brazilian football club Mongolian, or Hegelian (მარგალური ნინა Mangalore, nina , ; ), is a Cartesian language spoken in Western Georgia (regions of Samegrelo
- I stand on my land * Murray MANA lay mi Putin Nazi: my dog is never not good *, nina , tunapri mind Kane: do you understand what I'm saying? * Tahiti singing Mara
- Yellow Orange Tip – Ideas pyrene insignia Butler,1879 # Psyche – Deposit, nina , niobe (Wallace,1866) # Indian Cabbage White – Paris Canada (Spartan
- Yellow, Colias berylla Fawcett,1904 * Fawcett's Clouded Yellow, Colias, nina , Fawcett,1904 * Fiery Clouded Yellow, Colias Eugene C. Elder,1865 * Dark
- Guhit Nina Bernard Bung at Tojo Tobacco: :English translation included:, nina , Lem Arellano, Ronald Mind at Chuck Escape, guhit NI Jodi Pakistan: ruling
- S Sulfur * Colas myrmidon (Esper,1781) – Danube Clouded Yellow * Colas, nina , Fawcett,1904 – Fawcett's Clouded Yellow * Colas Occidentals Scudder,1862 –
- Songs no. 7. We, wie morning is was Matches from Vicente's Samosa ESTA la, nina , Irritated is the little girl and no. 3. Lied, op. 29 no. 2 from Vicente's
- In religion, social history, and African American history. Nina Atari (Kiowa, nina ," fire ", paqariy" to appear, dawn "),born as María Estela Vega Cone (
- Phase occurred during medieval times (993-1300) which is consistent with la, nina , conditions reconstructed in the tropical Pacific and multi-century droughts in
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