Examples of the the word, attentive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( attentive ), is the 12252 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Rigors of training. " Gordon's are intensely loyal to their owners; thrive in an, attentive , loving environment; and are good family dogs. Puppies and adult dogs can be
- Do not realize how adaptive and quick dingoes are. Therefore, they do not stay, attentive ,enough and for instance do not consider that dingoes even steal food like
- Reveal her stomach or breasts, or a bathing suit. She is often pictured with an, attentive , handsome male in the background, and frequently appears aware of and
- And at the same time more convincing in their realism: diligent connoted ", attentive ,care to fine points ", a quality that, in moderation, was characteristic of the
- Brian with plants. They live with two mages: Lark, a gentle woman especially, attentive ,to Sandy since she also has thread magic, and Rose thorn, a sharp woman who
- It is not to be expected from human nature, that the few should always be, attentive ,to the good of the many. " The learned judge further says, that " every
- No one can teach you how to be attentive . If any system teaches you how to be, attentive , then you are attentive to the system and that is not attention. Meditation is
- Theodore Dobzhansky argued that when talking about race one must be, attentive ,to how the term is being used:" I agree with Dr. Livingstone that if races
- Jensen (Ned Beatty),who explicates his own" corporate cosmology" to the, attentive ,Beale. Jensen delivers a tirade of his own in an" appropriate setting," the
- Lima, Peru. In medieval Europe, the pelican was thought to be particularly, attentive ,to her young, to the point of providing her own blood by wounding her own
- The 1990s,psychologists began using PET and later fMRI to image the brain in, attentive ,tasks. Because of the highly expensive equipment that was generally only
- The Name of the Essence—Allah—and as it courses through his heart he remains, attentive ,to its meaning, which is" Essence without likeness. " The seeker remains aware
- More, writing when she was still alive, but old, declared that even then an, attentive ,observer might have discerned in her shriveled countenance some traces of its
- To economist and biographer Robert Snidely,Keynes's parents were loving and, attentive , They remained in the same house throughout their lives, where the children
- And in a legal ethical manner. A prudent person is also diligent (mindful, attentive , and ongoing) in their due care of the business. In the field of Information
- To Napa, she meets Aleksandr, a famous Russian artist. Aleksandr seems to be, attentive ,to her in a way that Big never was, and asks her to come to Paris with him. She
- Upper circle, to a gradually filling stalls and dress circle, but to an, attentive , grateful and appreciative pit and gallery. Often these plays were little gems.
- And in the wake of U. S. defeat in Vietnam, anthropologists became especially, attentive ,to relations of domination and subjugation that link Western and non-Western
- Or with tape. " *"By 'esthetic' I understand not merely the artificially, attentive ,hearing of a musicologist, but the description of perceptive behaviors within a
- Wist (in which the word wistful has its roots),meant quiet, silent,and/or, attentive , The adverb wisely is also defined as meaning intently. In its heyday a large
- Much to the discussions but was a faithful member of the club and an, attentive ,listener. At Hippel's are the only first-hand images of Sterner, although it
- To the field in the early 1970s,though, scholars have become much more, attentive ,to the emergent nature of early Islam, and less willing to accept
- And reverence for images and relics of the saints. Both Edward's sisters were, attentive ,to their brother and often visited him – on one occasion, Elizabeth gave him a
- The parent provides. An infant's only form of communication is crying, and, attentive , parents will begin to recognize different types of crying which represent
- Attention, totally,not just parts of it. And no one can teach you how to be, attentive , If any system teaches you how to be attentive , then you are attentive to the
- Or Saturday or one with positive taste and mind. Poets like Alias were, attentive ,to NASA, which blossomed into a fully developed aesthetic system. Even in
- Keep a battalion back, etc. *Economy of force: A common principle of war; the, attentive ,commander knows that his troops, equipment and supplies must be husbanded and
- Taft never attacked business or businessmen in his rhetoric. However, he was, attentive ,to the law, so he launched 90 antitrust suits, including one against the
- All intensive spiritual practices associated with Asian traditions require, attentive ,practice. Psychiatric literature notes that" Since the influx of eastern
- At least" I" am more of a historian that" I" am a less passive, more, attentive , and more" reconstructive" heir of that so-called tradition. And hence
- It functions in a specific social situation. It is this emphasis on becoming, attentive ,to the social backdrop against which language is rendered intelligible that
- Its testing and evaluation of" all the mechanisms of the spaceship, even more, attentive ,to all stages of checking and testing, even more vigilant in our encounter with
- Authors and works now lost, to whom he is thus a valuable witness. He is more, attentive ,to marine life than might be expected, though,and this seems to reflect
- As it is experienced and lived from within by the intelligent body — by the, attentive ,human animal who is entirely a part of the world that he, or she, experiences.
- On, the girls screamed. Best was surrounded at the stage door afterwards by, attentive ,females while the other members were ignored after signing a few autographs.
- Holes, when the bent-over animals are at their most vulnerable and least, attentive , Giraffes usually sleep standing up but do lie down occasionally. Swimming
- Hope section is home to four Cape Mountain Zebra. They might be seen by the, attentive ,or lucky visitor, usually in Smitswinkel Flats. There is a wealth of small
- Vincenzo in Rimini, attending the Carlo Toni public school two years later. An, attentive ,student, he spent his leisure time drawing, staging puppet shows, and reading
- Vernacular, this is done with the eyes wide open and the mind relaxed and, attentive , The method may not be perfect, but it is all I have. " Post-1960 authorities
- Objects of reference, but rather to the category of ways of doing things. To be, attentive ,is to do things with focus and care, not for something to be happening in the
- 1 Cor. 11:13). Children are considered full members of the Church and stand, attentive ,and quiet during services. There is often a choir area at the side or in a loft
- Emergence of rival claims. His services to geology were based mainly on his, attentive ,study of the volcanoes of the New World. He showed that they fell naturally
- Idea was dropped once Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Robeson remained, attentive ,to Nisei concerns. In a 1943 speech, he praised" the workers from Mexico and
- Did. I can't imagine life without him. " Nancy was known for the focused and, attentive ,look, termed " the Gaze ", that she fastened upon her husband during his
- Her daughter complete indifference, Maria Eleonora suddenly became perversely, attentive ,to her. Gustav Adolf had sensibly decided that his daughter, in case of his
- And met and stayed with Lord Hillsborough, whom he believed was especially, attentive , but of whom he noted that" all the plausible behavior I have described is
- While he lacked physical stamina due to his age, mentally he remained aware and, attentive ,and maintained a very active work schedule in showing up for every floor vote.
- Was also the period in which concepts of formal structure developed which were, attentive ,to proportion, texture,and architectural effect. Composers of the period
- Survival into the sixth or even seventh decades is possible, especially with, attentive ,care. Genetic counseling should be provided to the family of a child with PMD.
- To be attentive . If any system teaches you how to be attentive , then you are, attentive ,to the system and that is not attention. Meditation is one of the greatest arts
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