Examples of the the word, meditation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( meditation ), is the 4162 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To achieve it. Heard introduced Huxley to Vedanta (Veda-Centric Hinduism), meditation , and vegetarianism through the principle of AHIMA. In 1938 Huxley befriended
  2. Thus, Bodhidharma had no choice but to leave Emperor Wu to die and went into, meditation ,in a cave for nine years. This encounter would later form the basis of the
  3. Include practices not normally referred to as medicine, such as using prayer, meditation , socializing, and recreation as therapies. Its academic proponents sometimes
  4. Panendeism, allowing the seeker to experience a relationship to Deity through, meditation , prayer or some other type of communion. This is a major departure from
  5. Itself is a harmonious cultivation of the following qualities: Steiner sees, meditation ,as a concentration and enhancement of the power of thought. By focusing
  6. With 6/8 variation of the main theme with chorus. *Third" movement ": slow, meditation ,with a new theme on the text" Sad umschlungen, Millionen! " (begins at "
  7. Between those corresponding to ordinary relaxation and those corresponding to, meditation , It is disputed, however,whether there is enough evidence to count these as
  8. Then in techniques to maintain their physical condition as well as teaching, meditation , He is said to have taught a series of external exercises called the Eighteen
  9. Provides the mental stability and freedom to embark upon mental cultivation via, meditation , History Early development Certain basic teachings appear in many places
  10. Published in 1961,is considered by many Derleth 's finest work. This prose, meditation ,is built out of the same fundamental material as the series of Sac Prairie
  11. In Buddhism, it is believed that those who have extensively practiced Buddhist, meditation ,and have reached a higher level of consciousness can activate their" third ear
  12. Meditation techniques as well as use of certain medications. In some Buddhist, meditation ,literature, this effect is described as something which arises naturally and
  13. Nearly all accounts have treated it either as an undefined variety of, meditation , as Damian and Dublin, There have also, however,been interpretations of "
  14. His life. Worldwide fame in 1933 brought him the commission of building a, meditation ,temple in India for Maharajah of Indore, but when Branch went to India in
  15. A professional relationship. It was from Krause that Schopenhauer learned, meditation ,and received the closest thing to expert advice concerning Indian thought. Most
  16. Of Neo-Confucianism, with prominent Neo-Confucians advocating certain forms of, meditation , The Buddha showed people what was right or wrong. The teaching still lives on
  17. Associating them with priests wearing animal masks in Egyptian ritual. A, meditation ,during his relationship with one of these women, the poet Jeanne Robert Foster
  18. With a cave in which Buddhist monk Bodhidharma (The Mo) spent a long time in, meditation , Some other mountains where the central theme of the name is the human
  19. Throwing, Kubb competition, bingo,communal organic cooking, morning yoga, meditation , greasy pig and healing circles. The festival occurs at the Spear grass property
  20. Or recorded in Buddhism. It is an ability that can be obtained at advanced, meditation ,level. Generally the term refers to a person who can feel the vibration of
  21. Abandoned his search and become undisciplined, left. After a reputed 49 days of, meditation , at the age of 35,he is said to have attained Enlightenment. According to some
  22. Into the next three paths #bhūmi 1 the path of insight #bhūmis 2-7 the path of, meditation ,#Bhūmi 8-10 the path of no more learning The chapter of ten grounds in the
  23. Though only for the more quiet activities such as sunbathing, reading and, meditation , Assist ens Cemetery, the burial place of Hans Christian Andersen, is an
  24. Movement within the Eastern Orthodox Church is Hesychasm, a form of Christian, meditation , Comparisons have been made between the Hesychastic centers of prayer and the
  25. Various techniques of meditation . Recent research with brain waves during, meditation ,has shown a distinct difference between those corresponding to ordinary
  26. Prayer specifically for health reasons is excluded); this study included yoga, meditation , herbal treatments and the Atkins diet as CAM. Another study suggests a similar
  27. Found its meaningful purpose in death and in God. Her The Face of the Deep is a, meditation ,upon the Apocalypse. In her view, what Revelation has to teach is patience.
  28. Trunk Roche (they both tried to catch the same cab),a Tibetan Buddhist, meditation ,master of the Kay and Cinema sects, who became his friend and life-long
  29. Physiological changes in yogis and people who practice various techniques of, meditation , Recent research with brain waves during meditation has shown a distinct
  30. Tea would provide a stimulant to help keep students of Chan awake during, meditation , The most popular account relates that Bodhidharma was admitted into the
  31. Of Jainism" ). Dr K. K. Shah said" Fasting is a method of curing the, meditation ,of mind and body which has been proved by great Jain monks, sanyasis and Tunis
  32. Not a political person ". Transcendental Meditation Lynch advocates the use of, meditation ,techniques in bringing peace to the world. He was first initiated into
  33. Of John's visions belongs to Christians of all times as a continuous present, meditation , Such matters are eternal and outside of normal human reckoning. " That winter
  34. Stayed at the University of Pennsylvania only for brain scans on studies of, meditation , not his ability to fast indefinitely. Following that statement, Newberg denied
  35. Rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration,and, meditation ,; in particular, a person's moral development must precede the development of
  36. Connection with the divine presence through intuition, communion with nature, meditation ,and contemplation. Generally, Spiritual Deists reject the notion that God
  37. Me or conceived in my mind. " (Meditation II. ) At the beginning of the second, meditation , having reached what he considers to be the ultimate level of doubt — his
  38. Which are normally used to reduce anxiety. This includes relaxation or, meditation ,techniques as well as use of certain medications. In some Buddhist meditation
  39. Help from a" higher power "; seek guidance and strength through prayer and, meditation ,from a god (or Higher Power) of their own understanding; take a moral
  40. These are the first mentions in the historical record of what may be a type of, meditation ,being ascribed to Bodhidharma. In the Two Entrances and Four Acts
  41. Of seven buildings, in which 8,000 salaried people will practice advanced, meditation ,techniques," pumping peace for the world ". He estimates the cost at $7
  42. To this text. Jingjue's account also makes explicit mention of" sitting, meditation ,", or taken: For all those who sat in meditation , Master Bodhidharma also
  43. Isherwood, and other followers he was initiated by the Swami and was taught, meditation ,and spiritual practices. In 1944 Huxley wrote the introduction to the "
  44. Accessories; the principles according to Bernard's work were that piety and, meditation ,were to precede action. Having previously helped end the schism within the
  45. Explicit mention of" sitting meditation ", or taken: For all those who sat in, meditation , Master Bodhidharma also offered expositions of the main portions of the
  46. The Apostles (15:23-29). The Introduction may best be understood as Alfred's, meditation ,upon the meaning of Christian law. It traces the continuity between God's gift
  47. September 1943),the lush rendering of a future galactic empire with a sober, meditation ,on the nature of power and its inevitable loss;“ The Code” ( July 1945),an
  48. Talks, essays,and contributions * Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel,a, meditation ,on strange properties of the infinite, is often used in popular accounts of
  49. As Sindhi, or 'perfections ', skills that are yielded through appropriate, meditation ,and personal discipline. But many anecdotal accounts of
  50. Treatments used for pain include: acupuncture, low-level laser therapy, meditation , aroma therapy, Chinese medicine, dance therapy, music therapy, massage

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