Examples of the the word, tongue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tongue ), is the 4158 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the earlier work of Wilhelm Steinmetz and were upheld by Tarrasch's sharp, tongue ,when dismissing the opinions of doubters. While the greatest players of the
  2. Of a monstrous serpent-haired visage with tusk-like teeth and a protruding, tongue ,which was meant to frighten away the uninitiated. In this context, Graves
  3. Of the face and tongue and cyanosis of the tongue . Swelling of the lips and, tongue ,gives the tongue its typical blue appearance, though this sign is confined to a
  4. Referred to as Discourse on Method. This work, written in his native French, tongue , and its philosophical principles, provided the foundation for Infinitesimal
  5. With English continuing for the other half). Although English is the mother, tongue ,of only 8.2 % of the population, it is the language most widely understood, and
  6. Acupuncture needles. *Inspection focuses on the face and particularly on the, tongue , including analysis of the tongue size, shape,tension, color and coating, and
  7. Manitoba). Despite this, relatively few Albertans claim French as their mother, tongue , Many of Alberta's French-speaking residents live in the central and
  8. Vowels /ɪ/, /e/, /æ/, /ɜː/, /ə/, and /of/ are noticeably closer (higher, tongue ,position) than their RP (British Received Pronunciation) equivalents. The
  9. By contrast, the voiceless apicoalveolar fricative is written s; the tip of the, tongue ,points toward the upper teeth and friction occurs at the tip (apex). For
  10. Ethnicity. Some 6,700,000 people (~85 %) speak Bulgarian as their mother, tongue , and is the earliest Slavic Orthodox Church. Other religious denominations
  11. On their monuments were, as elsewhere, in the Lowland Maya aristocratic, tongue ,Classic Ch'LTI'an. North of the Maya Mountains, the inscription language at
  12. Of 1915 carried with it the only thing survivors still possessed: its mother, tongue , Western Armenian. Modern changes The two modern literary dialects, Western (
  13. Acupuncture points to manipulate. For example, teeth marks on one part of the, tongue ,might indicate a problem with the heart, while teeth marks on another part of
  14. Their secrets, Alhazred was tortured. Then they blinded him, severed his, tongue ,and executed him. Although the entrance to the chamber warns against disturbing
  15. Excessive salivation, swelling of the face and tongue and cyanosis of the, tongue , Swelling of the lips and tongue gives the tongue its typical blue appearance
  16. She should be taken out and hung / For the cold-blooded murder of the English, tongue , " Lerner said he knew the lyric used incorrect grammar for the sake of a rhyme
  17. Every day. On 5 March 1887,when Crowley was eleven, his father died of, tongue ,cancer. Plaster would later describe this as a turning point in his life, and
  18. Patterns, from Italian, Sicilian,and English. It is also the only Semitic, tongue ,written in the Latin script. * Andalusia Arabic, spoken in Spain until 15th
  19. Consonants. These are consonants that are pronounced with the root of the, tongue ,retracted, with varying degrees of pharyngealization and velarization. Using
  20. With the roof of the mouth. However, the defining location is the side of the, tongue , which only approaches the teeth. Coarticulated approximate with dedicated IPA
  21. Overthrew and destroyed that shrine which they call Basso Galatea in the Gallic, tongue ," martyring many Christians (
  22. Sundas, Oraons, and OMI. Nearly all Bangladeshis speak Bangle as their mother, tongue ,and it is the official language. It is an Indo-Aryan language of Sanskrit
  23. 1897,1446 persons in the Russian Empire reported Ainu language as their mother, tongue , 1434 of them in Sakhalin Island. The southern half of Sakhalin was acquired by
  24. Of these 4,022,045 gave singular responses to the question regarding mother, tongue , The languages most commonly reported were the following: Numerous other
  25. Including the Talks, Hazaras, Aimaks and Kielbasa. Pashto is the native, tongue ,of the Pashtuns, although many non-Pashtuns are also fluent speakers of this
  26. The lamina alveolar fricative, the friction occurs across the blade of the, tongue , the tongue tip pointing toward the lower teeth. This is the usual /s/ in most
  27. Both Assyria and Babylonia by the general populace. It also remained the spoken, tongue ,of the indigenous Assyrian/Babylonian citizens of all Mesopotamia under Persian
  28. Of honey. His father considered this a sign of his future eloquence and honeyed, tongue , For this reason, bees and beehives often appear in the saint's symbology.
  29. And simple — the air coming off the mouth does not require any motion of the, tongue ,— and therefore this is the first sound that children make. According to
  30. Focuses on the face and particularly on the tongue , including analysis of the, tongue ,size, shape,tension, color and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth
  31. Population by Mother Tongue. PNG|thumb|160px|English is the most common mother, tongue ,of Albertans. The 2006 census found that English, with 2,576,670 native
  32. Found that English, with 2,576,670 native speakers, was the most common mother, tongue ,of Albertans, representing 79.99 % of the province's population. The next most
  33. S place of articulation (P to look like widened mouth, L sound to look like, tongue ,pulled in, etc.); its design was planned by the government of the time; and it
  34. Is followed by taking the pulse on both arms, and an inspection of the, tongue ,; it is believed that this gives the practitioner a good indication of what is
  35. Diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine. The surface of the, tongue ,is believed to contain a map of the entire body, and is used to determine
  36. What we have are Runic names in Germanic dress, modified to fit the Gothic, tongue , or popular Gothic etymologies, or both. Mikaela thought Attila might go back
  37. Asking, Kamkata-viri, Vasi-vari, Tregami and Kalasha-ala),are used as native, tongue ,by minority groups across the country and have official status in the regions
  38. Indicate a problem with the heart, while teeth marks on another part of the, tongue ,might indicate a problem with the liver. TCM diagnosis also involves measuring
  39. The third decade of life. Deadly brain abscesses due to infection caused from, tongue ,piercings have occurred. Features The symptoms of brain abscess are caused by a
  40. With the index, middle and ring fingers). Tongue and pulse Examination of the, tongue ,and the pulse are among the principal diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese
  41. Had gold (The family of the dead soul would put coins under the deceased's, tongue ,). Once crossed, the soul would be judged by Abacus, Rhadamanthus and King
  42. And can eat more than 200,000 in a single night, using its long, sticky, tongue , to collect them. The Adolf is the only surviving species of the subfamily
  43. Communication, maintaining its status of lingua franca. Persian is the native, tongue ,of various Afghan ethnic groups including the Talks, Hazaras, Aimaks and
  44. Alveolar fricative, the friction occurs across the blade of the tongue ,the, tongue ,tip pointing toward the lower teeth. This is the usual /s/ in most European
  45. Furious and killed Chine with her arrow or struck her dumb by shooting off her, tongue , However, some versions of this myth say Apollo and Hermes protected her from
  46. Major signs are high fever, excessive salivation, swelling of the face and, tongue ,and cyanosis of the tongue . Swelling of the lips and tongue gives the tongue
  47. Stated to be a part of many lesbians' sex lives; the anus can be rimmed — the, tongue ,moved around its edge — stroked or penetrated with the fingers or a dildo.
  48. Sexual acts, and the superficial contact of the anal ring with fingers or the, tongue ,is even less well documented but may be assumed to be a common sexual activity
  49. Transcribed) Lateral approximate In lateral approximate, the center of, tongue ,makes solid contact with the roof of the mouth. However, the defining location
  50. Africa, or 13.3 percent of the population, it is the third most spoken mother, tongue ,in the country. It has the widest geographical and racial distribution of all

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