Examples of the the word, customize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( customize ), is the 5813 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Though this was done with CP/CMS). Rather, most S/360 I/O software could, customize ,the length of the data record (variable-length records),as was the case with
  2. Features a flexible macro language and allows technically inclined users to, customize ,and create printer drivers. Internally, WordPerfect used an extensive
  3. Ranges of industrial Some larger manufactures of joysticks are able to, customize ,joystick handles and grips specific to the OEM needs while small regional
  4. Friends. After purchasing a 1978 Fender Stratocaster copy, Hammett attempted to, customize ,his sound with various guitar parts, eventually buying a 1974 Gibson Flying V.
  5. Duration of multiple requests. For example, when a web server is required to, customize ,the content of a web page for a user, the web application may have to track the
  6. Often sell writable control store as an option, allowing the customers to, customize ,the machine's microprogram. Timing, latching and avoiding a race condition The
  7. With deathwatch gameplay specifically in mind. As in Quake, it is possible to, customize ,the way in which the player appears to other people in multiplayer games.
  8. The abbreviation clarifies that unlike in WYSIWYG editors, the user is able to, customize ,WYSIWYG platforms to partly act as manual typesetting programs such as TeX or
  9. The rationale for applicability of it in industries. RDP Practice tries to, customize ,XP by relying on technique XP Rules. Other authors have tried to reconcile XP
  10. Within an organization. They also may revise existing packaged software or, customize ,generic applications which are frequently purchased from independent software
  11. Sales sites, due to the lower initial capital investment and ability to freely, customize ,the application packages. Also, some non-software industries are beginning to
  12. CLIP, D,and GDScript). By writing plugins, one can extend the features and, customize ,the functionality of Chat. Chat runs on the following operating systems:
  13. From consuming excessive additional processing overhead. Users can further, customize ,these settings. Some effects, such as alpha compositing (transparency and
  14. Of free software means that any user with sufficient knowledge and interest can, customize ,an existing distribution or design one to suit his or her own needs.
  15. The pieces of clothing, and wide variety of costumes from one region to another, customize ,the defining spirit of the Romanian people. Also, the folklore of Romania is
  16. Magic-user/wizard and thief. Further variation was added by the ability to, customize ,the Hero's abilities, including the option of selecting skills normally
  17. Program parts of the computer game Quake. Using Quaker, a programmer is able to, customize ,Quake to great extents by adding weapons, changing game logic and physics, and
  18. With a computer's lowest-level conceptual elements. Macros were used to, customize ,large scale software systems for specific customers in the mainframe era and
  19. And physical sectors as allocated on the disk. There were very many ways to, customize ,these parameters for every system but once they had been set, no standardized
  20. Over the city (and also in neighboring towns) for bus drivers to personally, customize ,the interior and exterior of their. Panama City's streets experience frequent
  21. Operating system, device drivers, middleware,and applications),appropriately, customize ,and configure the system and the software to create or change a boot image for
  22. The primary advantage to server-side scripting is the ability to highly, customize ,the response based on the user's requirements, access rights, or queries into
  23. And a unique track gauge (1495 mm / 4 ft 10⅞ in). The commission intends to, customize ,a model that meets approximately 75 % of its criteria. Bombardier won the
  24. Showmode" )," Map" commands, and macro definitions. " Map" commands help to, customize ,the vi editor by allowing to redefine the meaning of keys when in command mode.
  25. Charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source code for users to build, customize ,and extend for their own use. PHP primarily acts as a filter, taking input from
  26. In a single file. Some text editors include specialized computer languages to, customize ,the editor (programmable editors). For example, Emacs can be customize d by
  27. Available for an additional fee. Some proprietary software vendors will also, customize ,software for a fee. Free software is generally available at no cost and can
  28. And generally stored in, the database. Stored procedures usually collect and, customize ,common operations, like inserting a tuple into a relation, gathering
  29. Some distributions go to considerable lengths to specifically adjust and, customize ,most or all of the software included in the distribution. Not all do so. Some
  30. More heat-resistant than some plastics up to a point, and relatively easy to, customize , Borosilicate glasses are often used because they are less subject to thermal
  31. Advertising campaign was personalization of the device. Having the ability to, customize ,a playlist was a new and exciting revolution in music technology. Potential
  32. Those without the corresponding viewer application to read the file. Users can, customize ,the search engine, by setting a default language, using the" Research "
  33. Themes, ( the default being Phoenix) which can extend the functionality and, customize ,the appearance of the browser. There is also a macro plugin which allows users
  34. Dumps core and terminates. The default signal handler can also be overridden to, customize ,how the signal is handled. Bus error Bus errors are usually signaled with the
  35. Of radio as more listeners starting using MP3 players in their cars to, customize ,driving music. Satellite radio receivers started selling at a much higher rate
  36. In eleven different areas, and were designed to provide players with a way to, customize ,their characters; Weapons may be customize d through" weapon modifications "
  37. Same or another directory (the default target for file operations). Users may, customize ,the display of columns that show relevant file information. The active panel
  38. The Lisp interpreter itself). Users of Emacs commonly write Emacs Lisp code to, customize ,and extend Emacs. Emacs Lisp can also function as a scripting language, much
  39. Certain movement pattern (e.g. circle). Some implementations allow users to, customize ,these factors. Some video games have used gestures. For example, in the Myth
  40. Recoil cannot be reduced on a flamethrower. Players are further encouraged to, customize ,their characters through nano-augmentations—cybernetic devices that grant
  41. Can be automatically installed over a network. System administrators can, customize ,installations with scripts and configuration files, including configuration and
  42. Microsoft released the Xbox in 2001,it featured an option allowing users to, customize ,the soundtrack for certain games by ripping a CD to the hard-drive. Book
  43. Multiplayer In multiplayer, the player starts with an army and may usually, customize ,it buy trading units, using point values that approximate the value of the units
  44. Of advantages and disadvantages which enable players or Game Masters to, customize ,their characters. The myriad options available and the rewards the system
  45. And only pre-installed in Windows 98 by that time. It allowed users to, customize ,the way folders look and behave by using HTML templates, having the file
  46. Which applications are included on their Palm OS devices. Licensees can also, customize ,the applications. Standard Palm OS applications Note: On the newer models, the
  47. A single player mode and supports customization and multiplayer. Players may, customize ,the game by choosing options at the beginning of the game, using the built-in
  48. Introduction of music cassette tapes, technology that arose from the need to, customize ,music recordings and the desire for a" handy" format that would allow fast
  49. Library or Internet café. There is no graphical user interface (GUI) to, customize ,the individual toolbars, so users will need to edit the toolbar configuration
  50. Length. In the case of DES, the block size is 64 bits. DES also uses a key to, customize ,the transformation, so that decryption can supposedly only be performed by

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