Examples of the the word, proposition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proposition ), is the 4163 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Instance, the English declarative sentence" snow is white" refers to the same, proposition ,as the equivalent French declarative sentence" la name est Blanche "; two
  2. Spot in the lineup. On May 21,the White Sox gave the San Diego Padres a trade, proposition ,for Jake Heavy. According to the Padres, everything was agreed upon, but Heavy
  3. On the relevant law, This kind of discussion is a typical" unique selling, proposition ," of BDSM sessions and quite commonplace. Additionally, safewords are often
  4. That he who remains in love of God can commit no sin. Because of the first, proposition , God himself is thought as invisible and only recognizable in his creation.
  5. With respect to the operation of taking convex hulls, as shown by the following, proposition ,: * For all subsets S1 and S2 of a real vector-space, the convex hull of their
  6. They would only have to share the cost of a TV series (a much less risky, proposition ,). So it was not filmed until the end of the first season of Batman the TV
  7. Binary form, a way of structuring a piece of music * Binary bet, a bet on a, proposition ,which is quoted as a spread bet * Binary opposition, polar opposites, often
  8. Grosser Arian blasphemies, but set forth an equally heretical doctrine in the, proposition ,that the Son was in all things similar to the Father, but not identical in
  9. Fields with characteristic 0,but there is some natural number N such that the, proposition ,is valid for every algebraically closed field with characteristic p when p > N.
  10. Based on accepted grounds. In mathematics, a conjecture is an unproven, proposition ,or theorem that appears correct. Famous conjectures * The Poincaré theorem (
  11. French declarative sentence" la name est Blanche "; two sentences, one, proposition , Similarly, one declarative sentence can refer to many proposition s; for
  12. Connectives are only" \neg" for negation of the immediately following, proposition ,and" \to\," for implication from antecedent to consequent proposition s: #\phi
  13. If the bet is one handled by the dealers, such as a Place bet or one of the, proposition ,bets handled by the stick-man, the chip (s) should be placed, or thrown, and
  14. Amounts of memory for the time, sound sampling packages became a realistic, proposition , The Microdeal Replay Professional product featured a sound sampler that
  15. Be tracked by the dealer, who will pay the player directly. Hard way and other, proposition ,bets are tracked by the stick man and will be paid after the regular bets by the
  16. Was no one there French. The sentence in Bambara alone would be. The French, proposition ," est-ce-que" is also used in Bambara; however, it is pronounced more slowly
  17. Identifies itself as the universal church. Moreover, Sykes criticizes the, proposition , implicit in theories of via media, that there is no distinctive body of
  18. No one knew how to prove, even to state properly, the kernel of truth in this, proposition ,about perfectly competitive market. " And it was then when neoclassical
  19. n. These are the same primes which are employed in the Clause algorithm. The, proposition ,holds true for all n > 0,not only for even n. I1 1 and for odd n > 1,In (and
  20. 10 or 11 is rolled. The Field bet is a" Self-Service" Bet. Unlike the other, proposition ,bets which are handled by the dealers or stick man, the field bet is placed
  21. That carbon monoxide is a normal neurotransmitter in 1993,A conjecture is a, proposition ,that is unproven but is thought to be true and has not been disproven. Karl
  22. Though Democrats overwhelmingly voted (64 %) against the California ballot, proposition ,banning gay marriage, blacks overwhelmingly approved (70 % in favor) it, more
  23. 23-21 in the final. Honors In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a, proposition ,that is not proven or demonstrated but considered either to be self-evident or
  24. Has lost the ability to win on a seven or eleven). All single or multi roll, proposition ,bets may be placed in either of the two rounds. Between dice rolls there is a
  25. Point, then roll the point again before you roll a seven. Unlike more complex, proposition ,bets offered by casinos, street craps has more simplified betting options. The
  26. Was revived in the U. S. three centuries later) and, out of American material, proposition , graft (bribery),bad-mouth, vacation,major, backpack,backtrack, intern
  27. Intuitive knowledge provides the greatest satisfaction of mind, lead to his, proposition ,that the more we are conscious of ourselves and Nature/Universe, the more
  28. Take a bus ride to Heaven, where they are met by people who dwell there. The, proposition ,is that they can stay (in which case they can call the place where they had
  29. To a moral end. Thus, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the truth of a, proposition ,of law simply involved internal logic and consistency, and that the state's
  30. Theorem in a new and much simpler way. The basic idea of his proof is that a, proposition ,that holds of x if x = n for some natural number n can be called a definition
  31. Shooter is covered, other players may make Pass/Don't Pass bets, or any other, proposition ,bets, as long as there is another player willing to cover. Carl Philipp
  32. Becomes the next prior. * In frequentest statistics, a hypothesis is a, proposition ,(which must be either true or false),so that the (frequentest) probability
  33. Mathematical harmony is the key that binds all parts together: one theoretical, proposition ,from his work introduced the minor planetary aspects into astrology; another
  34. Aleph_1,\clef_2,\clef_3,\dots). \ His continuum hypothesis is the, proposition ,that \Mather is the same as \clef_1,but this has been found to be
  35. Jefferson's declaration that all men are created equal. Lincoln mentioned this, proposition ,many times, including his 1863 Gettysburg Address. Almost all the
  36. Reviewing the consumer survey evidence submitted by CPI in support of the, proposition ,that FBS were predominantly popular with minors, the FTC concluded that flaws
  37. That the set can be shown to be representable (using Gödel numbers). Then the, proposition ," m is the first number not definable in less than k symbols" can be
  38. Suggests. George Stiller attributes to Smith" the most important substantive, proposition ,in all economics" and foundation of resource-allocation theory. It is that
  39. Born, not in 1789,but in 1776," conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the, proposition ,that all men are created equal. " He defined the war as an effort dedicated to
  40. The original bet and true odds for the odds lay. Single roll bets Single-roll (, proposition ,) bets are resolved in one die roll by the shooter. Most of these are called "
  41. Grounds that atheism and agnosticism accept" a deity exists" as a meaningful, proposition ,which can be argued for or against.; Strong agnosticism (also called" hard,"
  42. Available in casinos. Before the commercialization of neural network programs, proposition ,bets on specific positions were very common among backgammon players and
  43. Factors is not enough to assure that the field is algebraically closed. If a, proposition ,which can be expressed in the language of first-order logic is true for an
  44. Hop bets are located at the center of the craps' layout with the other, proposition ,bets. If hop bets are not on the craps' layout, they still may be bet on by
  45. Staff and students, making parking for more than a few hours an expensive, proposition , Berkeley has one of the highest rates of bicycle and pedestrian commuting in
  46. Zvonimir (1089),dying at the hands of his own people who objected to a, proposition ,by the Pope to go on a campaign to aid the Byzantines against the Seljuk Turks.
  47. Ought to do an in order to produce so-and-so ". Another aspect of this is that a, proposition ,such as" torturing babies for fun is wrong" is generally regarded as a
  48. Algebraically closed field with the same characteristic. Furthermore, if such a, proposition ,is valid for an algebraically closed field with characteristic 0,then not only
  49. Vidal of Barcelona and his brother, Don Crests Vidal, then in Perpignan. The, proposition ,of the latter to prohibit, under penalty of excommunication, the study of
  50. Simple but growing all necessary food is a more demanding and time-consuming, proposition , Living in an autonomous shelter can require one to make sacrifices in one's

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