Examples of the the word, abundance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abundance ), is the 5817 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Karabakh and Tabriz. Cuisine The traditional cuisine is famous for an, abundance ,of vegetables and greens used seasonally in the dishes. Fresh herbs, including
  2. The range of natural abundance for the isotopes is such that the standard, abundance ,can only be given to about ±0.001 % (see table). The calculation is: A (Si)
  3. In an agricultural district, the place grew rapidly in population owing to the, abundance ,of its coal and iron ore, and the population of the whole parish (which was
  4. Isotopes Antimony exists as two stable isotopes,121Sb with a natural, abundance ,of 57.36 % and 123Sb with a natural abundance of 42.64 %. It also has 35
  5. And food. " Alaska Grown" is used as an agricultural slogan. Alaska has an, abundance ,of seafood, with the primary fisheries in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific
  6. For the primary formation reaction, a 1.05×10−6 and B = −0.47. Assuming an NH4+, abundance ,of 3×10−7 and an electron abundance of 10−7 typical of molecular clouds, the
  7. Fox and conducts studies on the influence of tourism on the population. The, abundance ,of the arctic fox species tends to fluctuate in a cycle along with the
  8. Products. Owing to the close similarity of actinium and lanthanum and low, abundance , pure actinium could only be produced in 1950. The term actinide was probably
  9. Other noble gases is also due to the presence of radiogenic. Primordial has an, abundance ,of only 31.5 ppm (= 9340 ppm x 0.337 %),comparable to that of neon (18.18
  10. Radioactive isotope,t1/2 = 7.2×105 y) occur naturally. 27Al has a natural, abundance ,above 99.9 %. 26Al is produced from argon in the atmosphere by salvation
  11. Of planets.; Planetary habitability Efforts to answer questions such as the, abundance ,of potentially habitable planets in habitable zones and chemical precursors
  12. Are a serious humanitarian crisis (a result of the prolonged war),the, abundance ,of minefields, the continuation of the political, and to a much lesser degree
  13. Country totals, an area slightly larger than El Salvador or Massachusetts. The, abundance ,of lagoons along the coasts and in the northern interior reduces the actual
  14. Cleaning ecosystems and supporting fish stocks. In the book Out of Water: From, abundance ,to scarcity and how to solve the world's water problems, authors Colin
  15. That Asgard is a land more fertile than any other, blessed also with a great, abundance ,of gold and jewels. Correspondingly, the Æsir excelled beyond all other people
  16. Interstellar formation and destruction Formation mechanisms The interstellar, abundance ,for ammonia has been measured for a variety of environments. The NH3/H₂ ratio
  17. And technology heavy industries are mainly focused on the urban areas with an, abundance ,of small and medium-sized IT and service companies dotting the city center. The
  18. As a result, imports and exports to the South declined significantly. The, abundance ,of European cotton and the United Kingdom's hostility to the institution of
  19. The largest proportion of the state's forest growth. There is also an, abundance ,of cypress, hickory,oak, populus, and Eastern Red cedar trees. In other areas
  20. Gulf of Mexico Atlanta has a reputation as the" city in a forest" due to its, abundance ,of trees, unique among major cities. The city's main street is named after a
  21. Bird Area and has 50,000 breeding pairs of various kinds of seabirds. A high, abundance ,and diversity of sea cucumbers, over-exploited on other reefs in the region, is
  22. Did the leg work that produced majorities across the North, and produced an, abundance ,of campaign posters, leaflets,and newspaper editorials. There were thousands
  23. Tourism is an important part of the economy of Azerbaijan. The country's large, abundance ,of natural and cultural attractions make it an attractive destination of
  24. Between 2 and 13 orders of magnitude smaller, making their contribution to the, abundance ,of ammonia relatively insignificant. As an example of the minor contribution
  25. Been discovered in plant ashes, and sodium, which was known partly for it's high, abundance ,in animal blood. He named the metal inside the material as" lithium ". Sodium
  26. In addition,29 metastable states have been characterized. Occurrence The, abundance ,of antimony in the Earth's crust is estimated at 0.2 to 0.5 parts per million
  27. 1819,echoes this sense of melancholic reflection, but also emphases the lush, abundance ,of the season. Other associations In the Anglosphere, most notably in North
  28. Number. (See History of the periodic table). The much greater atmospheric, abundance ,of argon relative to the other noble gases is also due to the presence of
  29. Isotopes,121Sb with a natural abundance of 57.36 % and 123Sb with a natural, abundance ,of 42.64 %. It also has 35 radioisotopes, of which the longest-lived is 125Sb
  30. And interpretive trails. Hikers, bikers and horseback riders can observe the, abundance ,of prairie plants and wildlife of the area up-close.; Boating The park has
  31. Formalized in S) can be proven within the axiomatic system S. Note that by the, abundance ,of nearly incompressible strings, the vast majority of those statements must be
  32. 10,000 times faster than equation (2). This is due to the relatively high, abundance ,of H₃+. Uses Fertilizer Approximately 83 % (as of 2004) of ammonia is used as
  33. Isotope 7Be (half-life 53 days) is also cosmogenic, and shows an atmospheric, abundance ,linked to sunspots much like 10Be. 8Be has a very short half-life of about 7 s
  34. The preservation of the soft parts of the organisms. Further, it reduced the, abundance ,of burrowing organisms — burrows and track ways are found in beds containing
  35. Of the Earth (about 99 % of the helium from gas wells, as shown by its lower, abundance ,of helium-3) is a product of alpha decay. Name
  36. And about one part in one billion for the others. However, the range of natural, abundance ,for the isotopes is such that the standard abundance can only be given to about
  37. Heterophylla from Réunion island are both excellent timber trees. Depending on, abundance ,and regional culture, some Acacia species (e.g. Acacia Formosa),are
  38. And India (~300,000 tonnes each) and Canada (~100,000 tonnes). The, abundance ,of actinium in the Earth's crust is only about 5 %.: ~\math rm: ~\math rm:
  39. Elements preceding niobium,except boron, which has a similar, abundance , Beryllium is similarly rare in the Sun with a concentration of 0.1 ppb by
  40. By the Japanese government of the Meiji era to take advantage of the island’s, abundance ,of natural resources, and to create and maintain farms in the model of western
  41. UK climb its way out of the recession because of its high levels of employment, abundance ,of skilled workers, and an increase in the average weekly earnings. Aberdeen
  42. Absence of instrumental music in New Testament worship is significant given the, abundance ,of Old Testament references and commands. After several hundred years of
  43. A 1.05×10−6 and B = −0.47. Assuming an NH4+ abundance of 3×10−7 and an electron, abundance ,of 10−7 typical of molecular clouds, the formation will proceed at a rate of
  44. Enemy's producers, The Bomb Squad. After the reunification of Germany,an, abundance ,of anti-immigrant sentiment emerged, as well as attacks on the homes of
  45. The wine-drinker's sanity. Geographic distribution Amethyst is produced in, abundance ,from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil where it occurs in large geodes within
  46. Of the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians were thus able to produce an, abundance ,of food, allowing the population to devote more time and resources to cultural
  47. Ranger districts are north, northwest,west and southwest of the city. An, abundance ,of large timberlands and forest nurseries, as well as lake and recreation areas
  48. The labors of the field; encourage peace, to gentle works inclined, and give, abundance , with benignant mind. " Other accounts In the tale sung by the bard in the hall
  49. On fish from the Caspian Sea, local meat (mainly mutton and beef),and an, abundance ,of seasonal vegetables and greens. Saffron-rice plot is the flagship food in
  50. Ium version. Health concerns Despite its natural, abundance , aluminum has no known function in biology. It is remarkably nontoxic

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