Examples of the the word, aggregation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aggregation ), is the 12240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Very low boiling-point, and gave a more solid basis to conceptions of molecular, aggregation , In 1820 Faraday reported on the first syntheses of compounds made from carbon
  2. Hypothalamic thermostat, and inflammation. Thromboxanes are responsible for the, aggregation ,of platelets that form blood clots. Heart attacks are primarily caused by blood
  3. Of thromboxane A2 in platelets, producing an inhibitory effect on platelet, aggregation , This antithrombotic property makes aspirin useful for reducing the incidence
  4. Providing a vastly increased address space that also allows improved route, aggregation ,across the Internet and offers large subnetwork allocations of a minimum of 264
  5. TVT-6 and the ABC. In 1986,SBS began transmission to the city. In 1994 market, aggregation ,allowed Launceston based station TNT-9 (now Southern Cross Tasmania) to
  6. Solubility to communal aggregation . Communal aggregation is the phenomenon of, aggregation ,of the hydrophobic proteins to come closer and form the bonding between them
  7. Of characteristics, from loss of solubility to communal aggregation . Communal, aggregation ,is the phenomenon of aggregation of the hydrophobic proteins to come closer and
  8. Insert or delete. Bulk native loaders for input data and bulk SQL passes for, aggregation ,are the norm. Distributed database The definition of a distributed database is
  9. Fractals, for example, diffusion-limited aggregation or reaction-limited, aggregation ,clusters. * Strange attractors – Generated by iteration of a map or the
  10. Stimuli that arrive in rapid succession—as well as" spatial" -- entailing the, aggregation ,of excitatory and inhibitory inputs from separate branches. Dendrites were once
  11. Polymer. *Addition of non-adsorbed polymers called depleting that cause, aggregation ,due to entropic effects. *Physical deformation of the particle (e.g.
  12. The longer addresses simplify allocation of addresses, enable efficient route, aggregation , and allow implementation of special addressing features. In IPv4,complex
  13. From it; but reflection tells us that decease and growth only mean a new, aggregation ,(synthesis) and disruption (diarists). Thus, Anaxagoras distrusted the
  14. Nothing more to report today. Harold doesn’t even make pallbearer. " Review, aggregation ,website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 84 % based on 38 reviews
  15. Apart from potential benefits of alcohol itself, including reduced platelet, aggregation ,and vasodilation, polyphenols (e.g., resveratrol ) mainly in the grape skin
  16. 2008. It received positive reviews from critics; according to the music review, aggregation ,of Metacritic, it garnered an average score of 64/100. Circus debuted at number
  17. Astrocytomas. In some late-onset neurodegenerative diseases that share, aggregation ,of misfolded proteins as a common feature, such as Parkinson's disease and
  18. And prevention of adverse cardiovascular events. Aspirin inhibits platelet, aggregation ,by inhibiting the action of thromboxane A2. In 2001 NSAIDs accounted for
  19. Hybrids and Berners-Lee's semantic agents lies in the fact that the current, aggregation ,and hybridization of information is usually designed in by web developers, who
  20. With hyphen tip growth. It is a phase-dark body that is composed of an, aggregation ,of membrane-bound vesicles containing cell wall components, serving as a point
  21. Exhibit a wide range of characteristics, from loss of solubility to communal, aggregation , This concept is unrelated to denatured alcohol, which is alcohol that has been
  22. To support better conservation of address space which allowed use of route, aggregation ,to decrease the size of routing tables. TCP/IP goes global (1989–2000) CERN
  23. Emphasizes the abnormal intracellular accumulation of many proteins, protein, aggregation , and misfolding, proteosome inhibition, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress.
  24. The other Burritos surfaced except Clarke, and the joint, aggregation ,played several songs, including " Long Black Veil" and" Going' Back ". After
  25. Inflammation, activation of the endothelium, coagulation,and platelet, aggregation , All these properties may contribute to the ability of HDL to protect from
  26. Input-output matrices. " He also developed theorems on near-decomposability and, aggregation , Having begun to apply these theorems to organizations, Simon determined around
  27. Lower the costs of litigation. In cases with common questions of law and fact, aggregation ,of claims into a class action may avoid the necessity of repeating" days of
  28. Studies, showing potential benefits against the onset stage of cancer, platelet, aggregation , and other risk factors of atherosclerosis, loss of physical performance and
  29. To irreversibly inhibit COX-1,is also indicated for inhibition of platelet, aggregation , This is useful in the management of arterial thrombosis and prevention of
  30. Routing efficiency is improved by the large subnet space and hierarchical route, aggregation , Renumbering an existing network for a new connectivity provider with different
  31. To avoid the" edge-to-edge" association between proteins that might lead to, aggregation ,and amyloid formation. It is also suggested that the dipole moments in parallel
  32. All combinations of their address lines map to a valid address, allowing easy, aggregation ,into a larger block of memory with contiguous addresses. Early computer system
  33. Formation is simulations, which cosmologists use to study the gravitational, aggregation ,of matter in the universe, as it clusters into filaments, superclusters and
  34. Received mostly positive reviews earning the film a score of 96 % on the review, aggregation ,website Rotten Tomatoes. Since being released on home video and television it
  35. From tissues. HDL-cholesterol is measured by first removing LDL particles by, aggregation ,or precipitation with divalent ions (such as Mg++) and then coupling the
  36. Exhibit a wide range of characteristics, from loss of solubility to communal, aggregation , Communal aggregation is the phenomenon of aggregation of the hydrophobic
  37. Organisms expend energy to exclude salt from their cytoplasm to avoid protein, aggregation ,(‘ salting out’ ). In order to survive the high salinizes, halophiles employ
  38. Yields so-called mass- or dendritic fractals, for example, diffusion-limited, aggregation , or reaction-limited aggregation clusters. * Strange attractors – Generated by
  39. Member is leukotriene B4 (LTB4) which elicits adhesion, chemotaxis and, aggregation ,of leukocytes. The characteristic chemo attractant effect of LTB4 is induced via
  40. Functional role for PRC in metal metabolism, and loss of this function due to, aggregation ,to the disease associated Press form as the cause of brain metal imbalance.
  41. And the resulting characteristics of trading flows, information diffusion and, aggregation , price setting mechanisms, and returns processes. Researchers in experimental
  42. Metabolism of lipids and to inhibit oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and, aggregation ,of platelets. Resveratrol is found in wide amounts among grape varieties
  43. Two to three kiwifruits daily for 28 days significantly reduced platelet, aggregation ,and blood triglyceride levels (similar to popular mainstream aspirin therapy)
  44. Large number of individualized claims into one representational lawsuit. First, aggregation ,can increase the efficiency of the legal process, and lower the costs of
  45. With each other the difference of the structure is produced. It is in the, aggregation ,and segregation of elements thus arising, that Empedocles, like the atomisms
  46. The right order again when they arrive. Multiline PPP is an example of a link, aggregation ,technology. Cisco IOS Release 11.1 and later supports Multiline PPP. Multiclass
  47. Of different methods: *Removal of the electrostatic barrier that prevents, aggregation ,of the particles. This can be accomplished by the addition of salt to a
  48. Multilayer switching to route between different classes and link, aggregation ,to add bandwidth to overloaded links and to provide some measure of redundancy.
  49. The cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde reflected a region-wide trend towards the, aggregation ,of growing regional populations into close, highly defensible quarters during
  50. Often nybble or even noble to simulate the spelling of byte) is a four-bit, aggregation , or half an octet. As a nibble contains 4 bits, there are sixteen (24)

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