Examples of the the word, glory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glory ), is the 4165 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. We disowned Dostoevsky, and now we disown Pasternak. Everything that brings us, glory ,we try to banish to the West ... But we cannot allow this. We love Pasternak
  2. Jackson as" an honest man and the idol of the worshipers of military, glory , but from incapacity, military habits, and habitual disregard of laws and
  3. His people leaving Jerusalem. In his vision of the new Temple, Ezekiel sees the, glory ,of God entering the Temple and filling the Temple (EZE. 43.2-5). Upon the
  4. And 526,when the temple referred to—Longings (永寧寺)—was at the height of its, glory , Starting in 526,Longings suffered damage from a series of events
  5. The tabernacle to possess it. They" came forth and blessed the people. And the, glory ,of the Lord appeared to all the multitude: And behold a fire, coming forth from
  6. With the first monster, Grendel. This passage begins by describing Scold’s, glory ,as a“ scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches. ” It has been
  7. 1810,and by 1850,Alexandria had returned to something akin to its former, glory , In July 1882,the city came under bombardment from British naval forces and
  8. Juxtaposition with the conventional view of Achilles as the hero of Leos (, glory , usually glory in war). Laos has been construed by Gregory Nagy, following
  9. Organizers were looking for a great popularizing event, recalling the ancient, glory ,of Greece. This would echo the legendary version of events, with the
  10. Chairman, said " for those that understand the intricacies, the wonder,the, glory ,of turn based 'culture building,' this is the game worth skipping class for. "
  11. With control over all Asia and Europe, while Athena offered wisdom, fame and, glory ,in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and presented herself to Paris naked. She
  12. The Persian Empire. She was forced into patriotism in spite of herself, and the, glory ,won by Salamis was paid for by the loss of her trade and the decay of her
  13. If we don't fight they will kill us, so if we fight we will at least die with, glory , " He also stated his conviction that without the support of Pakistan, Osama
  14. Speaks of a" tribulation ", with his coming in the clouds with great power and, glory ," (St Mark),and states when it will happen:" This generation shall not pass
  15. Which led to criticism that Vespucci was trying to upset Christopher Columbus ', glory , However, the rediscovery in the 18th century of other letters by Vespucci
  16. Speaks of Muhammad's wonderment at seeing fellow prophets in their heavenly, glory ,: Aaron was also mentioned by Muhammad in likeness to Ali. Muhammad had left Ali
  17. As behaving as a criminal at every stage of his career. However, he came to ", glory ," as much as he did brutality by repelling invading Carthaginians and winning
  18. Describes the presence of the God of Israel which filled the Temple. The “, glory ,of YHWH” was also revealed in the form of light-filled cloud which accompanied
  19. Atoms succeeded their lost possession and along with it their lost prestige and, glory , this was due to the determination and courage of Whom king Chakradhwaj Singh.
  20. The capture of the Ark was received, named him Ichabod—explained as" Where is, glory , " In reference to the loss of the Ark (1 Sam. 4:12-22). The Philistines took
  21. As a racial complex and was the result of centuries of Persian power and, glory , In return the Persian regarded the Arab with contempt. It was important not to
  22. Biblical and nonmaterial truths, and used styles that showed the higher unseen, glory ,of a heavenly world, such as the use of gold in the background of paintings, or
  23. After placing the Ark there, the Temple was filled with a cloud," for the, glory ,of the Lord had filled the house with the Lord" ( 1 Kings 8:10-11; 2 Charon. 5:13
  24. And gross darkness the nations; then shall the Lord rise upon thee and His, glory ,shall be seen on thee' Isaiah LX.2," (Sanhedrin 99a). A Christian came to
  25. 1824: in himself" that sensibility, or that vanity, which people call love of, glory ," had been blunted. " All the compliments," he says," that I have received
  26. Great splendor for a season, has now vanished—at least its Long Island Railroad, glory ,has. The tunnel: dark as the grave, cold,damp, and silent. How beautiful look
  27. Peoples' refusal to rebuild the temple, which he sees as key to Jerusalem’s, glory , The book ends with the prediction of the downfall of kingdoms, with one
  28. Speeches, critic David Margo lies, describes how it" oozes honor, military, glory , love of country and self-sacrifice ", and it forms one of the first instances
  29. Several times during the Troubles but has now been restored to its former, glory , The Lyric Theatre, ( currently undergoing a rebuilding program) the only
  30. For purity ", which is a likeness of the Throne of God. (The Hebrew word for, glory , ) Many items in the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary in the wilderness, such as
  31. That time flourishing Assyrian empire. Ashurbanipal was at the height of his, glory , Nineveh was a city of vast extent, and was then the center of the civilization
  32. With control over all Asia and Europe, while Athena offered wisdom, fame and, glory ,in battle, but Aphrodite came forth and whispered to Paris that if he were to
  33. Permanent seat of business and wealth that belong to such enterprises. But its, glory , after enduring in great splendor for a season, has now vanished—at least its
  34. Of Israel (chapter 45:1). The remaining chapters are a vision of the future, glory ,of Zion. A" suffering servant" is referred to (esp. ch. 53) - probably a
  35. Name was ` Abbas, but he preferred the title of ` Abdul'Baha (servant of the, glory ,of God). He is commonly referred to in Bahá'í texts as" The Master ", and
  36. Time accompanying the Babylonian exile. In Ezekiel’s vision, Ezekiel sees the ", glory ,of YHWH" leaving the Temple, from the Holy of Holes to the gate, and moving
  37. The work before 391,since at 22.16.12 he praises the Serapeum in Egypt as the, glory ,of the empire, and the temple was destroyed by Christians at the end of that
  38. Of God; last things (Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in, glory ,to the earth, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge everyone in
  39. Where the Godparents are asked" Does thou forsake the Maine Pope and, glory ,of the world.? " More recently, P. D. James used phrases from the Book of
  40. Third-baseman Brooks Robinson won his Most Valuable Player Award (1964). The, glory ,years of the Orioles effectively ended when the Detroit Tigers, a divisional
  41. Must remain in this condition of waiting. Because some have a prevision of the, glory ,to come and others foretaste their suffering, the state of waiting is called "
  42. Of former player George Graham as manager in 1986 brought a third period of, glory , Arsenal won the League Cup in 1986–87,Graham's first season in charge. This
  43. People in this community. This stage Peck believes can only be described as ", glory ," and reflects a deep yearning in every human soul for compassionate
  44. Be gathered and blessed as never before. The" Glory of YHWH" The phrase “, glory ,of YHWH,” found in Ezekiel, describes the presence of the God of Israel which
  45. 1973); Eddie Murray (1977); and Cal Ripen, Jr. (1982). One might date the, glory ,years of the Orioles dating back to 1964,which would include two 3rd-place
  46. Meaning the religion as a whole. It is derived from the Arabic Baha, meaning ", glory ," or" splendor ". The term" Bahaism" ( or" Baha'ism" ) has been used in
  47. By contemporary Welsh bards as the native prince to bring their country back to, glory , Henry received a muted response from the local population. No joyous welcome
  48. With the conventional view of Achilles as the hero of Leos ( glory , usually, glory , in war). Laos has been construed by Gregory Nagy, following Leonard Palmer, too
  49. Anetholes): derived from αγαθός (Agatha) good and κλέος (Leos), glory , ),was tyrant of Syracuse (317–289 BC) and king of Sicily (304–289 BC).
  50. And shows his mercy, and then the Lord will disclose these things, and the, glory ,of the Lord and the cloud shall appear, as they were shown in the case of Moses

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