Examples of the the word, doha , in a Sentence Context
The word ( doha ), is the 12242 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Shukla trivia solar Samoa 1561 (1504 AD). This is also clear from a, doha , by Birdhichand, which reads as under in Rajasthan Language:: पन्द्रह सौ इकसठ
- Along with cultural competitions such as mass (Gujarati dance) competition, doha , ( poem recitation) competition and umbrella decoration competition. Tartar
- One. Some manuscripts in 1473 also describes about the story. 'Hola Mary Ra, doha ,' is the edited text by Kasai Nagar Precharging Sasha. Story Rajasthan Version
- Pa McCoy GI zeal lung),the Prayer to the Lineage of CHO, the thirty-six verse, doha , ( Sanskrit) Distinguishing Consciousness from Wisdom (Wylie: RNA she's ye
- Form known as Shade (or pad) and through the aphoristic two-line Sakai (or, doha , ) that serves throughout north India as a vehicle for popular wisdom. Other
- Ľiťhi" fruit tree ", paxoň-" freeze" * South Slavic: Carlo" glass ", doha ," enough ", dugo" long ", duma" speech ", vičin-" shout" * Hungarian:
- Have been derived from" Doha" — Arabic for bay or gulf — referring to the, doha ,Bay Area surrounding cornice. In 1825,during the war between Qatar and
- Sorath. The number of syllables per line is the same in both forms; however, in,Doha, the first half of the line is longer and the rhyme occurs at the end of the
- Raso forms are Doha (couplet) and ch hand (extended meter). A variant of the, doha , is the south. The number of syllables per line is the same in both forms;
- The couplet (sorta, in which the first and third segments rhyme, but in a, doha , the second and fourth segments rhyme) on the portrait of Banjo sings praise of
- राना समझ, जग झूठा जंजाल ।। Similarly Karnisharan Charon also mentions in a, doha , about Canada leaving this world as under:: सौला सौ सताईस में, फागन तेरस सुदी
- Played the world youth championship reached quarterfinal with Cameroon team (, doha ,1995). He made eleven appearance for the Cameroon national football team, He
- Depict a scene, or speak in the voice of a character. The main rash forms are, doha , ( couplet) and ch hand (extended meter). A variant of the Doha is the south.
- Was Ram Goal and Japan Singh was his grandfather. This is also clear from a, doha , by Bird hi Hand, which reads as under in Rajasthan Language:: जाट उजागर धून
- Shukla trayodashi Samoa 1627 (1570 AD). Bird hi Hand has mentioned in one, doha , about her taking of Sarah:: सौला सौ विक्रम सही, सताईस शुभ साल ।: ली समाधी
- Sounding letter) and 2 in case of Dharma (long sounding letter) Here is a, doha , by Rahim: जो रहीम उत्तम प्रकृति, का कर सकत कुसंग | 2 121 121 111/ 2 11 111 112
- In spontaneous verse. Doha's songs Ann Waldman describes this poetry form: the, doha , a song of realization that acknowledges an encounter with a master teacher
- And knowledge of Sanskrit. The poet Krita Ram had written couplets" Raja Ra, doha ," or" Raja Re saturate" on ethics to make his servant Raja immortal as
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