Examples of the the word, patiently , in a Sentence Context
The word ( patiently ), is the 12244 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Which illustrates and justifies the admonition to accept the will of God, patiently , Jonah's story delineates his own impatience because he could not handle the
- And Rogue practiced breathing exercises, and the Duchess rehearsed with him, patiently , Subsequently, he was able to speak with less hesitation. With his delivery
- Arts grew out of an effort to devote oneself to the study of the Quran. By, patiently ,transcribing each word of the text, the writer was made to contemplate the
- Tells Rama that the cursed Sheila has assumed the form of a rock and is, patiently ,awaiting the dust from Rama's feet. Sheila tells Rama that Gautama did well in
- Is not a man who wants her to die, but is rather the personification of death, patiently ,and persistently waiting for her to realize that she has been dead all along.
- In every detail between all classes within the organization. Players were, patiently ,refined until fundamentally sound instead of being hastily advanced to the next
- Of Thoreau's insistence that evil must be resisted and that no moral man can, patiently ,adjust to injustice. American psychologist B. F. Skinner wrote that he carried
- On the verge of being gonged, the laughter and anticipation built as the judges, patiently ,waited to deliver the coup de grâce: They would stand up slowly and heft their
- Luciano and Anastasia crime families by Genovese and Gambino. Vito Genovese had, patiently ,waited 10 years after his deportation from Italy to make his final move against
- Order to Ethiopia, which benefited him in crushing the Woman Rebellion, he, patiently , worked to its eventual termination. Since World War II, Ethiopia has played an
- And runoff were marked by peace and order, with thousands of Liberians waiting, patiently ,in the Liberian heat to cast their ballots. Sir leaf claimed victory of this
- Position. The colossal size of the find became apparent. After several weeks of, patiently ,removing earth from the ship's hull, they reached the burial chamber. The
- Few whose truly evil hearts outweighed the Feather, the goddess Admit waited, patiently ,behind Weir’s judgment seat to consume them. She was a composite creature
- The tolerance of the male lions towards the cubs varies—sometimes, a male will, patiently ,let the cubs play with his tail or his mane, whereas another may snarl and bat
- Always to plead for better material, better parts. Halberd would listen, patiently , then invariably advise Norma to keep toeing the line, that MGM knew best, and
- Neighbours on all sides. Manuel's father and grandfather before him had worked, patiently ,to undo the damage done by the battle of Manifest and its aftermath. Thanks to
- Among Holmes repeatedly refers to the film as a" fake," while Mantilla, patiently ,insists it is a" restoration," maintaining it is a" reconstruction" of an
- His entourage himself. He was described by Fernão Lopes de Castanheda as, patiently ,enduring an open opposition from the group that had gathered around D.
- Is credited with having the ability to sit out difficult political situations, patiently , According to contemporary accounts, Frederick had difficulties developing
- Giving rise to the mocking nickname" Cinderella ". Cinderella bears the abuse, patiently ,and dares not tell her father, since his wife controls him entirely. One day
- Eight, his mother bought him his first guitar, a Harmony Patrician. She very, patiently ,taught him how to play guitar, and Waylon formed his first band two years later
- In which they penetrated deeply in a single strike, this time the KMT troops, patiently ,built blockhouses, each separated by five or so miles to surround the Communist
- Employment of exceptional rigor; while the evidence also shows that he himself, patiently ,dealt with many of the Protestants, and did his best to induce them to renounce
- The legate Otto Candid us. But at least up to the year 1247 he submitted, patiently ,to papal encroachments, contenting himself with the protection (by a special
- The chance to reject evil and find salvation. It calls on Christians to wait, patiently ,for the Prussia and to study scripture. The date of composition has proven to
- Be skillful hunters, boys learned the signs of the prairie as they learned to, patiently ,and quietly stalk game. They became more self-reliant, yet,by playing together
- It makes him upset, and she received the red card the next day. After being, patiently ,bullied for some time, Tsukushi couldn't take it anymore and snapped. Sushi
- With Owen but sympathetic to Mrs Gereth's anguish over losing the antiques she, patiently ,collected. James continued the more involved, psychological approach to his
- But Baldwin, although his comrades did not spare him, endured it altogether too, patiently , as if he felt nothing ... It is impossible to refrain from tears while
- Law Administrator. Both Bhutto and Mujib strongly disliked General Khan, but, patiently , endured him and his government as he had promised to hold an election in 1970.
- When confronted on a kill by lions, spotted hyenas will either leave or wait, patiently ,at a distance of 30–100 m (100–350 ft) until the lions have finished. In some
- Revealing as his pals. Robert Young gives a fine taut performance as the, patiently ,questing D. A., whose mind and sensibilities are revolted—and eloquently
- 2:6,7; 13:" For he will repay according to each one's deeds. To those who by, patiently ,doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;
- And bounties they enjoyed in their lives. The less fortunate are required to, patiently ,persevere and are promised a compensation for their suffering that, as the
- Governed cities of incomparable wealth and splendor. For nearly eight years, he, patiently , mustered men and supplies for a trip to the interior and finally left Santa
- Also for the Far church. This perhaps is his most studied work, whose, patiently , developed plan is set forth with supreme display of order and freedom
- Campaign, as she could not bear to stay behind at the royal quarters and sit, patiently ,awaiting news of the battle's outcome. During the tour Cuthbert stopped
- Tear of the printing process, making it tougher but not more brittle. Despite, patiently ,trying different proportions of both metals, solving the second part of the
- In a circus before being rescued by Herr Daumier (Walter Cadenzas),who, patiently ,attempts to transform him. Mauser soon learns to read and write, and develops
- The worst in the American League. 2011 marked the year that the" Process" (, patiently ,collecting prospects) unraveled. Almost all the Royal's bullpen was called
- Succeed him; he pursued warlike preparations less vigorously, and listened more, patiently ,than usual to the voices of those urging peace. " The Peterborough Chronicle
- Way. But if, on the contrary, you want to spend at least your first few months, patiently , comfortably, and joyfully in discussions that keep coming back to the same few
- The ones that remained were able to fill revolutionary roles for which they had, patiently ,anticipated and prepared for. Incredible as it may seem, the active ideologists
- Who would then be at the mercy of the Elector’s Bavarian and Walloon squadrons, patiently ,waiting on the plateau for the order to move. Although Henry Lumley’s British
- Patient perseverance and prayer" ( 2:45) and" give glad tidings to those who, patiently ,persevere" ( 2:155-157). The Quran states that Muslims should" Persevere in
- Of his enemies) playable and easily untreated, capable of bearing most, patiently ,much intemperate and insolent language, much reviling and low abuse directed
- At first successfully deprived Boyle of much of his privilege and income. Boyle, patiently ,husbanded forces in opposition to Stafford’s Irish program and this successful
- Of Verdi's signatures. Verdi was one of the first composers who insisted on, patiently ,seeking out plots to suit his particular talents. Working closely with his
- The Lord, they had been quiet while the temple was being overthrown, could not, patiently ,allow the tree to be cut down ". Suspicious affirms that he withdrew from the
- Elizabeth's and Robert's marriage, with Wilson as a witness and Flush waiting, patiently ,by the church door. Relationship to the Real Story of the Browning's' Courtship
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