Examples of the the word, moisture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moisture ), is the 5811 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are some mountainous regions of Colorado which receive a huge amount of, moisture ,via winter snowfalls. The spring melts of these snows often cause great
  2. To freezing point. ) Farther south, the heat is to some extent modified by the, moisture ,brought from the ocean, and by the greater elevation of a large part of the
  3. Get an overall temperature gradient and combined this with gradient (2),the, moisture ,gradient, to express the above conclusions in what is known as the Whittaker
  4. Shan, which,standing above the surrounding arid plain, collect atmospheric, moisture ,which otherwise would probably have escaped somewhere else. Without its
  5. Demands. Some desert birds can obtain their water needs entirely from, moisture ,in their food. They may also have other adaptations such as allowing their body
  6. And weapons components to detect corrosion, bad welds, cracks and trapped, moisture ,; and in portable metal detectors. Neutron moisture gauges use californium-252
  7. And chemical properties. Among these qualities are mechanical strength, low, moisture , permeability and chemical and volumetric stability. Mixing concrete Thorough
  8. Days later on 15 April 2008. The cause of the crash was later determined to be, moisture ,in the aircraft's Port Transducer Units during air data calibration. The
  9. Is ample strength between the brick’s edges and also to provide a relative, moisture ,barrier during the seasons where the arid climate does produce rain. Attributes
  10. When the continental air mass is weak, Mediterranean winds drop their, moisture ,farther inland. When there is a dominant continental air mass, cold air spills
  11. Then a well-known process for making textiles easier to process. He combined, moisture ,with ventilation to" condition" and change the air in the factories
  12. Rainfall, the winds which blow over them from the ocean losing part of their, moisture ,as they pass over the outer highlands, and becoming constantly drier owing to
  13. Acid is stable in dry air, but gradually hydrolyses in contact with, moisture ,to acetic and salicylic acids. In solution with alkalis, the hydrolysis
  14. Weight, absorption and pore structure, thermal characteristics, thermal and, moisture ,movement, and fire resistance. In England, the length and the width of the
  15. The flow of the prevailing westerly winds and cause them to drop most of their, moisture ,on the western slopes of the mountain ranges before reaching the province
  16. On the earth as well. Earthquakes he asserted were the result either of lack of, moisture , which causes the earth to break apart because of how parched it is, or of
  17. Water from hydrocarbons, to enable subsequent processes that are poisoned by, moisture , Aluminum oxides are common catalysts for industrial processes,e.g. the
  18. Welds, cracks and trapped moisture ; and in portable metal detectors. Neutron, moisture ,gauges use californium-252 to find water and petroleum layers in oil wells, as
  19. Accompanying table. The boundaries of each biome correlate to the conditions of, moisture ,and cold stress that are strong determinants of plant form, and therefore the
  20. Gulf Stream" ) which flows from the Gulf of Mexico brings with it significant, moisture ,and raises temperatures 11 °C (20 °F) above the global average for the
  21. Acid can be useful in increasing seed germination, as is careful monitoring of, moisture ,levels in the rooting medium. Gallery File: Bay leaf442. JPG|Bay leaf File: Bay
  22. With stronger, late dry season fires. In the early dry season there are higher, moisture ,levels, cooler temperatures, and lighter wind than later in the dry season;
  23. Dryness with intensities that vary by location from high to low tide # climatic, moisture ,gradient # temperature gradient by altitude # temperature gradient by latitude
  24. Begonias, orchids and hydrangeas exist. On higher grounds that receive more, moisture , for instance around Kinsman, certain species of fern trees, mushrooms and
  25. Clouds which strike Kathiawar and Dutch are deprived of a great deal of their, moisture ,by the hills in those countries (now the majority of this region is in Gujarat
  26. Rubber along the interior of the wing and boot joints to prevent damage from, moisture ,; wooden instruments are also stained and varnished. The end of the bell is
  27. Mild winters and warm wet summers. The North Atlantic Drift brings significant, moisture ,and raises temperatures 11 °C (20 °F) above the global average for the
  28. In the aircraft's Port Transducer Units during air data calibration. The, moisture ,distorted the information being sent to the bomber's air data system. As a
  29. But the unusual conditions that exist along the eastern Pacific Rim allow the, moisture ,to remain intact. In the case of the Hamza, the porous and permeable
  30. Slowly tarnishes in air at room temperature, with the rate increasing when, moisture ,is added. Californium reacts when heated with hydrogen, nitrogen,or halogen
  31. Games. The slates on modern carom tables are usually heated to stave off, moisture ,and provide a consistent playing surface. The length of the pool table will
  32. Have pronounced shrink-swell properties and are difficult to work under most, moisture ,conditions. Many of Austin's soils, especially the clay-rich types, are
  33. Soft, silvery-white radioactive metal, actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and, moisture ,in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that prevents further
  34. Bursts. However, proximity fuses can suffer premature detonation because of the, moisture ,in heavy rain clouds. This led to 'controlled variable time' ( CVT) after
  35. Perfectly dry ammonia will not combine with perfectly dry hydrogen chloride:, moisture ,is necessary to bring about the reaction. As a demonstration experiment, opened
  36. Urethanes, and polyamides. Moisture curing adhesives cure when they react with, moisture ,present on the substrate surface or in the air. This type of adhesive includes
  37. Species diversity tends to correlate positively with net primary productivity, moisture ,availability, and temperature. Ecoregions are grouped into both biomes and
  38. Chemical reaction with an external energy source, such as radiation, heat,and, moisture , Ultraviolet (UV) light curing adhesives, also known as light curing
  39. Carbon to nitrogen (CN) ratio at 30 to 1 or less, and monitoring the, moisture ,level more carefully. However, none of these parameters differ significantly
  40. Has been employed in a variety of industrial measurement gauges, including, moisture , density, leveling,and thickness gauges. It has also been used in well logging
  41. Table, by introducing the actinides. Actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and, moisture ,in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that prevents further
  42. Other adaptations such as allowing their body temperature to rise, saving on, moisture ,loss from evaporative cooling or panting. Seabirds can drink seawater and have
  43. Electricity into potable water and brine. Atmospheric water generators extract, moisture ,from dry desert air and filter it to pure water. Sewage Resource The approaches
  44. Innovation is microwaving. Various methods use differing levels of heat and, moisture ,and vary in cooking time. The method chosen greatly affects the end result.
  45. That would find use in precipitous roofs. Cement may be introduced to prevent, moisture ,from penetrating the composite of mud and organic matter. Vegas are beams
  46. The vegetation of Africa follows very closely the distribution of heat and, moisture , The northern and southern temperate zones have a flora distinct from that of
  47. Area) and Africa's north-western coast. In general, winds transport, moisture ,and air over land areas. Hurricanes develop in the southern part of the North
  48. When Pacific storms come ashore. Atmospheric conditions block the flow of, moisture ,in summer, which is generally dry except for occasional thunderstorms in the
  49. From water temperatures. The oceans are the major source of the atmospheric, moisture ,that is obtained through evaporation. Climatic zones vary with latitude; the
  50. 1906,Stuart W. Crater of Charlotte, North Carolina, was exploring ways to add, moisture ,to the air in his textile mill. Crater coined the term" air conditioning "

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