Examples of the the word, sovereignty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sovereignty ), is the 5824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1850,Aka and the four western khanates in 1855,and Kunduz in 1859. The, sovereignty ,over Anhui, Shibarghan, Saripul and Maiman was in dispute between Bukhara
  2. Was made up of princely states, ruled by local nobles who acknowledged British, sovereignty ,(now the majority of this region is in Rajasthan state within independent
  3. Of globalization whose politics are based on a conservative defense of national, sovereignty , Participants include student groups, NGOs,trade unions, faith-based and peace
  4. Similar passages with" Every man and every woman is a star. " To assert the, sovereignty ,of the individual, and to deny the right-to-exist to" class-consciousness," "
  5. 1820). Senior Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois had incorporated popular, sovereignty ,into the Act. Douglas' provision, which Lincoln opposed, specified settlers
  6. As evidenced by the gravestones of the much later Roman period. Persian, sovereignty ,lasted until the Persians' defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great who
  7. Members of the Continental Congress arrived at a compromise solution dividing, sovereignty ,between the states and the Federal government, with a unicameral legislature
  8. And the integrity of national legislative authority, independence and, sovereignty , Recent developments, seen as unprecedented changes in the global economy, have
  9. Importance to anarcho-capitalists and Tucker and Spooner are the ideas of ", sovereignty ,of the individual ", a market economy, and the opposition to collectivism. A
  10. Dean Channel near Bella Cooley. His expedition theoretically established British, sovereignty ,inland, and a succession of other fur company explorers charted the maze of
  11. Of His divine nature. Most Arminians reconcile human free will with God's, sovereignty ,and foreknowledge by holding three points: * Human free will is limited by
  12. To the Pope. This would, according to opponents of repeal, amount to a loss of, sovereignty , Hilton, writing in The Spectator in 2003,defended the Act of Settlement as
  13. Act in 1854,which replaced the Missouri Compromise ban on slavery with popular, sovereignty , allowing the people of a territory to vote for or against slavery. The
  14. 1529),and then formally invited the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent to accept, sovereignty ,over the territory and to annex Algiers to the Ottoman Empire. Algiers from
  15. Out of a need to have" a plan of confederacy for securing the freedom, sovereignty , and independence of the United States. " After the war, nationalists
  16. Delegated to the confederation government,i.e." Each state retains its, sovereignty , freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction,and right, which is
  17. Carrying out the initial tasks for the defense of the territorial integrity and, sovereignty ,of the country. In case of a high intensity conflict the Land Forces, together
  18. Man has free will to respond or resist: Free will is limited by God's, sovereignty , but God's sovereignty allows all men the choice to accept the Gospel of Jesus
  19. Philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state in favor of individual, sovereignty ,in a free market. Economist Murray Rothbard is credited with coining the term.
  20. Of the Democratic convention, disagreeing with Douglas's position on popular, sovereignty , and ultimately selected John C. Breckinridge as their candidate. As Douglas
  21. Prize fight and drew crowds in the thousands. Lincoln stated Douglas's popular, sovereignty ,theory was a threat to the nation's morality and that Douglas represented a
  22. The British monarchy in addition to its Parliament, and established the, sovereignty ,of the new nation. The Declaration established the United States, which was
  23. For ratification in November 1777. There were long debates on such issues as, sovereignty , the exact powers to be given the confederal government, whether to have a
  24. Offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty , trade, or any other pretense whatever. " # Establishes freedom of movement –
  25. Yorktown in 1781. In 1783,the Treaty of Paris ended the war and recognized the, sovereignty ,of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by what is now Canada
  26. 1) That of the recognition of God's existence and of His absolute, sovereignty , eternity, unity,and in corporeality, as taught in revelation, especially in
  27. Occupied by Russia. Under the Treaty of Turkmenchay, Persia recognized Russian, sovereignty ,over the Driven Khanate, the Nakhchivan Khanate and the remainder of the
  28. As the Treaty of San Alfonso, signed in the same year, confirmed Portuguese, sovereignty ,over all lands proceeding from its territorial expansion, thus creating most of
  29. Still the constitution served Saxony until 1918. The King kept his exclusive, sovereignty ,but was bound by the Government Business to cooperate with the Ministers and
  30. The monks of Saint-Gilles, who had aided his enemies. He next fought for the, sovereignty ,of Provence against Raymond Banger III, and not till September 1125 did the
  31. And replaced with the flag of the United States to signify the transfer of, sovereignty ,from the Republic of Hawaii`i to the United States. *1914 – World War I: the
  32. Aiming at countering aggression and protect the territorial integrity and, sovereignty ,of the country. Experiments in developing small arms have been undertaken in
  33. Process was completed in March 1781. Under the Articles, the states retained, sovereignty ,over all governmental functions not specifically relinquished to the national
  34. Gulf Oil Company (CABG OC) from 1968 onwards. Ever since Portugal handed over, sovereignty ,of its former overseas province of Angola to the local independence groups (
  35. Montes Claros (17 June 1665),culminating in the final Spanish recognition of, sovereignty ,of Portugal's new ruling dynasty, the House of Organza, on 13 February 1668
  36. Another sphere of Russian-Armenian military cooperation. In the first years of, sovereignty ,when Armenia lacked a military educational establishment of its own, officers
  37. By Cross introduced the national flag and anthem as the symbols of Aruba's, sovereignty ,and independence, and he also set 1981 as a target for Aruba's independence.
  38. To respond or resist: Free will is limited by God's sovereignty , but God's, sovereignty ,allows all men the choice to accept the Gospel of Jesus through faith
  39. Government arrives in Beijing and draft a Seventeen Point Agreement for Chinese, sovereignty ,and Tibetan autonomy. *1953 – The first U. S. experimental 3D-TV broadcast
  40. The ability to accept God's call of salvation. * God purposely exercises his, sovereignty ,in ways that do not illustrate its extent – in other words, He has the power
  41. Along the Mosquito Coast. Except for the French acquisition of Tobago, sovereignty ,in the West Indies was returned to the status quo antebellum in the peace of
  42. Lincoln argued that the Founding Fathers had little use for popular, sovereignty ,and had repeatedly sought to restrict slavery. Lincoln insisted the moral
  43. The emperor who perceived the rising popularity of the Guru as a threat to his, sovereignty , In 1670,the emperor executed Guru Tech Broader, was triggered when soldiers
  44. Expertise. These juries formed a second mode for the expression of popular, sovereignty ,; as in the assembly, citizens acting as jurors acted as the people and were
  45. Of American exploration and the concomitant overlapping claims of territorial, sovereignty , especially in the southern Columbia basin (within present day Washington and
  46. Of Aragon by the signing of the first package which provided that Andorra's, sovereignty ,be shared between the count of Fix These are dissected by three narrow valleys
  47. Throne. Ahmed voluntarily led his nephew Mahmud I (1730–54) to the seat of, sovereignty ,and paid allegiance to him as Sultan of the Empire. He then retired to the
  48. Of this confederacy shall be" The United States of America. " # Asserts the, sovereignty ,of each state, except for the specific powers delegated to the confederation
  49. States to be interconnected in such a way, that they still keep their own, sovereignty ,; but the resulting compound also has state-character (Bundestag). In
  50. Presumed that the following verses referred to AED:129. Another king will take, sovereignty ,; small is the profit that he does not divide. Alas, for Scotland thenceforward.

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