Examples of the the word, platoon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( platoon ), is the 12248 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Level, and structured on a brigade, battalion/group, company/battery, and, platoon , basis. The militia maintains infantry small arms, with some mortars and
  2. Stars Matthew Iodine, Vincent D'Ontario, and R. Lee Erma. The film follows a, platoon ,of U. S. Marines through their training and depicts some experiences of
  3. And Haganah's transformation into the Israel Defense Forces),Sharon became a, platoon ,commander in the Alexandrina Brigade. He was severely wounded in the groin by
  4. And the implementation of the warfare functioned only at the level of a, platoon ,and a company in the Red Guards. As most of the platoon and company leaders
  5. A divisional commander is rarely the same as what is important to an infantry, platoon ,commander. Broadly, there are two situations: fire against opportunity targets
  6. The slogan" My mate, Marmite ", chanted in television commercials by an army, platoon , (The spread had been a standard vitamin supplement for British-based German
  7. In the southern Philippines. Hammurabi Sale and his men were killed when a, platoon ,of the Philippine army's elite Scout Rangers, who had been on the terrorists '
  8. October 1967,he was ordered to the Republic of Vietnam, where he served as a, platoon ,and company commander with Golf Company,2nd Battalion,3rd Marines. While
  9. Hartman's attention for his incompetence and excess weight, making him the, platoon ,scapegoat. After a blanket party from the rest of the platoon for failing
  10. From branch to branch. In the army all officers are at least trained to lead a, platoon , There they also have to pass an officer exam to become commissioned later on.
  11. Hickman in the bullpen. The team then signed Craig Wilson to a one-year deal to, platoon ,with Scott Thurman. The Braves also had solid relievers in Malay McBride
  12. Alpine Regiment tasked to protect the ISAF HQ, one engineer company, one NBC, platoon , one logistic unit, as well as liaison and staff elements integrated into the
  13. Headquarters, and acted as a supervisory element for elements of company and, platoon ,size assigned to each of the country's twenty-nine administrative regions.
  14. And staff positions. His command positions included: commanding officer of a, platoon ,and two rifle companies during two tours of duty in Vietnam; commanding officer
  15. Ortsgruppe (roughly equivalent to a U. S. Congressional district) * A Zug (, platoon ,) in every Belle (literally" a cell "; roughly equivalent to a U. S. precinct
  16. When deep behind enemy lines, the actual attack will be carried out by a, platoon , a company-sized unit will be deployed to support the attack group, setting up
  17. With a headquarters of 113 personnel. Supporting units were to include a band, platoon ,(40 members),engineer company (220 strong),Brigade Training Unit (162
  18. Zug UND Companies: EIN Handful fur den Offizierunterricht“ ( Combat tasks for, platoon ,and company: A manual for the officer instruction),appeared. This book was
  19. Forest Row, insisting on being plain 'Mr. Milne' to the members of his, platoon , He retired to the farm after a stroke and brain surgery in 1952 left him an
  20. Makes a mistake, Hartman will not punish Pyle, but will punish the rest of the, platoon , The platoon is immediately forced to do push ups, while Pyle is humiliatingly
  21. Zucchinis as Sergeant" Crazy Earl ": The squad leader, he is forced to assume, platoon ,command when Platoon Commander 2LT Walter J. Malinowski is killed. Touching a
  22. Drill commands and recites the Rifleman's Creed. The noise awakens the entire, platoon ,and Hartman, who confronts Pyle. Pyle fatally shoots Hartman, and then commits
  23. To the infantry, though Joker is assigned to Basic Military Journalism. On the, platoon ,'s last night on Paris Island, Joker is assigned to fire watch, during which
  24. An Allied counter-offensive, he was shot through the right lung by a sniper. A, platoon ,sergeant came to assist him but was killed. He fell on Montgomery. The German
  25. Of the Cycle" and was also promoted to Squad Leader. In July 1976 Tureaud's, platoon ,sergeant punished him by giving him the detail of chopping down trees during
  26. In the 1960s and the 1970s,the Portuguese Army created an experimental horse, platoon , to combat the guerrillas in eastern Angola. This unit was soon augmented
  27. Of Finland (). The association provides reservists with personal, squad and, platoon ,level military training. In the training, most of the instructors are
  28. Is humiliatingly forced to eat the doughnut. As a result, during one night the, platoon ,hazes Pyle with a blanket party, pinning him to his bunk with a blanket and
  29. Detached to each brigade) *** Military Police Battalion (Mutilate) (one, platoon ,detached to each brigade) ** Air Force & Anti-Air Defense Brigade (Sarajevo
  30. Under the auspices of the Ministry of National Security. By the mid 1980s his, platoon ,had grown in stature, reaching a company level and by the mid-1980s he was in
  31. Allied military administration. The islands' garrison initially consisted of a, platoon ,from the British Army's King's African Rifles, located on Hapsburg Island
  32. By then a 22-year-old lieutenant (having been promoted in December 1912) and, platoon ,commander, until February 1915,when he was promoted to the rank of captain
  33. Wounded in action during the WWII Battle of Sampan, during which most of his, platoon ,were killed. Marvin's wound (in the buttocks) was from machine gun fire
  34. Hartman will not punish Pyle, but will punish the rest of the platoon . The, platoon ,is immediately forced to do push ups, while Pyle is humiliatingly forced to eat
  35. In modern warfare, an ambush is most often employed by ground troops up to, platoon ,size against enemy targets, which may be other ground troops, or possibly
  36. And armed in an identical manner to the rest of the infantry squad),and the, platoon ,or section machine-gunner. After the firefight has been won, the now
  37. Became despondent. Private Santiago Carried of the 3rd Regiment described how a, platoon ,commander ordered them to take up positions in the houses and" if a Keeper
  38. To the NATO Response Force (entire company) and the EU Battle groups (one, platoon ,). The company consists of a command element and three reconnaissance platoon s
  39. Only at the level of a platoon and a company in the Red Guards. As most of the, platoon ,and company leaders were chosen in a democratic manner—voting by the
  40. Thin line, with some sectors where stretches were being defended by a single, platoon , Soviet forces held several bridgeheads on the western bank of the river and
  41. To Sherman Fireflies by adding the QF 17 pounder gun. Initially this gave each, platoon ,of Sherman's one powerfully armed tank. By war's end - through the production
  42. Was called may lung (มวยหลวง). Some time during the Ayutthaya period,a, platoon ,of royal guards was established, whose duty was to protect king and the country
  43. Between Azerbaijan and Turkey on the participation an Azerbaijani peacekeeping, platoon ,in the staff of Turkish battalion in Kosovo. Since 1992 Azerbaijan and Turkey
  44. Making him the platoon scapegoat. After a blanket party from the rest of the, platoon ,for failing almost everything and earning them collective punishments, he turns
  45. Entry Force, was led by the 1st Armored Division which was spearheaded by a, platoon ,from the 2nd Battalion,505th Parachute Infantry Regiment attached to the
  46. Vehicle. Modern Many forces' IFRS carry anti-tank missile in every infantry, platoon , and attack helicopters have also added anti-tank capability to the modern
  47. It was used in trench warfare. In World War II, machine pistols were carried by, platoon ,leaders, artillery crews, and tank crews. In the decades after World War II
  48. Cut a hole in their line, leaving his right flank cut off. However, a rifle, platoon ,began knocking out the Japanese gun positions, one by one. Using smoke grenades
  49. Walter J." Touchdown" Malinowski: The commander of the Lust hog Squad's, platoon , he was a college football player at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He
  50. Forces also command a multinational engineer task force and have deployed a, platoon ,of Italian military police. Three AB 212 helicopters also were deployed to

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