Examples of the the word, discriminate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discriminate ), is the 5829 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Christian and Muslims in this category. Mari rejected all Talmudic laws that, discriminate ,between the Jews and non-Jews, claiming that they only apply to the ancient
  2. Game theory explains this altruism with the idea of kin selection. Altruists, discriminate ,between the individuals they help and favor relatives. Hamilton's rule
  3. Has joined several court cases against government funding of organizations that, discriminate ,against homosexuals and atheists, prominently including the Boy Scouts of
  4. Judge often asked," Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to, discriminate ,against any kind of love? " Moon fleet is a tale of smuggling by the English
  5. Nigeria and southern Cameroon are derived from indigenous religious beliefs and, discriminate ,against the" Opus" people as" owned by deities" and outcasts. The Songhai
  6. S distinction between bias and discrimination. The purpose of tests is to, discriminate ,(that is, reveal actual differences) on the basis of ability; bias
  7. Obligations such as meeting reasonable requests to supply services and not to, discriminate , As well as continuing to provide service in those traditional areas in which
  8. 10 years, even under the most favorable conditions. It would be impossible to, discriminate ,these events from the background of neutrinos, since the dimensions of the
  9. Less sensitive to red light than normal. This means that they are less able to, discriminate ,colors, and they do not see mixed lights as having the same colors as normal
  10. Platform. This approach exploits the fact that in those bands it is possible to, discriminate ,the vegetation's reflectance from its fluorescence, which is much weaker. The
  11. Equal protection limits the State and Federal governments' power to, discriminate ,in their employment practices by treating employees, former employees, or job
  12. Algorithm configured an array of 10 x 10 cells in a Filing FPGA chip to, discriminate ,between two tones, utilising analogue features of the digital chip. The
  13. Chicago Press,1957) how the markets automatically punish the companies that, discriminate , In computer science, a double-ended queue (dequeue, often abbreviated to
  14. In particular, minority quotas (for example, affirmative action), discriminate , against members of a dominant or majority group. In its opposition to race
  15. Understanding of Christianity. Christian feminists believe that God does not, discriminate ,on the basis of biologically-determined characteristics such as sex and race.
  16. Can cause coma or death. Toxicologists use the term“ alcohol intoxication” to, discriminate ,between alcohol and other toxins. Acute alcohol intoxication results from a
  17. Economic activity in the spirit of a free enterprise. The code does not, discriminate ,between foreigners and nationals and provides for repatriation of profits.
  18. Employ a biochemical (physiological) mechanism called self-incompatibility to, discriminate ,between self- and non-self pollen grains. In other species, the male and female
  19. Are met. In order to be confirmed over their objection the plan must not, discriminate ,against that class of creditors and the plan is fair and equitable to that
  20. Volunteers to a blinded, repeated-measures design to evaluate their ability to, discriminate ,weights. Peirce's experiment inspired other researchers in psychology and
  21. A neutral point at a greenish wavelength around 492 nm – that is, they cannot, discriminate ,light of this wavelength from white. For the protanopia, the brightness of red
  22. The publisher is using their government granted copyright monopoly to price, discriminate ,between (presumed) wealthier economics students and (presumed) poor
  23. Of traditional roles of marriage. The statement and urged its members to not, discriminate ,against gays and lesbians, but not condone same gender rights. Supported by the
  24. Stimulate economic activity in the spirit of free enterprise. The code does not, discriminate ,between foreigners and nationals and allows for repatriation of profits. While
  25. Trend is occurring among younger generations. Religious schools cannot, discriminate ,against pupils concerning religion. A sanctioned system of preference does
  26. Application, or termination if the lie is discovered after hire. It is legal to, discriminate ,against felons in hiring decisions as well as the decision to rent housing to a
  27. Whose tone contour is so short and light that it is difficult or impossible to, discriminate , However, in many areas, especially in the south, the tones of all syllables are
  28. Then initially thought because of its radar and control system's inability to, discriminate ,warheads from other objects when the Scud missiles broke up during reentry.
  29. At the antigen-binding site of an antibody. Note also that antibodies tend to, discriminate ,between the specific molecular structures presented on the surface of the
  30. The Christian form of the Logos. The Catholic Church found it necessary to, discriminate ,between the Christian logos and that of Heraclitus as part of its ideological
  31. States Constitution limit the power of the federal and state governments to, discriminate , The private sector is not directly constrained by the Constitution, but
  32. Jobs. Although property and inheritance laws based on the French code do not, discriminate ,against women, local leaders adjudicate most inheritance cases in favor of men
  33. ADA Title I - Employment: See. The ADA states that a covered entity shall not, discriminate ,against a qualified individual with a disability. This applies to job
  34. Lead to disputes; but there is an obligation for the receiving State not to ", discriminate ,as between states "; in other words, any such fees should be payable by all
  35. Colour or national or ethnic origin ". It also provides that a state shall not, discriminate ,amongst its nationals on the basis of whether they are naturalized or
  36. This poem does not remain perfectly consistent):::: :nor is it valid::::: :to, discriminate ,against" business documents and: :school-books ": all these phenomena are
  37. Its origin to King Solomon. Ancient Arabia Pre-Islamic mythology does not, discriminate ,between gods and demons. The jinn are considered as divinities of inferior rank
  38. Or intermediate, range of BMI (25–29.9),the study found that BMI failed to, discriminate ,between body fat percentage and lean mass. The study concluded that" the
  39. For the execution of Lord Louis Mountbatten. This operation is one of the, discriminate ,ways we can bring to the attention of the English people the continuing
  40. Dog whenever it sees a collar as a prelude for a walk. Imprinting Being able to, discriminate ,the members of one's own species is also of fundamental importance for
  41. Is that philosophy, and more specifically metaphysics, has forgotten to, discriminate ,between investigating the notion of a Being (Gained) and Being (San).
  42. Care about losses as much as companies, which decreases their incentive not to, discriminate , For example, around 1900 the Afro-Americans started to compete of jobs that
  43. Has allowed majority verdicts of 10:2,10:1 and 9:1 since 1963 and does not, discriminate ,between cases whether the charge is murder or not. Deliberation must go for at
  44. Music. Aesthetic judgment Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to, discriminate ,at a sensory level. Aesthetics examines our affective domain response to an
  45. Forms of CDMA use spread spectrum process gain to allow receivers to partially, discriminate ,against unwanted signals. Signals encoded with the specified PN sequence (code
  46. Occupation, dialect,or mannerisms and, despite legal equality, continued to, discriminate ,against people they surmised to be members of this group. Past and current
  47. Standard set of beliefs among Christian feminists, most agree that God does not, discriminate ,on the basis of biologically-determined characteristics such as sex, and are
  48. To deal with black employees find this not true ”. He says that you should not, discriminate ,on the basis of color, because “ there are many people of color who are very
  49. The Civil Rights Act of 1964,limit the ability of the private sector to, discriminate ,against certain classes in employment. The Fifth Amendment has an explicit
  50. Coils to trigger magnetic mines. Modern influence mines are designed to, discriminate ,against false inputs and are therefore much harder to sweep. They often contain

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