Examples of the the word, permeate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( permeate ), is the 12245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- For cars, they connect to a network of pedestrian and bike paths which, permeate ,the entire center. In addition, these paths go through public squares and open
- To the default assumptions of heterosexuality and masculine superiority that, permeate ,many cultures. When the extrapolation involves sexuality or gender, it can
- Current trend in dual-purpose facilities is hybrid configurations, in which the, permeate ,from an RO desalination component is mixed with distillate from thermal
- Magic realism and so on. The apparent hopelessness and absurdity that seem to, permeate ,his works are considered emblematic of existentialism. Others have tried to
- Britain, ultimately causing the World War I naval arms race. His ideas still, permeate ,the U. S. Navy Doctrine. Several ships were named, including the lead vessel of
- And bile acids, and help to solubilize the hydrophobic lycopene and allow it to, permeate ,the intestinal mucosal cells by a passive transport mechanism. Little is known
- And humanitarianism, and his expectation that these values would come to, permeate ,Japanese society. However, he castigated Japanese leaders who seemed enthralled
- To any of Kook's own extensive works (although Kook's ideas and motifs, permeate ,Hutner's work according to those familiar with both rabbis' writings. )
- They refer to the" Kate of 19 ", many names add up to 19,19 seems to, permeate ,every aspect of Roland and his traveler's lives. In addition, the number ends
- For cars, they connect to a network of pedestrian and bike paths which, permeate ,the entire center. In addition, these paths go through public squares and open
- That results when men and women allow the divine fire of agape to penetrate and, permeate ,Eros. Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical Zeus Capital Est (God is Love) of 2006
- Of (non-violence) and respect for all life because divinity is believed to, permeate ,all beings, including plants and non-human animals. The term appears in the
- Vowing never to return. Something of his feelings is considered to, permeate ,the recollections of the captain. " I was seduced by the moody expression of
- S color. Eating this form of fruit restores 3 petals of health. Many bonuses, permeate ,each stage. For example, Small Hearts will fall from the sky or be found in
- These features serve as natural drains, allowing any water on the surface to, permeate ,the soil and run underground into water tables or into local springs or creeks.
- Be an abolitionist. " This belief would stay with Seward through his life and, permeate ,his career. Seward’s wife Frances was deeply committed to the abolitionist
- By canvas sides and top, while the back permitted quantities of fresh air to, permeate ,the interior. Between trips, the Bus doubled in trash collection (private)! A
- Fascism The two conflicting political viewpoints of anarchism and fascism, permeate ,the story. The Norse fire regime shares every facet of fascist ideology: it is
- Deus Ex: Invisible War. A number of other more subtle fiction references also, permeate ,the game. For instance, The Man Who Was Thursday protagonist Gabriel Syme's
- Barrow and Tiller go even further: the eventual fate of intelligent life is to, permeate ,and control the entire universe in all respects but one: intelligence cannot
- Pressurized SiH4 forms a metal alloy. It is well known that hydrogen can, permeate ,to a remarkable extent various ordinary metals under conditions of ordinary
- Burial of the coaled, and with reservoir pressure. Fractures, or cleats, that, permeate , coalbeds are usually filled with water; the deeper the coaled, the less water
- An early sign of the instability and violence which were eventually to, permeate ,and destroy the Weimar Republic. The British writer Morgan Philips Price wrote:
- Sound of laughter that first struck him on the Point DES Arts slowly begins to, permeate ,his entire existence. In fact, Clamence even begins laughing at himself as he
- Is united by an orchestral score of simple but sincere rhythms and tunes that, permeate ,continuously a story of events lasting at least five years. The actors' voices
- Species of weak bases, the charged pronated species of weak bases do not, permeate ,biomembranes and accumulate within lysosomes. The concentration within
- He continues," this negativity and feeling of separateness will grow and, permeate ,our world, and we'll find it more difficult to access God’s love in any aspect
- Began to mirror those of its populace and an anti-British policy began to, permeate ,Egypt's relations with Britain. In October 1951,the Egyptian government
- As around Munich. Wherever these deposits get thinner, the groundwater can, permeate ,the gravel surface and flood the area, leading to marshes as in the north of
- Mental illness was a constant interest of Dick's, and themes of mental illness, permeate ,his work. The character Jack Bowler in the 1964 novel Martian Time-Slip is an "
- Is a self-described atheist who wholly rejects the spiritual themes that, permeate ,The Chronicles, yet his series nonetheless addresses many of the same issues
- Gong mythology is a collection of recurring characters, themes,and ideas that, permeate ,the rock albums of David Allen and Gong and to a lesser extent the early works
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Herbert Marcuse, Gilles Delete, and Eduard von Hartmann, permeate ,the works of artists such as Chuck Palahniuk, David Lynch, Crispin Glover
- And (previously) Lodestar. He is known for strong political opinions which, permeate ,his music and contributed to conflict within, as well as the eventual break-up
- In the GUI can imitate those from the underlying native system. Design patterns, permeate ,the system, especially a modification of the model-view-controller pattern
- Fragments, as they are being freed up by the breaking up of reeling, are able to, permeate ,into the lower levels. Name "/IN"> pmid17442808"/> It is possible that as
- Week before and the week after the event. Hail Selassie's own perspectives, permeate ,the philosophy of the movement. Not all Rastafarian mansions consider Hail
- One of the encyclopedia's twenty books, but perceived linguistic similarities, permeate ,the work. Isidore's vast encyclopedia systematizing ancient learning includes
- Weather in which it took place, combined to give birth to a spirit which was to, permeate ,the whole of the following two weeks of thrilling and intensive sport. The
- Meters per second. Nearly massless, these gases were assumed by Mendeleev to, permeate ,all matter, rarely interacting chemically. The high mobility and very small
- Demonstrate various sub-conductance levels. When a channel is open, ions, permeate , through the channel pore down the transmembrane concentration gradient for that
- Glasses, ceramics,and synthetic materials, inert gases such as helium will not, permeate ,most bulk metals. Flight Because it is lighter than air, airships and balloons
- Innovation originate in Western Europe and the U. S. and later their effects, permeate ,globally. As judged by the Wharton School of Business at the University of
- The influence of funk music from American record labels such as Star began to, permeate ,the music style of studio musicians. Early reggae differed from rock steady by
- Developments in American life during the 1950s. Elements of soap opera began to, permeate ,the strip with Dick, Tess,and Junior (along with the Tracy's' new baby
- Testimony, Lisa Eager Median argued that misogynistic and racist stereotypes, permeate ,hip hop music because record labels, radio stations, and music video channels
- References to the concepts of anarchism, socialism,communism, and capitalism, permeate ,the book. Union strikes were also a constant preoccupation in Rugby Hall. An
- Turning on the world. " Legacy The legacy of the hippie movement continues to, permeate ,Western society. In general, unmarried couples of all ages feel free to travel
- Strengthened by local residents of Swedish extraction. Names such as Lindquist, permeate ,the Greater Madison area. Talks began, and a January 1997 video conference call
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