Examples of the the word, reliability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reliability ), is the 4166 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That is directly consumed by humans, however there are issues about the, reliability ,of the reported figures. Aquaculture was operating in China circa 2500 BC. When
  2. Permitted incremental and cost-effective growth of system performance and, reliability , In industries like banking, where continuous operations was mandatory
  3. Large amounts of foreign matter and fouling without failing to cycle. This, reliability ,comes at the cost of accuracy, as the looser tolerances do not allow for
  4. To play the sheriff, but Warner executives expressed concern over Pryor's, reliability ,because of his heavy drug use and the belief that he was mentally unstable.
  5. Back planes are normally used in preference to cables because of their greater, reliability , In a cabled system, the cables need to be flexed every time that a card is
  6. Board but wire wrapped back planes have also been used in minicomputers and high, reliability ,applications. Early personal computers like the Apple II and the IBM PC
  7. But when applied to complex, safety critical projects, benefits in correctness, reliability , and maintainability take precedence over (arguable) costs in initial
  8. In exposed automated weather stations and weather buoys where the accuracy and, reliability ,of traditional cup-and-vane anemometers is adversely affected by salty air or
  9. And Catholic sides in the Wars of Religion. Some historians have questioned the, reliability ,of some of Bede's accounts. One historian, Charlotte Bear, feels that the
  10. 50-75 % of the gas otherwise used. Also, some combinations provide redundant, reliability ,by having several sources of heat. Some authorities advocate that bottled gas
  11. Title went to Brabham's teammate, New Zealander Denny Hume. Hume had better, reliability ,through the year, possibly due to Jack Brabham's desire to try new parts first
  12. Two parts) The next topic which Hume strives to give treatment is that of the, reliability ,of human testimony, and of the role that testimony plays a part in epistemology
  13. One equation). Each sheet could be written or read in one second. The, reliability ,of the system was limited to about 1 error in 100,000 calculations by these
  14. And used it to approach problems in celestial mechanics, medical statistics, reliability , and jurisprudence. Early Bayesian inference, which used uniform priors
  15. Spyware and has run afoul of controversy among privacy advocates. The Warden's, reliability ,in correctly discerning legitimate vs illegitimate actions was called into
  16. Or fourth in the constructors' championship for three years running, but poor, reliability ,marred promising performances on several occasions. Motor sport authors Mike
  17. At consumers and professionals alike, Mac OS X aimed to combine the stability, reliability ,and security of Unix with the ease of use afforded by an overhauled user
  18. Motorcycles with reasonable performance for the average user. BSA stressed the, reliability ,of their machines, the availability of spares and dealer support. The
  19. Been completed, therefore leaving historians left with many questions on the, reliability ,and quality of the writing. This was taken into consideration when the Summat
  20. To be a useful source of biographical information about Aristophanes, but its, reliability ,is open to doubt. It purports to be a record of conversations at a dinner party
  21. Help eliminate BR's financial deficit by 1962. The aim was to increase speed, reliability , safety, and line capacity through a series of measures that would make
  22. The 2010 official count and the 2009 estimates caused many to question the, reliability ,of the 2010 count, including Atlanta mayor Karim Reed. According to the 2010
  23. Then used by the DoD. Ada is strongly typed and compilers are validated for, reliability ,in mission-critical applications, such as avionics software. Ada is an
  24. Single cable to control both drives in the Disk. The Disk was plagued by, reliability ,problems, however,and did not catch on as well as the Apple Die itself. The
  25. Language were minimal bloat (size),minimal overhead, greater speed, and, reliability , Typical examples of large assembly language programs from this time are IBM PC
  26. Inexpensive to manufacture, and easy to clean and maintain. Its ruggedness and, reliability ,are legendary. The AK-47 was initially designed for ease of operation and
  27. Is the Public Performance Measure, which combines figures for punctuality and, reliability , Performance against this metric has been especially poor since mid-2000. From
  28. Scandal deeply influenced the development of new regulations to improve the, reliability ,of financial reporting, and increased public awareness about the importance of
  29. Shelf' train bogies on a circular rail. The system was chosen for its proven, reliability , Rubber-tyred metro trains utilize a specialized version of railway bogies. As
  30. And reinforcement of the electricity supply network to provide continued, reliability ,of supply. Adelaide derives most of its electricity from a gas-fired plant
  31. Range Air-to-Air Missile to the European team. Requirements By the 1990s,the, reliability ,of the Sparrow had improved so much from the dismal days of Vietnam that it
  32. Aleksandr Cayuse, suggested a major redesign of AK-1,particularly to improve, reliability , At first, Kalashnikov was reluctant, given that their rifle had already fared
  33. Defence with competence. Despite being very sick and dying, he questioned the, reliability ,of Spotswood's witnesses. Israel Hands he claimed had given information under
  34. Him to buy a car and employ chauffeurs (although there is debate over the, reliability ,of this as well); he was given a Ford car" worth over $700" by Mayo Williams
  35. Peugeot won the 24h in 2009) and, in a podium clean-sweep by proving its, reliability ,throughout the race (compared to all four 908 entries retired before the end
  36. Current 7.62x39mm M1943). A particular requirement of the competition was the, reliability ,of the firearm in the muddy, wet,and frozen conditions of the Soviet front
  37. And layout of the keyboard was bothersome, and the floppy disk capacity and, reliability ,was low. Also, the more interesting software offered for CP/M systems could not
  38. Then its factory preset. Overclocking may, however,seriously compromise system, reliability ,in insufficiently cooled computers and generally shorten component lifespan.
  39. Had been lost, but there was still a large variation in size, character,and, reliability ,among the emerging packs. In 1856," Stonehenge" ( the pseudonym of John Henry
  40. Chiefly deployed on transcontinental routes, during which it demonstrated the, reliability ,of its twin-engine design. In 1985,the 767 received regulatory approval to
  41. Technology, and manufacturing methods to achieve balances of performance, reliability , and cost. The main parts of the airframe are the fuselage, wing and tail.
  42. Firearm, the Italian Cei-Rigotti combined similar features but suffered poor, reliability ,and ejection mechanism, as well as inferior magazine capacity. Towards the end
  43. Of the organization and a former employee of bin Laden. Questions about the, reliability ,of al-Fadl's testimony have been raised by a number of sources because of his
  44. Hardware resource allocation (including fractional processor units),and, reliability ,engineering ported from its mainframe designs. History AIX Version 1
  45. Dismissed and sold in 2006). This is another example of long lifetime, reliability ,of Amiga hardware, as well as professional use. Amiga were also used at
  46. To run the Cosworth-powered BT49D in the early part of the season while, reliability ,and driveability issues with the BMW units were resolved. The relationship came
  47. Were" basically correct ". However, the FAO accepts there are issues with the, reliability ,of China's statistical returns, and currently treats data from China
  48. Of trains, station facilities and opening hours, the punctuality and, reliability ,of trains) which the operators have to meet. Some franchises receive subsidy
  49. Made to the vehicle to optimize its behavior (performance, handling, reliability , etc.). Adjustments can occur in suspensions, brakes,transmissions, engines
  50. The 1950s the number of sites dropped substantially. Ongoing development and, reliability ,problems didn't help; nor did Congressional debate over the missile's

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